
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 19, 2012


KOTA KINABALU : Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said the water village of Sembulan and Tanjung Aru would be up-graded to be like what they have in Brunei, well organised, clean and safe. Some houses in the water village could become choice homestay for tourists.
Datuk Richard Yong said, "With proper and follow-through development, Tanjung Aru and Sembulan water villages could be developed into a popular tourism area."
Richard, who is the Chairman of SAPP Tanjung Aru CLC, was making his routine rounds at the Tanjung Aru and Sembulan area together with members of Tanjung Aru SAPP getting feedback from the people living there.

The villagers voiced their worries and fear especially during time of monsoon season when there are thunderstorms and strong winds.

They said they are literally having sleepless nights when heavy rain came along with strong wind like what has been happening recently and some rooftops had been blown off by the wind. "We are having a hard life here," they said.

They also lamented that the development by the government is haphazard and never properly completed. It had taken a long time for the concrete bridges to complete but with lamp posts which don't light up, so the lamp posts stood there as a useless decoration like the so-called community leaders.

One resident by the name of Lamit said, the environment that they are living in has nothing to envy, the houses are not stable and unsafe, not properly arranged and closely built. They have to repair wooden bridges by themselves and still a lot of the wooden planks have got rotten and the bridges are shaky and unsafe. Fire hazard is another high risk they are facing.

"The rubbish is another 20-year old story, whenever a new Mayor came to visit together with the YB, they would condemn the people for causing the rubbish as if the government and authority has got no responsibilities over this issue. There was no improvement at all.

"The presence of many foreigners living in the area most probably because of cheap rental is posing social and security problems, said Lamit.
"We want to see some positive and consistent actions without waiting for the forming of RCI which is much discussed without time frame. We want to see real improvement to our living condition and to be treated as a human with dignity," said one old woman.

Richard, who is also secretary-general of SAPP, assured the residents of Tanjung Aru Lama (water village) that SAPP government will make it a point to organise the water village taking Brunei water village as model.

"Medium and long term programmes to be implemented to keep the area clean to enhance and uplift the environment and surroundings. The place will be conducive for living and even be promoted into a choice for homestay.

"With political will and proper planning, Tanjung Aru area will definitely be a popular tourism area with creation of business and job opportunities and economic activities to improve the income of the local people," said Richard.

Richard also stressed that SAPP as a local political party is determined to make Tanjung Aru a better place for the people and urged the residents there to be forward-looking and bring about change together.


  1. perkampungan air mmg unik dan boleh menjadi tarikan pelancong, tapi kena pastikan kawasan2 tersebut dinaiktaraf dan bersih.

    1. Jangan terpedaya dengan kata-kata kurang siuman mereka.

    2. Agak sukar kawasan perkampungan air di Sembulan untuk dijadikan kawasan tarikan pelancong. Mungkin lebih baik lagi kalau rumah2 di sana dirobohkan dan dipindahkan ke tempat lain.

  2. They are just talking crap. i really cant believe they actually said that.

    1. its every politician's "gift" to talk crap.

  3. SAPP is making empty promises again. I doubt them.

  4. Just wondering, how many actually are there locals living in the water villages at tg aru and sembulan?

  5. Can't say its a bad idea cause i think its a good idea and it could most probably help to boost the tourism sector in sabah. However, i'm concern whether it could be well maintained by the people living at that water villages or else it would be just a waste of money upgrading it.

    1. Betul tu..kena pastikan juga penduduk di sana tu orang tempatan atau sebaliknya.

  6. Satu cadangan yang baik menjadikan kampung air ini sebagai satu tarikkan perlancongan. Seperti di Negara Brunei Darussalam sendiri. Menjadikan Kampong Air menjadi satu destinasi perlacongan di sana.

  7. Kampung diatas air ini memang boleh jadi tarikkan. Tapi penduduk perlulah menjaga kebersihan persekitaran kawasan tersebut jika inginkan menjadi tempat tarikkan pelancong.

  8. Need to identify who are actually live in that area. PATI do not deserve to have the facilities.

  9. sudah jadi pembangkang baru terfikir ka?? masa YTL jadi KM Sabah, kenapa pemimpin2 SAPP abaikan tempat ni?? kenapa tidak selesaikan masalah sampah di kawasan perkampungan ini??

  10. cara terbaik untuk merealisasikan impian SAPP ini ialah dengan mengarahkan semuia penduduk kampung ini berpindah.. kemudian barulah kerja2 pembersihan dan menaiktaraf kawasan ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan cekap dan berkesan..


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