
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 11, 2012

Umno's activities abroad coming home to roost

YOURSAY 'They thought that they can have a safe haven outside the country once BN falls, but it looks like their illegal activities will follow them wherever they go.'

First French submarines, now Australian banknotes

your sayHeadhunter: Their greed has spread beyond the shores of Malaysia as they have laundered their money overseas and that's going to be their downfall.

Unlike in Malaysia where all their ill-gotten gains can be covered up with the aid of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bank Negara and the police, their clandestine activities overseas such as Australia, Canada and US are going to be exposed once the dots are connected.

They thought that they can have a safe haven outside the country once BN falls, but it looks like their illegal activities will follow them wherever they go. Soon, justice will be served.

ABBN: With only a matter of four years after the political tsunami swept through Malaysia, already we have so many scandals exposed that we more than what we could chew.

I strongly believe that these are only the tip of the iceberg. As time passes, I anticipate more scandals would be uncovered and that many of the present and former politicians of BN are getting ready to say goodbye to Malaysia with their loot, leaving behind a broke and dilapidated country.

No matter what it is, I think it is never too late for the people of this once beautiful country to wake up and be united in our demand for change. It is better for the people to face the harsh reality and be ready to repair the damage done.

Taikohtai: It was independent Australian senator Nick Xenophon who had pursued the Securency scandal while Labor and its coalition parties dithered and looked the other way.

Yes, the same Xenophon who got sprayed while observing Bersih 3.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur.

Anonymous 007: Now you know why your plastic banknotes can fade colour when in contact with water, and it can also tear. Remember when a bribe is paid, the quality of the product declines. Nothing is for free.

Hmmmmmmmm: Can anybody tell me what is the value added to the alcohol and cigarettes by sticking labels on them? Similarly the hologram stickers on our medicines?

They are just a means to tax the rakyat without much effort put in. Who can't print the stickers? And how much does each of the stickers cost?
Some people are making money without any effort or adding any value to the products, and we have to pay for it.

20121221Disaster: If all these corrupt practices and irregular activities and leakages were to be plugged, the government would have more than enough money to implement low petrol prices, zero highway tolls, free education, and Malaysians could enjoy better welfare than at present and be one of the most prosperous countries in the world.

GoneBananas: In truth, our leaders are only pretend Muslims and Christians - they actually worship the gods Mammon (money) and Moloch (brute force).

The only loyalty they know is to their own family mafias. Once you realise this, nothing they do will surprise you. But then, why would you allow these spiritual retards to wield material power over you?

You might as well install a parrot as your king and obey every word it utters, no matter how nonsensical.

Yes, these so-called power elites are indeed revolting and repulsive. Time to repel them through conscious evolution and political revolution.

Hang Pa: I, as a Malay and Muslim, always pray that these corrupt leaders will one day be brought to justice.

They are very arrogant in thinking that everything in Malaysia belongs to them. I also agree that the father of corruption in Malaysia is former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Look at Mahathir, and his family and cronies - how they have become millionaires/billionaires compared to the previous Umno leaders like Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak and Hussein Onn, etc.

Joe Lee: If Tunku Abdul Rahman was Bapa Malaysia, and Abdul Razak was the father of development, and Hussein Onn was the father of unity, then Mahathir has to be, and still, is the father of corruption.

Mahathir and his understudy Najib would figure very, very prominently among the great prosperous families of the Third World, such luminaries as Ferdinand Marcos, Suharto, Mobutu Sese Seko, and lately Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak.

The Malaysian 'Guinness' Book of World Records must have a special entry for Malaysians who have made it big, such as the families of Umno elites, like Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Mahathir junior etc, etc.

I suggest the future Pakatan government build a special jail for these thieves and robbers of the country's wealth. The jail will serve a reminder to future governments not to be greedy and corrupt like these folks.

vCan: There is a common conversation heard almost everywhere saying that the current government has splashed money lavishly to those whom they think can support them with votes, and is pocketing as much as possible or else opportunities will be lost soon, and to grab all contracts/projects as after GE13, all these will no more be in their hands.

Up2U: The whole system has been so corrupt for almost 30 years that it is now rotten to the core where almost every powerful leader and powerbroker expects some personal gratification in every deal. The hard truth is that only a selected privileged few are the beneficiaries.

Battle Station: Malaysia is unique. Once a minister is exposed of corrupt practices, instead of given him a flying lesson out of MACC's window, airtight laws are accorded to allow them to keep the loot and at the same time, the minister is encouraged to loot the nation's coffer even more. - Malaysiakini

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