
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Umno culture - if you can't win 'em, beat 'em

FREE YOURSAY 'I think the harassment of political foes and civil society groups has gone too far. It appears that this despicable act has become the political culture of Umno...'

Bikers target Azmin's house with revving engines

your sayVgeorgemy: This is the new tactic used by Umno to cow Pakatan Rakyat activists. First they used the law enforcement agencies to intimidate and harass them. That didn't work.

As the rakyat have rejected and given low credibility to the enforcement institutions, Umno now organises its gangsters to do the job.

Umno must realise this is Malaysia and not Zimbabwe. We will not be submissive.

Headhunter: What is the point of this senseless harassment, Umno? Do you think this will make PKR deputy chief Azmin Ali quit PKR? Or make people hate him? You guys must be thick in the head.

Gobsmacked: This misbehaviour will continue to spread as long as the police do not take firm action. It is the PDRM's duty to keep the peace and so far they have failed to do so when the opposition and Bersih were harassed by unruly elements.

There has been no news of any arrest as yet in the anti-Lynas rally in Penang, the incidents in Johor, Merlimau, a Felda settlement where Nurul Izzah had held a ceramah some time back, and outside S Ambiga's house and several other events.

What is the PDRM waiting for before they act? For the victims to retaliate after they cannot take this sort of harassment any more? Then an excuse to proclaim emergency?

Mahindar Singh: Come on, this is not fair and the authorities must act. We do not see the opposition doing this to their opponents. We must all act within the laws of the country.

This is now becoming so common, and it looks like it is now acceptable to do such protests in front of people's homes. Have a thought for their families.

Donkeykong I think this intimidation and harassment of political foes and civil society groups have gone too far. It appears that this despicable act has become the political culture of Umno headed by PM Najib Abdul Razak.

Umno leaders may absolve themselves of blame as they claim they are not directly involved, but under whose direction and employment these gangsters and hooligans are acting?

Anonymous #58437020: We have the whole charade now: hamburgers stalls outside Bersih chairperson S Ambiga's house, ‘pasar malam' stalls intending to open soon, butt exercises completed, maybe a butt dance next, and now bikers.

What's next? Can we stop being the laughing stock of the world?

When we see other members of parliament overseas fighting during meetings, we splash the news in our local media. Do we actually think overseas media like Singapore Straits Times is not featuring our news the same way?

My goodness, Cowgate made the world news and extensive coverage in the British media. Let's not embarass ourselves any further. Let's behave, Malaysia.

Boonpou: Have the rakyat had enough of these hooligans? As long as they exist, Malaysia will never be a developed nation-state. These thugs are an embarrassment to modernity, to humanity, to morality, to civilisation, and I can go on.

Mind you, you don't just see them on their motorbikes or selling hamburgers. You see them on the planes as well.

Each time I make a trip back to Malaysia, I would see them at foreign airports and my one wish is that we are not travelling on the same plane. That is why I don't fly MAS.

Sa Tombs: Azmin, were you not part of the very same Umno which had disrupted gatherings? What goes around must come around.

On another note, you were allegedly so corrupt during your days in government together with PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, where is the guarantee that this will not be repeated once you are in power?

A leopard does not change its spots and neither you nor Anwar who now pretends to be an angel can ever give up what you had corruptly accepted. There is no difference between you and the present vultures in government.

Appum: Where have human dignity and decency gone? We don't care whether it is Umno or Pakatan supporters who resort to this kind of behaviour. It should be a no-no.

And, what is the police doing about this? Don't they know how to solve this problem? Do they really know what their duty is? Perhaps we should revamp their whole training syllabus.

Not Confused: Of course, the police will take no action. Umno and its mindless supporters are in the death throes - they know their time is up. Patience my friends, these idiots don't know how they continue to confirm their own fate.

Antibody: I would like to say to BN, especially Umno, that if they continue to behave like children, they will lose more votes in the end. Even the new voters will run away.
So, remember BN, do what you have to do, but this childish antics like parading in front of people's homes; making noises at front yards; selling ‘goreng pisang' or whatever in front of opposition members' homes are just not on.

1 Dumbno: Umno has got the green light from the deputy IGP (inspector-general of police) who had said this kind of Umno "freedom of expression" does not break Umno laws. What it shows is that they are terrified of losing GE13 and is getting increasingly desperate.
Sincere Citizen: This goes to show that Umno is a bad loser.

PKR deputy chief's house disrupted again

Bluemountains: I have yet to come across such groups of people protesting against those involved in the RM550 million submarine commission and the RM250 million Cowgate.

It can be safely concluded that such groups of people are definitely not Pakatan supporters.

Bender: Wow, first they despise protests as being uncivilised and not in accordance with our culture. Now look who's licking their own spit?

On the same day when their chief, Najib, declared that the government would not tolerate attempts to disrupt public order, Umno resorted to the very same act.

Let me quote Najib's statement from Bernama: "National maslahat(public welfare and interests) should be discussed in an orderly manner to find the best solution, and not be expressed incoherently in a crazy manner on the streets."

The question now, what would be Najib's course of action in dealing with this kind of behaviour (and many others such as the attacks on DAP state committee members and the petty traders' rude behaviour against Ambiga) coming from his own camp?

Will he be the PM of his words or a despicable liar whom we come to know and hate?  - Malaysiakini

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