
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Free-falling Umno so desperate it can't win GE-13 without the illegals

Free-falling Umno so desperate it can't win GE-13 without the illegals
RCI (Royal Commission of Inquiry) is the only way to clean up the whole mess with the illegals and the recruitment of foreign-born citizens (FBCs) for votes throughout the country. Has Malaysia become a famed international haven for Illegal Immigrants?  Some developed countries bring in rich foreigners into their countries for some economic reasons such as to set up businesses that could create thousands of jobs for their people.
But Malaysia seems to be in the glare of publicity for the wrong reason. Firstly, there are thousands of illegals roaming the country – some grabbing jobs meant for the locals as they can be paid cheaper and at times conned. Secondly, it has been alleged that questionable FBCs and illegals are being nippily absorbed as citizens to help UMNO win elections.
This formula has backfired in some states. BN (Barisan Nasional) in Sabah is now split. It has been reported that FBCs and illegals are now taking over almost every opportunity that is meant for the locals as the bona fide citizens, such as jobs and healthcare benefits. Many are holding political posts in the state under the guise of locals.
A reverse takeover
Thus most politicians in Sabah are disappointed not for any trifling reason but realise that there would soon be a reverse takeover of the state by these foreigners – possibly with the help of neighbouring countries.
They are concerned with the sudden increase in the state’s population. They feel that there had been an abuse of political clout that has attributed to its population currently standing at about 3.3 million based on 2010 census, when the population of Sabah was a mere 650,000 in 1970.
There had been an increase of over 400 percent during the period, well above the national average. Such a huge increase within a short period of time is mindboggling to the demographers.
Going by standard statistical extrapolation, the population growth of Sabah should only be approximately less than 1.3 million.
As also being reported, according to the 2010 census 2,330,779 non-Malaysians in the country are in Sabah – the largest group of people in the state.  Twenty-five percent of Sabahans are illegals and the present 3.3 million population of Sabah is also shady.
The rightful people of Sabah are questioning as to why there has been a sudden population increase in the state. There are thus accusations that many FBCs are now holding Malaysian MyKad and are able to vote in elections.
Affecting other states
There are allegations that FBCs have long been eligible to vote. The people of Sabah are thus rightfully demanding for a RCI for their state.  This problem of FBCs and illegals is not only confined to Sabah. It has also affected other states the country as well.
An increase of over 300 000 new voters in Selangor since the last general election (2008) is raising eyebrows among the locals. They are wondering how the increase could be so huge and sudden within a period of less than 5 years.
“To clear the air there must a RCI not only in Sabah and Selangor but the whole nation. Only a RCI on this issue can establish the truth,” said a Selangor resident in Shah Alam.  “If the allegations are true, this is treacherous,” he added.
It has been alleged that many of these FBCs are registered with complete house addresses and some with addresses of the locals.  Many could be illegal squatters too.
Not long after the infamous 13 May incident, there was notably an influx of FBCs especially from the neighbouring countries and many acquired PR (Permanent Resident Status) and citizenship with considerable ease.
And now there are allegations that Project IC in Peninsular Malaysia has been fast tracked when the leaders in UMNO feel that their ability to maintain their despotic position is threatened. “This is a perfidious act. High treason to the country,” quipped a Selangor voter in Shah Alam.
Clean up the electoral roll
As the 13th general election is looming most Malaysians are not pleased with the electoral roll in the country. For this reason, one of Bersih’s requests is for the EC (Election Commission) to clean up the electoral roll before the next election.
“With all these allegations against the government the people cannot but start believing that the electoral roll is full of discrepancies and filled with many FBC voters,” observed a party worker in Selangor.
When bona-fide Malaysians are experiencing hardship in getting MyKads, FBCs are allegedly been given easy citizenship or PR status. This is another issue that is disturbing the locals and will likely cost BN votes in the next general election.
“When many FBCs have become Malaysian citizens just after a few years of stay in this country those who have lived in this country for decades are not accorded citizenship,” said a 76-year-old former plantation worker in Shah Alam. “There are still thousands in this category still without MyKad,” he added.
Those responsible for this vile act of granting instant citizenship to FNCs are actually helping to undermine the nation’s security. Economically many locals have been deprived of jobs and businesses by these foreigners. Being too lax with them has also destabilised efforts to help the locals economically.
The wet market and some strategic business areas in some towns are apparently dominated by FBCs and illegals. In some cases these foreigners operate businesses under licences given to the locals. Licences are ‘sold’ to the foreigners for short-term gains and this has routed government’s policy of helping many locals to venture into business.
A sinister political motive
The government has been accused of registering FBCs as voters to remain in power. The FBCs must then be so privileged that they are on a fast track to attain citizenship. “There must be a sinister political motive by UMNO to this whole process,” said a political observer.   “Is their aim here to work out a skewed ratio between Muslim and non-Muslim population in the country for their political survival?” he asked.
This must be a short-term political measure.  Politicians have failed to realise that this will only bring about to more social and economic problems in the country in the long-run. “It is when the nation’s wealth becomes less to be shared by the people there will be discontentment among the locals. And this will lead to social disorder and bitterness between the locals and FBCs,” said the political observer.
Politicians fail to understand that even with more Muslims than non-Muslims in the country the sum is not going to favour the ruling government.  A race is inherently split. Even when it comes to religion people are split due to intra-religious differences and interpretations of their faith.  For instance between PAS and UMNO – both Malay-Muslim dominated parties – it seems like ‘never the twain shall meet’.
Looking into the scenario in most Muslim countries the people have been split into many political parties and creeds and this has led to internal strife and power struggle among them.
Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan and so forth are countries with almost 100 percent Muslim population and yet they are not united under a single political party despite professing a common religion. They are characteristically fragmented. The same phenomenon can be seen in Malaysia. The Muslims are politically driven into UMNO, PAS and PKR. It’s just a reality in politics.
Non-Muslim votes play a crucial role
In the case of Malaysia, at times in the past the kingmakers in the general elections were the non-Muslims – the 1999 general election that gave victory to BN, for instance. Why then all the efforts to deliberately increase the Muslim population through some dubious means?
A 70 percent Muslim voters does not mean that UMNO will get 70 percent Muslim votes.
The most they could harvest is not more than 40 percent with 60 percent going to PAS, PKR and other non-Malay based parties. This is when non-Muslim votes will play a crucial role.
RCI is now the best solution for the country to weed out FBCs who are on the electoral list. The RCI must also look into the problems of illegals in the country. If Project IC could happen in Sabah it can also happen in other states especially the states BN has lost to the Pakatan pact in the last general election.
Only through a RCI can the people establish the truth in all these allegations against the government. The locals do not wish politicians to sell the county just to preserve some self-seeking politicians who are greedy for power.
Bersih is asking for fair and free elections in the country and is also in quest of a clean electoral roll. But the ultimate power seems to be with the EC which is under the prime minister’s department. The EC in the country cannot be considered as a neutral body, as such. The people thus are pushing for a complete overhaul of the EC to restore confidence in the electoral system.
The people have the impression that the EC is not serious in cleaning up the electoral roll.
The NRD (National Registration Department) too needs to be scrutinised to get rid of the dodgy components within the organisation. “Only incessant political pressure from the Opposition and the people could see changes in the politically tainted EC and NRD,” alleged an Opposition lawmaker.
“The alleged issuance of MyKad must be brought to public scrutiny as the registration of illegals as voters is alike the legalisation of illegals,” he said.
“Cleaning up of the electoral roll alone is not enough. Those who have become citizens through dubious means should be barred from voting. Their citizenship annulled and they expelled from the country,” said a young graduate attached to a private firm in Shah Alam.
Citizenship for sale
Giving citizenship to undeserved foreigners, as alleged, is a serious crime and a serious threat to national security. Other Malaysian states could soon be like Sabah. For this reason there must a RCI for the whole nation, not Sabah alone.
Are some politicians so desperate that they have citizenship for sale to maintain their political power? And they have the cheek to claim that they have to do this in the name of religion, race and country. Have the loyalty of these FBCs been tested and found to be more than the loyalty shown by the locals and those non-Muslim locals who have helped developed this nation?
The government cannot drag its feet or conveniently escape from having a RCI to convince the people of the real situation in the country.
Not only the Opposition but also the majority of locals and those within BN are accusing the UMNO-led government of having a ‘secret mechanism’ to increase their votes in the next general election.
Is the UMNO-led government not aware of the serious threats of the illegals and how grave the situation is for the country in the long-run?  Could there be a reverse takeover of the country when there is no mechanism to stop their free inflow into the country?
RCI is now the only way to clean up the whole mess with the illegals in the whole country. UMNO-led government should not be evasive when it comes to this crucial issue facing the nation.
Malaysia Chronicle


  1. GE should not be held till the illegal immigrant issue is solved. This is to ensure a clean and fair election.

  2. UMNO does not need to depend on illegals to win the election. The people have witnessed the positive progress in Malaysia in their own eyes. It is the opposition that brainwashed the people in thinking that the government is not good. One thing for sure, i'm glad that Malaysia is not like Africa.

  3. SPR kini dalam usaha memastikan tidak wujud lagi pengundi hantu, senarai daftar pemilih kini dalam usaha untuk dibersihkan.

    1. Semua syor dalam PSC patut dilaksanakan bbagi memastikan PRU kali ni berjalan dengan bersih dan adil.

  4. Bn akan membuktikan yang mana parti itu akan dapat menang dengan jayanya nanti pada PRU13 akan datang.

    1. Jika semua pemimpin BN bersatu hati, tidak mustahil BN akan menang lagi paa PRU ini.

  5. Harap SPR akan dapat menyelesaikan isu pengundi hantu sebelum PRU bermula.

  6. True winning is when you play it with fairness.

  7. kalaupun BN menang tanpa bantuan PATI, pembangkang tetap akan mempertikaikan kemenangan itu dengan mengaitkan PATI..


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