
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 11, 2012

Anwar's flight diverted: Talk of defection by Sabah leaders to PKR fizzle out - FOR NOW?

Anwar's flight diverted: Talk of defection by Sabah leaders to PKR fizzle out - FOR NOW?
Speculation that six Sabahan leaders would be defecting to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's PKR party fizzled, although the former deputy prime minister confirmed he did meet some of those widely expected to make the switch.
"If all those rumours had gone though and I wish to stress the word 'rumours', it would have been big trouble for BN," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle. He declined to give further details.
With the stake so large, enemies abound
Indeed, PKR faces enemies aplenty in the East Malaysian state, not only from Prime Minister Najib Razak's BN coalition but also from former members who have since started their own parties such as Jeffrey Kitingan, who is now the president of the newly-formed Star party.
A switch by Saban leaders out of the decaying BN as East Malaysians ratchet up their demands for change would deal a blow to Najib's chances in the coming 13th general election. It would indeed set the stage for Malaysia's first regime change in 55 years.
Not surprisingly, BN has set up many 'spoiler' parties to split Sabahan votes so as to dilute the challenge from the Pakatan Rakyat opposition, consisting of PKR, DAP and PAS.
On Sunday, the whole country was abuzz with speculations that PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would be revealing the identity of the six leaders at a press conference after a news portal carried the story about the expected defection.
Among those touted to leave BN for PKR were UPKO deputy president and Tuaran Member of Parliament Wilfred M Bumburing, UPKO vice-president Senator Maijol Mahap, former Sabah Chief Minister Osu Sukam, former Banggi assemblyman Amir Kahar Mustapha and former federal minister Kasitah Gaddam.
Yes, we met
But Anwar came, officiated at a public forum entitled ‘Citizen Rights- Constitutional and Religious Perspective’ and gave a press conference without any major announcement. He later attended PKR Sabah’s fund-raising dinner.
According to the Borneo Post, when asked during the press conference if there was any communications with those individuals, the Opposition Leader replied, “of course we have communications with many people. We meet so many individuals from time to time, including some of those people who are mentioned. That’s it.”
When asked if he can confirm the news articles about the Sabahan leaders switching alliance, he said that he did not make that statement.
He was also asked if he expects Bumburing to join PKR, Anwar replied: “That you should ask him”.
Flight diverted to Labuan
According to Anwar, he was supposed to attend a function in Kota Belud which he and Bumburing had been invited to.
“However, I had to cancel my trip to Kota Belud because my flight which was scheduled to arrive in Kota Kinabalu at 1pm, had to be diverted to Labuan and was delayed for two and a half hours.
“I was invited together with him (Bumburing) but I was not able to make it.  I was supposed to make it there (Kota Belud) by 3pm but because of the rain I arrived (in Kota Kinabalu) about 5pm,” he said.
On the changes which he had said would be coming from Sabah, Anwar said that the state had seen greater sort of awareness and people were becoming more critical.
Malaysia Chronicle

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