
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A 'You help me, I help you' investigation?

YOURSAY 'How nice to have such a system in which A clears B, B clears A, and the MACC clears both A and B.'

Ex-IGP Musa: I was cleared

your sayJoker: Former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan, who cleared you?

Was it attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail? The same Abdul Gani who was accused of conspiring with you in covering up for an underworld kingpin?

And who cleared Abdul Gani? You did.

Isn't this the exact scenario that the two of you are being accused of now? It's a classic case of ‘you clear me, I clear you' investigations.

Fairgo: If other cops like Commercial Crimes Investigation Department (CCID) chief Ramli Yusuff have their day in court under a different regime, would the results be the same? Doubtful.

It is a frightening situation for Malaysia that cops can be robbers and get away with it. In this case, other good top cops are implicated for years and have to fight the system to be proven innocent.

It doesn't matter if you are Chinese, Malay or Indian. If you don't go with the flow of the corrupt, the system will take care of you. Frightening, isn't it?

T: Well, Musa was cleared by the AG and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in a hush-hush investigation. And both the AG and MACC were implicated in this case.

So far, only Ramli has been cleared by the courts. So who do we trust?

Up2U: Are our laws and procedures so flimsy and useless that the IGP and AG, both accused of a crime, can clear each another of that same crime?

You scratch my back and I scratch yours seems to be the norm for these very privileged, very senior officers. Such back-scratching appears to involve many top politicians.

Anak Bangsa Malaysia: Malaysia is governed by criminals together with the police force and the Home Ministry. The world is watching. Our image as an Islamic state is tarnished.

I demand Hasan Ali to fight such crimes that exist among Umno members. This is happening right under his nose, but he instead look at other things.

Timher: How nice to have such a system in this world's best democracy Malaysia, in which A clears B, B clears A, and MACC clears both A and B.

But ironically MACC can't even clear Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani who were found to have died under the most mysterious circumstances at MACC buildings.

And the best of all, Ah Jib Gor (brother Najib) clears his alleged involvement in the gruesome murder of a Mongolian interpreter just by taking an oath at a mosque.

Giudice: Musa said the allegations "are a tactic by those with an ulterior motive to create confusion".

What confusion? Who is supposed to be confused? Certainly not us Malaysians, if the comments here are anything to go by.

I truly find it difficult to understand why there are Malaysians who continue to vote for BN. Is it not clear enough that BN has run the country to the ground? What more proof does one need?

I can understand loyalty to a party but when the party clearly does not do what is right, then the loyalty must stop.

Voting for a party simply because you have done so many times before is plain idiotic. Parties change. People change. Ideologies change. The ultimate loyalty is to the country.

If we want this country to recover, each of us must vote in a new government. If we continue to vote for BN, we deserve the government, civil service, police force, etc, that we get.

Cherry Bun: We often hear silly and unconvincing statements from those in power. The latest being ex-IGP Musa who said he had been cleared of his involvement with Johor kingpin Tengku Goh.

A lot of reactions said that Malaysians are not stupid to believe what he has said. Good, if Malaysians are not stupid, they should not vote BN in the next election. I look forward to seeing Malaysians prove they are not stupid.

No4beend: Musa said, "If there is new evidence, why didn't they raise it at that time, but only show it after so long?"

How could one raise it earlier as you were the IGP then and known to be a crooked one too? All complaints against you not only would be suppressed, but the complainants would meet the same fate as Ramli.

Weren't you the one who carried the mattresses around in Anwar 'sodomy' case that allegedly took place at a Tivoli Villa, when at that time Tivoli Villa did not even exist?

Swkdayak: It's high time for Najib to set up a RCI (royal commission of inquiry) on this matter. Get all the relevant parties and witnesses to give their side of the story.

But Najib will have no guts to do so. So let us all vote for Pakatan Rakyat in this coming general election so that their alternative government can set up the RCI to uncover the whole truth on this affair.

Anonymous_3e8f: Musa, the rakyat must clear you and for that it must come from an independent body, not those who throw bodies out of the 14th floor window, or the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) who will mercilessly fire tear gas and chemical-laced water at the innocent rakyat.

Make Sense: Musa, the court may have cleared you, but the public has not. - Malaysiakini

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