
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 16, 2012


KENINGAU: The disclosure that Sabah pulled in the highest amount of private investments in the first quarter this year, by Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir at the Dewan Rakyat, is proof that investors are comfortable with the peaceful and stable atmosphere enjoyed by the State, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

Besides this, the cooperation between the people from different communities and religions, are also among the major factors that have attracted investors to inject funds into driving further the state's economy, he said, Thursday.
"With the billions of ringgit invested in Sabah, it is clear that investors are at ease and very comfortable in the State.

"Therefore, we call on the people to always work together and join forces with the Barisan Nasional government to develop the country and state," he told reporters after checking on preparations for the launch of the Sabah Handicraft Centre which will be officiated by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today.

Musa, who is also State Finance Minister, was asked to comment on Mukhriz's announcement that the private sector's investment in Sabah, worth RM10 billion, has made it the receiver of the highest investments amounts among the states, followed by Selangor, Johor, Sarawak dan Terengganu.

Except for Sabah attracting RM10b investments, the other states only managed to average about RM2b each.

Musa also said Najib's two-day working visit to the interior this weekend is significant because it will fulfil the wishes of the people who have longed to meet him.

Together with Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan who is also the Keningau MP and Tambunan Assemblyman, they told the Prime Minister about the wishes of the people here.

"They want to have a cordial and friendly meeting with him, so the visit (this time) is very important. The people are very happy," he said.

"We are also fortunate that the weather has been kind to us and we hope it will continue to prevail because the Prime Minister is meeting with the people in Keningau, Sook and Tambunan É I am very happy to see the strong cooperation among all those involved to make the Prime Minister's visit a success," he said.

On Saturday morning, Najib would officially open the RM32 million Sabah Handicraft Centre, which is located opposite the District Hospital before going to Sook for the ground-breaking ceremony of the proposed Keningau Integrated Livestock Centre project later in the afternoon.

On Saturday evening, Najib would be officiating at the national-level Kaamatan Festival open house at the Keningau Sports Complex.

Early Sunday morning, Najib would be doing two walkabouts and mingle with the local community at the weekly Tamu Ground here first and later at the Bingkor township.

After the walkabouts, Najib and entourage would be having a morning tea break at the Rumah Besar Bingkor of OKK Sedomon Gunsanad, the very house which his late father, Tun Razak had once visited to meet with the native community leaders during the early Malaysia days.

The Prime Minister's final programme in the interior would be the ground-breaking ceremony of the proposed KDM College project at the Pisompuruan Square in Tambunan.

Accompanying Musa for the final preparations inspection on Thursday were Pairin, DCM Datuk Yahya Hussin, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun, State Secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman as well as elected representatives from the interior.(DE)


  1. moga pelaburan ke Sabah akan terus meningkat

  2. Wajarlah Sabah menjadi tumpuan utama pelabur asing kerana negerinya yang kaya dengan khazanah alam, keamanan dan kestabilan.

  3. Teruskan menarik lebih ramai pelabur untuk datang ke Sabah. Kerana kehadiran pelabur ini akan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi negeri Sabah ini.

  4. Ini satu berita yang baik kerana Sabah terus mendapat sambutan daripada pelabur luar.

  5. Sabah has recorded the highest investment in this state recently.

  6. SABAH'S political stability, sound policies and focused economic directions are three key factors that have caught the attention of the country's business community.

  7. Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia president Tan Sri William Cheng Heng Jem said this here yesterday after leading a delegation for a meeting with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

  8. "Rapid economic development has taken place in Sabah. It looks different and the economic landscape is different," Cheng said, adding that the three factors were prerequisites investors looked for in a country or state.

  9. "Sabah is rich in natural resources, such as timber, minerals, oil and gas. However, what is important is it takes the right leadership to take the state to greater heights."

  10. Cheng said tourism and agriculture, including aquaculture, were doing well in the state and had the potential to grow.

  11. "I am also told that Sabah has strong environmental conservation laws.

  12. "This is also good in terms of ecotourism."

  13. Meanwhile, Musa said investors were interested in Malaysia because of the conducive atmosphere, good government policies and stable politics under the able leadership of Prime Minister Dauk Seri Najib Razak.

  14. He said the environmental laws on conservation had a long-term positive impact on the overall development of the state.

  15. "Protecting the forests, phasing out logging and focusing on reforestation means that future generations can once again have tropical rainforests, which had been logged, in 30 to 40 years' time."

  16. Similarly, he said a clean and unpolluted environment helped to draw investors to Sabah.

  17. Citing a United States-based multinational company, Darden Incorporated, he said the food giant had committed about US$2 billion (RM6.3 billion) to develop lobster farming off the coast of Semporna because the water was not polluted.

  18. "They also told me that another important reason why they chose to invest here was because of the prevailing economic and political stability in Malaysia."

  19. kenapa tidak ada pihak yang memuji pentadbiran Musa Aman yang berjaya menarik pelaburan swasta jauh lebih tinggi dari negeri2 lain di Malaysia??


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