
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 23, 2012


He will not because he does not have to. His term if it should end would be April of 2013. If he calls it this year, he will lose the election and the UMNO assembly will not be as kind to him as they were to Badawi. Empatise with him and you will see the wisdom of his choice. Of course over many nightly pillow talk he has been urged, “Program I pun tak habis!”
The 2M faction of course would be fuming. 2M? Yes Mukriz, for being told to just shut up and not to make a squeak except for an occasional tweet, has exhibited a total loss of appetite as the anointed of the patriarch. He is seen more in the company of his brother Mok than the Moo mob. That leaves Moo and Muk’s Pa carrying on the battle against Najib. Muk made this move because his Pa has labeled Moo as insipid and uninspiring. However, for face value Muk will never announce his distaste for his engineered role.
When the UMNO assembly is called at year end nobody will challenge Jib. That already is in the amended UMNO constitution, if you remember. There will be no battle royale except some skirmishes amongst the warlords who still want a piece of the kueh kodok. Of course there will be no battle between Muk and Khairy. The latter may even offer the youth chieftain sash on a platter if the former is still interested which he already sniffed at. Why is Khairy so accommodating? By then Khairy will be appointed Commander In Chief of RELA, more overpowering in numbers against the combined numerical strength of the combined armed forces. A retired Brig. Gen told me over breakfast to look at Tunisia and Libya and how the motley citizens untrained in modern weaponry made their point. Eventually Khairy will be Minister of Defence and bring Rela and the Armed Forces and if he feels like it, the Police, under his aegis. By then Khai’s time is ON…..and there is no one to challenge him. He may even tell Moo, step aside…..you did not help me how can I help you. This help me help you refrain brings us back to Najib.
So why won’t he call for GE? He knows BN will be history. His ragtag coalition is just what it is – an expired product organically corrupting, decaying and decomposing in that order. Come April 2013 he will engineer the dissolution of Parliament and he will make that sacrificial announcement:
“Upon the advisement of my wife, I will step down as Prime Minister of Malaysia, I will relinquish the Presidency of UMNO and Chair of Barisan Nasional. Go now and win the GE13 which I cannot with the likes of you all!
[In UMNO, if you step down when your time is up it is considered a sacrifice, no? Everybody praised Kak Izat, yes?]
He walks out of Parliament with Doctor Rosmah on his arms, both heads held high and there is immediate mayhem amongst the Backbenchers. Some will be signaling at Mat Sabu or stepping over each other to get his attention!
Somebody even volunteered that MATA would be reconvened for emergency travels in the lobby.
I forgot this important bit. Before he made his sacrificial announcement he referred to a sealed envelope he had distributed to all BN reps in Parliament. He asked them to open the envelope only when he exits Parliament. In the sealed envelope was a DVD with a note in his own personal hand: “You did not listen to me. I hope Charlie Chaplin can succeed. Good luck KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!
DANG! I need a quencher now!

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