
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You Tube exchanges erupts

The You Tube response by the alleged fugitive lawyer, Kamal Hisham Jaafar here invited a fresh swift response by the lawyer of Southern Ad Sdn Bhd, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu today.

Kamal Hisham's You Tube response was posted on March 3rd, 2012.

Baljit responded with a You Tube video to claim Kamal's video response as drama and lies. See the video below:

Kamal's first you-tube response posted below is below:

It received wide coverage in the mainstream newspaper. Below by Bernama:

KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 (Bernama) -- Lawyer Kamal Hisham Jaafar, who had allegedly embezzled RM660,000 from Johor-based company Southern Ads Sdn Bhd, wants to return to Malaysia if the authorities can guarantee his safety.

He said he could not return immediately to answer the allegations for fear of his safety after receiving five death threats since last year.

Kamal Hisham, who is also the company's director, is now in Dubai and requests for help from the government, Royal Malaysia Police and Home Ministry to help ensure his safety.

"I want to come back as soon as possible to give my statement to the police and clear my name, but with the condition that I will be safe.

"If I cannot go back to Malaysia, I am ready to go to Thailand to provide a statement. I can also give a statement at the Malaysian Embassy in Dubai so this matter can be resolved quickly," he told Bernama when contacted in Dubai today.

However, Kamal Hisham, 42, declined to reveal details on the death threats he received.

Last Tuesday, the company's lawyer, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu, urged Kamal Hisham to return and prove his innocence in the case.

"I was supposed to come back to Malaysia yesterday to give a statement as a witness, but how can I do so after I received more than one death threat... I really miss my family," said Kamal Hisham.

Consequently, Kamal Hisham has uploaded a video on YouTube claiming that he is being hunted by someone from Malaysia who was paid to kill him.

The 10-minute video titled "Rayuan Seorang Peguam" (Plea of a Lawyer) shows Kamal Hisham talking about his difficulty in returning home.

"I am worried, scared and stressed out because this involves my safety and life as well as my family," he said in the video clip.

Kamal Hisham left Malaysia in April 2011 after reports against him were made by the company on March 31, claiming there were criminal elements in the way he managed the company.
Baljit and Southern Ad's press conference earlier was uploaded as a two video You Tube posting on February 28th 2012, below:

That press conference was in response to a press conference by Kamal Hisham's lawyer, Dato Jaharbedeen on January 31st, 2012 to deny Kamal Hisham is missing but can be contactable:

Our You Tube surfing for Kamal Hisham came across this You Tube below of countersuit of RM100 million by photographer cum contractor, Mohamad Ali against Kamal Hisham given coverage by TV3 on March 31, 2011.

It revealed Hisham as a former lawyer to the Almarhum Sultan Ismail of Johor.

Who is the "kerabat" and "pembesar" mentioned in Kamal Hisham's You Tube appearance? Is he being prevented from carrying out his role as lawyer to his client? Or it is a cover-up for various offenses committed and lawsuits faced by Kamal Hisham?

Stay tune for upcoming episode/s. As famous Betty Davis's movie says it, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

- Another Brick in the Wall

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