
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 22, 2012

Does Perkasa want 1Malaysia or 1Malay-sia?

YOURSAY ‘What good is it if we talk of 1Malaysia and the constitution unless we have read the constitution?'

'Perkasa and 1Malaysia don't contradict each other'

your saySadirah: When you look through the lens of race everything looks the same - 1Malaysia and Perkasa. However, 1Malaysia is more than being about one race. It is about being Malaysian and this is quite different from what Perkasa is championing. The same can be said for Hindraf and Dong Zong.

The sad state of affairs relates to a leadership that promotes 1Malaysia while being imprisoned within ethnic boundaries and views. We must be Malaysian first and consider doing right by all Malaysians. This is not the emphasis of Perkasa and in this context there is a great difference between the two.

Ksn: What about conducting the funeral for a man who is alive, kicking and contributing to nation-building, Indian-style right in front of his residence? Is that the 1Malaysia that Perkasa is championing? Is that provided for in our constitution?

What about the antics of Perkasa against Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan? Is that what Perkasa is fighting for - 1Malaysia? Who needs enemies for Najib Abdul Razak and Umno Baru when they have allies like Perkasa?

By the way, which constitution are you talking about? Is it Malaysia's? I was under the distinct impression that we have enough comedians among us - in Perkasa, in Umno Baru, former Selangor exco member Hasan Ali, the RM100 billion man, etc!

YHJ: Why do you think the Malays are so threatened that Perkasa has to be formed? Aren't all the top posts in the government held by Malays and the policies are all favouring the bumiputeras? Why can't you look at the overall picture and work for the greater good of the nation and not be so neurotic about the race issue?

But then, politics in Malaysia is so race-based, indeed many policies are actually apartheid in essence. Politicians, especially those in power now, won't like it if the people unite as Malaysians.

It seems that some people just want to be perceived as heroes championing their cause, real or imagined (mostly imagined). Such mischievous politicians must be exposed for what they are!

Anonymous #60197595: Proper NGOs are not owned by a person, but are non-partisan organisations organised around a principle. It's interesting to note that the language of 'owning' an NGO is clearly used around him - it is another example of the patronage model that bedevils Malaysian politics.

Also, Armand Azha Abu Hanifah complains about being blocked by Anwar Ibrahim, etc. In a democracy, everyone should be allowed freedom of speech, but it doesn't mean anyone has to listen to them.

Swipenter: Where in the constitution do we find the ‘Ketuanan Melayu' doctrine or even the ‘social contract' written into it, or this is only your interpretation and nothing else? 1Malaysia or 1Malay-sia only. Pick your choice.

Chee Hoe Siew: Of course there is no contradiction. The government's and Perkasa's vision are the same. 1-kaum Malaysia.

ABK: What good is it if we talk of 1Malaysia and the constitution unless we have read the constitution? Anyway we are denied that right to know or to read it by your so called leader Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

What rights would you fight for when the country's defence secrets have been sold for personal gain and all Malay rights champions have not said a word?

Take your cause to the rural folk who can`t read and the Malays who need privileges and quotas to lead comfortable lives. Begging is haram. When will you lead the Malays to be self-reliant and respected? An NGO for self-gain - it is written all over your face.

Kairos: There is nothing wrong with Perkasa championing what is constitutional. I take it that Armand is referring to Malay rights. Nobody in their right mind would go against that.

But championing Malay rights does not give Perkasa the liberty to cast a slur on other religions, spread ridiculous lies and spin out unbelievable tales of aggressive Christanising of the Muslims to the extent of invading the mosques!

Nor does defending the constitution mean Perkasa can hold mock funerals in front of people's houses and insult other cultures by handing out white angpows during CNY.

Taking it one step further, defending the constitution certainly does not justify trying to stir up Islamic frenzy through the so called million people Himpun rally. Fortunately, it fizzled out to a mere whimper.

All that Perkasa has achieved so far is that it has alienated itself from the mainstream of moderate Malaysia and made a fool of itself in the eyes of the rakyat.

Dood: Perkasa and 1Malaysia don't contradict each other? Great! That's because they're both bad words in my book.

Anonymous_3f6d: Bet he can't even spell the word "constitution". - Malaysiakini

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