
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Musa Aman – UBS AG Bank Faces Criminal Complaint In Switzerland EXCLUSIVE!

UBS AG Bank is drawn into Musa's mess
A complaint under Swiss criminal law has been lodged by lawyers against UBS AG bank.
It follows our devastating revelations about the bank’s involvement in the channelling of nearly a hundred million dollars of timber kickback money, linked to the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman.
We have demonstrated how the Hong Kong branch of UBS AG and its former ‘wealth management advisor’, Denis Chua, were involved managing every stage of an elaborate series of ‘layered’ accounts, which funnelled money from timber tycoons through a series of nominees, coordinated by Musa’s known “middleman” Chia Tien Foh (Michael Chia).
Yesterday, we showed how statements from UBS AG itself confirmed that money had been regularly drawn from a number of this web of accounts to meet the expenses of Musa’s two sons who were studying in Australia.  Some of these accounts were held in the name of Michael Chia himself and yet Musa has gone on the record claiming “I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia”.
Spotlight on UBS AG
The development turns the spotlight firmly onto Switzerland’s largest bank.
Assisting money-laundering is a criminal offence under Swiss law and it is also specifically contrary to the path-leading Wolfsberg Principles of which UBS AG was a proud founding signatory.  The Wolfsberg Anti-Money Laundering Principles for Private Banking were drawn up in Switzerland in 2000 under the auspices of Transparency International and UBS was one of eleven global banks who signed up to them.
The Wolfsberg Group website states:
“In early 2007, the Wolfsberg Group issued its Statement against Corruption, in close association with Transparency International and the Basel Institute on Governance…..Shortly thereafter, the Wolfsberg Group and The Clearing House Association LLC issued a statement endorsing measures to enhance the transparency of international wire transfers to promote the effectiveness of global anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing programmes”.
Musa's work - Monga Bay website photos of steep hillsides destroyed by Sabah logging
Sarawak Report now has in its possession evidence of numerous such international wire transfers relating to Musa Aman and his associates, which formed part of a Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission enquiry in 2008.
That enquiry recommended 40 charges be brought against Sabah’s Chief Minister for accepting tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks for issuing logging licences to timber cronies.
Many of these concessions were awarded in previously protected Reserve Forest regions and in areas marked out for international protection under the Heart of Borneo Treaty.
Others were on steep hillsides after contour maps had been deliberately distorted in the Forestry Department records, so that logging could be ‘legally’ permitted.
However, despite the evidence, the Attorney General, Abdul Gani Patail, Musa’s relative and political ally, has refused to allow the prosecution to go ahead.
The question now is why UBS AG, after all the information surrounding this case has failed to investigate or take action against possible money laundering through accounts linked to politically exposed persons in Sabah?
Basle connection
Wealth creation? Not for the vast majority of Sarawak's indigenous peoples, who remain among the poorest in Malaysia
The complaint against UBS has been launched from the same Swiss City where the Wolfsberg Principles against international money-laundering were established.
The Swiss lawyer and compliance expert Monika Roth has launched the complaint to the public prosecutor on behalf of the Sarawak environmental and human rights NGO, the Bruno Manser Fund, which is also based in Basle.
The NGO believes the likelihood is that the bank will soon face criminal proceedings as a result:
“The Bruno Manser Fund accuses UBS of having breached its due diligence duties as defined by the Swiss Criminal Code and calls on Swiss authorities to take criminal action against UBS and those responsible for the bank’s relationship with Musa Aman. The Malaysian politician has been Chief Minister of Sabah since 2003 and is the brother of Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, Anifah Aman. He is being accused of having laundered over USD 90 million of corruption proceeds through a number of bank accounts with UBS in Hong Kong and Zurich. In April 2012, the Swiss Federal Office of Justice confirmed that Switzerland has given legal assistance to Hong Kong authorities over Musa’s ties with UBS”.
The NGO goes on to say that it has handed in numerous documents as evidence to the Zurich Public Prosecutor’s Office, which prove that Michael Chia, a close associate of the Sabah Chief Minister, organized large cash payments from timber companies with logging interests in Sabah to UBS bank accounts in Hong Kong.
It goes on to say that “from the same accounts, payments have been made to Musa Aman’s sons in Australia and to Mohd Daud Tampokong, a senior forestry official from Sabah”.
Beginning not the end of the affair
Musa Aman may have hoped that his denials and the assistance of his ally and relative Abdul Gani Patail could silence the investigation by Malaysia’s own corruption authorities.  However, now that the matter has been internationalised it looks likely that we have seen only the beginning of this affair.
The ball is now in the court of UBS AG, which has already indicated its concerns over the public perceptions resulting from this murky matter. - Sarawak Report


  1. setahu saya, pemimpin yang paling banyak korbankan hutan di Sabah ialah Yong Teck Lee.. hasil daripada pentadbiran Yong Teck Lee, kerajaan negeri pimpinan Musa Aman terpaksa bertungkus lumus melaksanakan program2 pemuliharaan hutan.. dan hasilnya, hari ini pentadbiran Musa Aman diperakui di seluruh dunia sebagai sebuah pentadbiran yang berkesan dalam pemuliharaan hutan..

    1. compared Musa with YTL, Musa has done a great deal of job to develop sabah's economy. Musa prioritize in preserving the nature. ALl sort of programs were implemented by the cm for this purpose.

    2. kalau begitu, sepatutnya YTL juga perlu disiasat dalam isu hutan/pembalakan.

  2. ya.. Musa seorang yang begitu sayangkan alam sekitar, beliau adalah ketua menteri yang menghentikan pembalakan di Ulu Segama Malua dan Maliau Basin serta mewujudkan hutan penampan untuk melindungi Lembah Danum daripada pembalakan, perlombongan dan pembukaan tanah untuk tujuan pertanian.

    1. Tapi hairanlah kenapa ada pula pihak yang gembar gemburkan cerita negatif tentang MA . mungkin sebab ada yang iri hati dan mahu melihat beliau jatuh.

    2. The state govt is emphasizing on conservation and 'go green' methods nowadays.

  3. Mengenai isu Datuk Musa dengan rasuah memang dari dulu kita dengar dan tidak ada apa pun tindakkan dibuat. Ini bermakna isu ini cuma permainan pembangkang pula. Apa kata SPRM menyiasat mengenai kes rasuah Anwar dengan Azmin Ali. Pasti akan terbongkar kebenaran daripada mereka dua ini.

    1. ya.. banyak lagi isu yang melibatkan pemimpin lain yang lebih hangat, namun kenapa Sarawak report tidak mendedahkan isu-isu tersebut?

  4. seperti isu melibatkan skandal Shafie Afdal dan Zahida Rafik. Shafie dikatakakan memberikan wang sebanyak 1.5 juta kepada Zahida. isu ini bukanlah isu kecil. Sarawak Report seharusnya dedahkan isu ini.

    1. Isu mengenai Taib Mahmud yang sudah memerintah Sarawak lebih 30 tahun juga masih belum selesai.

    2. France police has confirmed that Altantuya never entered France between 1998-2006. Sarawak Report should highlight this issue too.

  5. Sarawak report seharusnya bersikap adil dalam membuat pendedahan jika ia benar-benar media yang bebas dan tidak berat sebelah. jangan menjadi media yang hanya menjaga kepentingan sesetengah pihak sahaja.

    1. Kalau betul SR mahu dedahkan segala salahlaku rasuah pemimpin, kenapa fokuskan pada pemimpin dalam kerajaan saja. pembangkang pun banyak yang terlibat rasuah.

    2. Sarawak Report is pro-opposition.

  6. Is Musa Aman too naive to get himself involved with what have been alleged by the Sarawak Report??

    1. What is evident is that the Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman, who was well experienced in the corporate world before he entered politics, has been able to take Sabah's financial status to greater heights and bring rapid development to the State. He presented a State budget of RM4.048 billion for 2012, making it the biggest budget ever proposed in the history of Sabah

  7. Musa's rivals are so in desperate condition that they used recycled story to mislead the people. This case is not yet solved and they already want to 'punish' Musa.

  8. Abuses by the Government of the PKR Selangor which allegedly involved in fraud worth nearly RM1 billion and is said to be made under the guise of plans 'saved' Talam Corporation Berhad debt-ridden, two years ago.

    Alleged irregularities in two forms, namely involving the purchase of 'curious' on Talam assets amounted to RM676 million and the 'mystery' to any provision of RM392 million approved in 2009 to settle the debt the company incurred. It is clear that this PKR Party is a party that was corrupt. The longer they ruled in the state this, it is possible the state will 'bankrupt'.


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