
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, June 7, 2012

UMNO and the Reasonable Malay

The reasonable Malay doesn't ride the Clapham Omnibus. He gets around in the LRT or the successor to SriJaya Bas. He travels in his beat-up Proton. But he reads in between the lines. He knows the BS from the mainstream media. The reasonable Malay now reads Harakah, Roket and PKR news. He attends ceramahs by ABU.

Why does the PM and UMNO president procrastinate in naming an election date? He’s enjoying a good personal rating. UMNO is flushed with cash. He says, he feels like meeting HRH the Agong immediately on seeing the `huge crowd’ assembled at stadium Bukit Jalil. I hope he didn’t ask the Minister of Misinformation to do a headcount for that occasion. Are all lawyers bad at counting or is it Rais alone?

So why does he not name a date? He is the longest PM without his own mandate. And if we were to go by the logic of the ex MIC leader who says he will contest against Palanivel- then, Najib can also be described as an illegal government leader. Yes, he actually said that because Mr Palanivel had the MIC presidentship handed to him and not ELECTED, so Palanivel is an illegal party president. He says he has support from thousands and thousands MIC members just like the UMNO president.

I hope for his own sake- the UMNO president be wary with the numbers given by Rais who seems to have been infected with the Indian Numberititis disease. I mean no disrespect to Malaysian Indians; but think about this. Assume 3 million Malaysian Indians- MIC says it has 1.5 million members, PPP says it has 800,000, IPF says it has 900,000; Nala says he has 600,000 in his pocket. Either the Malaysian Indian is a member of all these parties simultaneously or the political parties count those Malaysian Indians not born yet. Rais has been infected by the Indian Numberititis. It’s a horrible judgment clouding disease that causes hallucinating euphoria.And loss of hair that forces the person to do a side-comb to cover the barren patch. Has Samy Vellu been holding back the secret to eternal full-crop of hair? Dey!

The main reason is not because he fears the feedback from the ground. He has been receiving padded and curry-flavored reports saying all is well. The minister of Misinformation downplayed the opposition’s chances consistently  by 30% so as to doctor a favorable report pleasing to the ears of the party president.

The real reason he delays and delays, huffs and puffs is because he fears revolt in UMNO. The incumbents insist they are winnable. Would any anyone dare replace warlord Tajudin Rahman for example?

In all divisions he is facing potential revolt. Even if he pays the incumbents lots of money (UMNO has tons of it), the people supporting the replaced incumbents will sabotage UMNO. More so the incumbents who feel they are winnable but are humiliated because they are not chosen. The eager beavers who thought they would be chosen but sidelined will muster whatever they can to sabotage UMNO. This is the only reason why the UMNO president is delaying the election date.

Will the 1 million plus UMNO members who have gone from the Dark Side to the Bright Side come back? Maybe 5%. That still leaves more than 1 million UMNO members who will vote for Pakatan Rakyat.

The UMNO president cum BN Chairman goes to Sarawak to plead for an extended lifeline. The people of Sarawak are not easily fooled any longer. Taib Mahmud is an old but wizened geezer, keen and sharp to the deceptive maneuvers of Najib. Wasn’t Najib the UMNO president who repeatedly humiliated Taib Mahmud asking him to retire quickly? The president of a party who wasn’t able to get 100% winning record in 2008 talking down to a president of another party who got 100% achievement record? That’s why Taib Mahmud sent word through an emissary, saying we shall see who leaves office first.

Najib can’t win over the reasonable Malay. The reasonable Malay is the person riding the LRT or the successor to Bas SriJaya. He reads in between the lines and is able to sieve through all the BS parlayed by Ustazah Umi Hafilda, Ezam Mat Nor, Zulkifli Nordin, Hasan Aqidah and swami Nala. The reasonable Malay knows that in Utusan Malaysia, only the notification of Solat Times and 4 digits and Toto are true.

The reasonable Malay is not easily blinded by the fetishized sense of patriotism hawked around by Perkasa or to mouth-foaming gesticulations of Hidup Melayu by any of the UMNO leaders.

Because the reasonable Malay knows it’s all much thunder but no rainfall.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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