
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 18, 2012

There are indeed some honest cops in the force

YOURSAY 'Our country will be cured of corruption and abuse of power only if clean people are brave enough to blow the whistles.'

Serving police officers offer to appear at tribunal

TakeMiddlepath: I just sense that something is not right. Clearly, the pressure is mounting and the tide is rising.

These honest retired and serving officers are willing to testify before the tribunal. It just shows that there are skeletons in the closet, especially when serving officers are willing to risk their neck in coming forward.

This is going to be as big as the former Lord President Salleh Abas case, if not bigger.

To the authorities, how about it? To the lawyers and those who know how to go about it, please do something. Doesn't it prick your conscience?

Cala: Is winning over voters' hearts more important to PM Najib Razak than the interests of the duo?

First, former CID (Criminal Investigation Department) chief Mat Zain Ibrahim - who was the investigating police officer in then DPM Anwar Ibrahim's black-eye incident - is no ordinary fellow.

He would be in deep trouble for accusing both ex-police chief Musa Hassan and attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail fabricated evidence if he could not back up his allegations.

Likewise, former CCID (Commercial Crimes Investigation Department) chief Ramli Yusof would be in hot soup if his allegation that both Musa and Gani protected Johor underworld kingpin Tengku Goh turns out to be false.

Now if more serving cops are coming forward with more incriminating evidence, no doubt they would add weight to the widely-held view that enforcement agencies have been decimated along with judicial system when Dr Mahathir Mohamad first sacked the nation's highest judge in 1988.

Will Najib act against the duo? If the interests of the duo meant more to Najib for whatever reason, one would expect Pakatan Rakyat to take up the issue by including it in its election manifesto.

Hopefully after winning the GE, a properly constituted tribunal will be formed to try the duo for their past misdeeds and whoever their cohorts were.

Lim Chong Leong: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, who is from Johor, should be investigated too because of his reluctance to open an investigation and his summary dismissal of the serious allegations, which makes him a prime suspect in the scandal.
Fairplayer: If Hishammuddin is an honest man, he would mobilise an investigating team to look for evidence. Instead he challenged the accusers to provide the evidence, as if he is trying to defend the accused duo.

If he really wants to clear the duo, and believe that they are innocent, he should support the setting up of a tribunal.

FLOM: Our country will be cured of corruption and abuse of power only if clean people are brave enough to blow the whistles.

If this Malaysiakini report is true, I see salvation for Malaysia. The corrupt will never be safe again.

Quigonbond: It is brave of Malaysiakini to report this. Information Minister Rais Yatim will probably send MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) to their offices soon, followed by Hishammuddin with his men in the police force.

We may have a make believe Whistleblower Protection Programme, but what we really need is immunity for journalists and developing a sacrosanct system of protecting informants for the journalists, not just the investigating arms of the government.

Sarawakian_3ff9: As many of us said before, there are still many honest officers in the police force.

Unfortunately, they had to go against the tide due to the fact that the very top echelon of the police was infested with corrupt officers like Musa and his cahoots.

And the fact is that these errant top brass were willing to go to the extent of ‘setting up' officers like Ramli and his men with false evidence to maintain their positions and protect the wrongdoers. We also know that they were in cahoots with top ruling Umno politicians too.

Let's wish these brave officers luck and let it be known that the rakyat will support them in their pursuit of justice for their fellow officers. A victory for them would certainly bring honour and confidence back to the force.

Swkdayaks: I hope when Najib, Umno and BN lose in this coming general election, all the honest, upright and good police officers as well as the army personnel will ensure that they vacate Putrajaya gracefully.

And if they resort to any violence or unlawful acts, to deal with them firmly and decisively but justly.

As of now, it looks like they would not want to withdraw gracefully if they lose because they think that Putrajaya is their birthright.

Anonymous: Everyone is waiting to see if the current federal government has the gumption to clear the mess.

Argonist: Am I glad to read these reports of former and present PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) officers willingness to appear before a tribunal to expose the heinous wrongdoing of their bosses and former bosses.

Perhaps some judges, past and present, may also be willing to step forward and tell Malaysians about the pressure from the establishment that they received in high-profile cases.

Abasir: Given their privileged access to 'classified' information, both Gani and Musa know a lot of the details surrounding the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu. That alone will deter Najib from doing the right thing.

Who knows where it will all lead to when the birds start singing? - Malaysiakini

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