
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

RCI on Sabah illegals: Will de-facto PM Dr M suddenly 'lose' his memory - Kit Siang

RCI on Sabah illegals: Will de-facto PM Dr M suddenly 'lose' his memory - Kit Siang
Former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who is acting more and more like the de facto sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia after going on a 5-year “Sabbatical” following his 22-year premiership as the fourth PM of Malaysia, made two remarkable statements yesterday.
Firstly, he said he is unperturbed that the truth in all the alleged financial scandals during his 22-year premiership would be exposed if Pakatan Rakyat wins the next general election.
He said I could do whatever I wanted even now to prove there were financial scandals during his premiership.
He said: “He can open any file, even now. He can bring me to court. I am not afraid.,”
What bravado indeed!
Then he cannot remember his own Project M!
Secondly, he said he is prepared to testify if asked by the Royal Commission of Inquiry investigating problems related to illegal immigrants in Sabah, saying:
“I don’t know what I can testify to. If I have any knowledge that they want, I am quite willing.”
There can be no doubt that the person who has the most knowledge about the long-standing problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah is none other than Mahathir, especially as the infamous “Project IC” is known as “Project Mahathir”.
Selective amnesia
Can Mahathir give an assurance that he would not suffer another attack of amnesia when testifying before the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants (RCIII) in Sabah, as happened when he testified before the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Videotape in January 2008?
Mahathir, who is well-known for his “elephantine memory” before and after his appearance before the Lingam Videotape RCI, said “I cannot remember” or its equivalent 14 times during his 90-minute testimony in January 2008.
Would Mahathir suffer another attack of amnesia if he is to appear before the RCIII in Sabah?


  1. RCI nnti akan siasat siapa dalang projek ic.

  2. kenapa Anwar sangat jarang cakap pasal RCI?? sebagai ketua umum pakatan, beliau sepatutnya lantang dan aktif memperjuangkan isu kritikal ini..

    1. most probably because Anwar is involved in the project IC.

    2. Betul jugakan??selama isu RCI dan projek IC dibangkitkan. Macam Anwar tidak pernah mengikut campur hal ini. Ada apa-apa yang perlu rakyat tahu akan Anwar dengan projek tersebut.

    3. sebab kemungkinan dia pun terlibat. Dia DPM pada masa Tun jadi PM.

  3. Tidak sabar mahu ikut perkembangan RCI kalau sudah dilaksanakan. Siapa2 yang terlibat dan siapa2 yang dipanggil untuk soal siasat. Orang2 yang bertanggungjawab menjadikan Sabah tempat PATI dan penyelewengan IC perlu dipenjara.


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