
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 25, 2012

Shafie: BN upholds, not abuses, Islam

Shafie said BN does not dare use Islam for political interests. — File pic
SEMPORNA, June 24 — Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal has dismissed claims that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government does not uphold Islam in this country.
The Rural and Regional Development Minister said Umno as the backbone of BN government had been upholding the sanctity of Islam long before the country gained independence from colonial rule.
“Islam was made the official religion in the Umno constitution. When the country gained independence, we made Islam the official religion in the Federal Constitution while other religions may be practised freely,” he said after closing a Haj programme here today.
Shafie said the BN government had used the power at hand to enhance Islam’s position as the official religion but did not dare to use Islam for political interests.
This could be seen by the establishment of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Tabung Haji, and the emphasis on Islamic education at pre-school, primary, secondary and up to university level.
He said this was different for PAS, which used religion for political interests by saying that those who vote the party would go to heaven.
“We never said vote for us and you will go to heaven. What we do is to train prospective pilgrims to enable them to perform the rituals correctly.”
Shafie regretted that some had organised rallies in Saudi Arabia that could affect Malaysia’s efforts to increase the quota of Haj pilgrims to the holy land. — Bernama


  1. Walaupun Islam merupakan agama rasmi di Malaysia tapi rakyatnya mempunyai kebebasan untuk beragama. tiada paksaan.

    1. kita harus menghormati agama sesama lain.

    2. Agree with Rynna, Sabahans have acceptance for other religion even though Islam is the official religion in the country, maybe PAS is not so suitable in Sabah.


  2. Gara2 perhimpunan Bersih, kuota untuk menunaikan haji telah dikurangkan. memang besar kesannya perhimpunan Bersih3.0 April lalu.

  3. PAS said those who vote their party will go to heaven.

    Is PAS trying to play religion for political leverage?


    1. It was a ridiculous statement made by PAS. At least BN never say like that.

    2. We must always use the right channels to streamline differences in opinion, and when things become difficult, we need to go back to the concept of give and take

  4. berhati-hati dengan permainan yang direka oleh pihak tertentu. Kerana dekat PRU13 ini mula ada pihak yang kurang senang.

  5. Betul..Negara kita tidak melarang untuk beragama. Namun pegangan Negara adalah Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

  6. kita harus saling hormat menghormati.

  7. CM Datuk Musa Aman has stressed the need to avoid conflicts and maintain unity, which is vital in keeping the economy stable and gaining the confidence of investors.

  8. haha.. siapa undi PAS masuk syurga.. patut la sampai sekarang parti PAS tidak berkembang maju..

  9. Sabah is a practical and visible example of unity in diversity. Sabahans of all diverse ethnic groups are able to live, learn, work and play together in the spirit of 1Malaysia. “In fact the spirit of 1Malaysia has long existed in this ‘Land Below the Wind’.

  10. All Malaysians not to take unity and harmony for granted but to make continuous efforts to promote, nurture and reinforce these vital prerequisites for the success and survival of Malaysia.

  11. Unity in diversity is one of the hallmarks in multiracial, multi-religious and multicultural Malaysia.

  12. The Rukunegara which was formulated in 1970 is our guide for nation-building and should be respected by all. It is a shared vision for national unity. Its principles should always be upheld and practised for Malaysians must never take for granted the stability, peace and harmony that had been attained so far.

  13. The Rukunegara, through its five tenets – Belief in God, Loyalty to the King and Country, Upholding the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Good Social Behaviour and Morality – have formed the principles of nationhood and these should be embedded in the young generation who are the future leaders.

  14. At present, any people were taking unity and harmony for granted. This is not a healthy development for in a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural country like Malaysia, continuous efforts must be made by all Malaysians to nurture and reinforce unity and harmony”.

  15. Malaysians must be prepared to reduce their strong sense of ethnicity in order to achieve “Bangsa Malaysia” and they should start accepting each other as Malaysians regardless of race and religion.

  16. Malaysians of different ethnic origins must always be conscious of the need to have mutual respect for one another. They must always remain vigilant and be conscious of the sensitivities of our respective religions and cultures for the sake of inter-racial harmony.


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