
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 17, 2012



IT is still fresh in the memories of many living Sabahans in the Interior that the unveiling ceremony of The Constitution Memorial Oath Stone (Keningau Batu Sumpah) within the compound of former Keningau District Office, on Sept 16th,1964 was officiated by the Federal Minister of Labour V Manickavasagam and witnessed by the State’s First Chief Minister Donald Stephens, President of United Kadazan Organisation (UNKO), OKK Sundang Gunsanad together with other Community leaders and traditional Native Chiefs hailing from every nook and corner of the Interior Residency which engross an area of 18,298 km2 (Beaufort, Nabawan, Keningau, Kuala Penyu, Sipitang, Tenom and Tambunan)

A traditional priest known as 'Babalian' was engaged to conduct a spiritual ritual at the site involving an animal sacrifice to bind the guarantees set in the stone, base on the Muruts communal belief.
The Megalithic Stone Monument is still intact until today, with it plaque and inscriptions in Malay Language used during the era of pre-1972 Spelling Reform and the translation reads “Point One - Freedom of Religion in Sabah; Point Two - The Government of Sabah Holds Authority over Land in Sabah and Point Three - Native Customs and Tradition Will Be Respected and Upheld by the Government. In return the People of Sabah’s Interior pledges Loyalty to the Government of Malaysia.”

The Keningau Oath Stone was specially erected based on the initiative made by the North Borneo Legislative Council’s Opposition Leader OKK G.S Sundang, the President of The United Pasok Nunukragang National Organisation, for the specific purpose of commemorating the terms in which the former British Crown Colony of North Borneo had joined hands with former Colony of Sarawak and other states of the Federation of Malaya to form a new Nation known as 'Malaysia' or “to erect an Oath Stone summarizing the guarantees given by the Malaysian Government to Sabah, while reiterating the loyalty of the people of the Interior.“

Former Berjaya Assemblyman for Bingkor Datuk Ayub Aman (picture), who has some knowledge of the chronology leading to the birth of the 20 Points, was quoted as saying in a recent interview, “The late OKK Sedomon Gunsanad had discussed a couple of proposal with Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister Late Tun Abdul Razak’s, during his maiden and sojourn to the historical Rumah Besar (Big House) located in Bingkor about 10 km from Keningau way back in 1962.

Razak had brought the message for the people of Sabah (then North Borneo) of the prospects and potential in store for them if Sabah joined Malaysia. The event was hosted by Sedomon in the presence of about 5,000 people coming from many districts within the Interior.

OKK Sedomon Gunsanad, the Chieftain for the Interior Residency at that time, had earlier thought of a plan to achieve self – government status quo, prior to joining Malaysia, the concept which later turned out to be a reality, thus leaving him with the choice of supporting the prospective idea of incepting a new country, ON CONDITION that the right of the people particularly the Natives must be protected or safeguarded.

The inscriptions of the Oath Stone (Batu Sumpah) constituted Sedomon’s vision, identical to those being discussed at the Rumah Besar appended as follows :-

Firstly, the Natives in the Interior must be given the Liberty to determine their social belief in other words the Choice on Freedom of Religion is an individual right.

Secondly, the Rights of Sabahans to participate in the aspect of socio-economic prospects in the State e.g Jobs and Business opportunities etc must be protected, thereby brush aside worries that the influx of educated people from the Peninsular would gradually deprive Sabahans of such economic prospects.

Thirdly, the ownership of Land within the State.

During the brief historic meeting, Razak gave his thumb up with a 'Green Light and a Positive Nod' to Sedomon’s Three Conditions right on the spot at the balcony of the Rumah Besar. He said “If that is the case, People from the Peninsular would require a Passport to enter Sabah.“

Sedomon was optimistic that the conditions which he had forwarded and discussed with Razak, would only need an official endorsement from Tengku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the First Prime Minister of Malaysia cum The Father of the Nation’s Independence, as the final step before Sabah could be declared as part of the Federation of Malaysia officially.

Upon sensing these possible angles OKK Sedomon Gunsanad was even more confident, thus prompting him to convince his younger brother OKK Datuk G.S Sundang to support the Concept of the Malaysia Incorporation instead of objecting the idea stiffly.

It could not therefore be disputed that three of the initiatives which were later incorporated as part of the 20 Points of the 1963 Malaysia Agreement – Namely Point 1 - The Freedom of Religion, Point 6 - Immigration and Point 20 – Land, Forest, Local Government etc. in the descending order of the agreement in question, was mooted by OKK Sedomon Gunsanad.

His roles along with the others during the pre-independence days should have been clearly defined in the chapter of our State’s political history.

Subsequently, both brothers Sedomon and Sundang were invited to Peninsular to see for themselves, the success and the effectiveness of the Alliance Administration, which worked based on the Concept of the Power Sharing Formula led by the majority Malays in UMNO, to work hands in hands together with the Chinese and Indians leaders in MCA and MIC respectively, to further convince these Sabahan leaders with the impressions that the Malays did not control everything despite their numbers in the alliance.

The fact is similar administrative political system was introduced by late Tun Razak Hussein, upon taking over the roles as the Nation’s second Premier from Tengku. The Power Sharing Concept has since been used by the current BN Government with outstanding results, to run the country since the dawn of Independence. There goes the narration as told by Ayub.

It is worth recollecting that during the era of USNO led Alliance State Administration, the voice of doubt to question the status quo of the 20 Points Malaysia Agreement was never heard of, thereby giving us the impression that there was no doubt, a co-existence of harmonious State – Federal relationships at that time.

Over the years, it is just natural that the political maturity of our new generation in the Interior begun to look back or trace the roots of the State’s political history to get some answers to their curiosity on matters related to the 20 Points which was an integral part and parcel of the foundation leading to the creation of the nation called 'Malaysia'.

Perhaps, it may not be wrong for us to assume that controversies over the issues was beginning to be heard at the height of PBS State Administration in mid-80s especially when it opted to stay put outside the Coalition Front and aligned with Opposition Semangat 46 led by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in early 90s. Since then, the frequencies that speak volume about this specific issue has continued to this days.

Lately, the issue has been raised quite a number of time by both Opposition and the Ruling Reps turning it into a popular headlines both in the press media and online news portal.

The State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said raffled the feathers when he said “20 Points no longer valid“, giving the reasons that it is already part of the Malaysian Constitution, which drew instant reaction from BN-MP for Kota Marudu Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Ongkili slamming Salleh that the 20 Points Malaysia Agreement is “forever valid”.

Someone even thought of an idea to turn the issue into something more attractive and interesting as speculation of the 13th GE is rife via bringing it to stage for a public debate.

The Yayasan Islam Sabah Secretary General, OKK Yahya Ahmad Shah who tipped such a challenged to Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Ongkili and Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Lajim Ukim for a battle of the wits on the 20 points is another interesting example (Borneo Post May 30th , 2012)

The 20 Points Malaysia Agreement involved legal matters perhaps the common people who may need someone with the legal expertise to make them fully understand what the debaters raise in the event the debate takes place.

Recently, the State former Archives Director Datuk Datu Tiga Belas Datu Zainal Abidin raised another controversies when he made statement which reads “It should be clarified that the 'Twenty Points' document was just a memorandum of conditions and not an actual agreement that was signed during the formation of Malaysia (The Malaysia Today Tuesday 12th June, 2012)

The erection of the Oath Stone in question has a special purpose to serve. To say that the 20 Points are no longer valid is liken to add salt to an injury, so to speak and appears as an insult to the Soul and Spirit of those who had vested hard effort to turn their Visions and Missions into reality.

Generally, the inscription of the Three Points on the Keningau Oath Stone which formed part of 20 Points 1963 Malaysia Agreement is a symbolic and authentic source of material testimony and reference, for the people of all ages to understand the primary objectives of its erection despite its simplicity.

Let it be there in its physical status quo for two purposes :-

Firstly, to mark symbolically the unity of the local indigenous, who had rallied behind our past leaders including OKK Sedomon Gunsanad and his brother Datuk G.S Sundang in the Interior Residency, to render solid and full support for the creation of a new nation known as Malaysia, following Razak‘s fruitful mission and sojourn to the Rumah Besar in meeting with several community leaders and people from all walks of life hailing from every nook and corner of the hinterland about five decades ago.

Secondly, the Oath Stone is a historic monument located in Keningau town, which has benefited a quantum of rapid socio-economic development in the Interior under UMNO led BN State Administration led by CM Datuk Seri Musa Aman, for our present and future One Malaysia Generation in the country to see, visit, photograph or film until the end of time. - Sabahkini


  1. 20 Perkara harus diperjuangkan oleh pemimpin Sabah hingga semuanya dipenuhi.

  2. Inilah sejarah 20 perkara yang kita perlu tahu. Batu ini tercatat persetujuan 20 perkara Sabah Malaysia.

  3. Betul apa yang kamu katakan itu. Selagi Sabah bersama dengan Malaysia maka selagi itulah perjanjian 20 perkara ini akan terus kekal sampai bila-bila.

  4. So many speculations regarding the status of 20 Points. Whether is it valid or not, the spirit will never fade.

  5. balik2 la keluar isu 20 perkara dan batu sumpah.. isu ni kalau dijelaskan berkali2 pun, tetap juga ada pihak yang tidak setuju.. kalau betul mahu jadi hero, bawa la terus ke mahkamah antarabangsa.. bukan setakat main2kan dimedia..


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