
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why is Najib whipping Singapore this time?

There is only one motivation for this. The question is only one – cui Bono? Stay tuned to find out more.
Darkness 2012
“Singapore and Malaysia has always had a love and hate relationship – but what I cannot understand is why is it an abusive relationship? Some people say it is rooted in history and goes all the way back to the good olde days of Tunku Abdul Rahman. I do not buy this simplistic abang and adik fairytale bed time story. I think that is a crock of shit!

To me it has alot to do with how the relationship is managed. Or in this case mismanaged. Singapore regularly behaves like the mistress who will do anything and everything to please the man – she is the only country in the world that has bent heads over heels to placate the Malaysian party political hegemony by banning Bersih demonstrations in Singapore. No other country that I know of has even seen fit to do the same. Now you would have thought that the Party political hegemony in Malaysia would be happy as cock – but no. 

Instead it is really like the sad case of a woman who does everything to please a man. Yet the man remains stoically ungrateful and continues to be abusive. Why is that so?

Maybe life really mirrors art after all? Could it be Tolstoy was right when he once wrote: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. What this means is, this woman despite her best efforts will never be able to command the respect of this man. Because she has failed to do that ONE thing that is most important and vital to create a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Perhaps if this woman is less obedient and has her own mind. The man will respect her more. Perhaps if this woman even learns how to take a bite out of this man, she will be respected and treated better?

I think that if decision makers who once decided to ban Bersih protest in the streets of Singapore had allowed even a bus load of people to sit in, in Hong Lim Park – things would have been very different today and we would all not have not go through this sort of degrading and humiliating experience – as the decision makers in Malaysia would realize, cooperation is really conditional and must always be reciprocated in kind – Singaporean diplomats would at least have a bargaining chip to parlay with the Malaysians.

Now that the Singaporeans have given away that one vital bargaining chip that could have made all the difference in the world – it is not so different from a woman who has put her heart and soul to please a man – what else does she have left – she no longer has any bargaining power. After all she has already given all of herself to this man. What esle is there left. That is why if you are a woman, NEVER ever give ALL of yourself to a man – it doesn’t matter how good a man, he is. Always hold back the best for yourself – that way, if it turns ugly, at least you have a bargaining chip.

That is why I think it was very stupid for the Singapore government to clamp down on the Bersih movement in Singapore – they were really so fixated on keeping law and order, that they disregarded the strategic value of such an event or how it can be transformed into something that could add value to the whole idea of managing the delicate balance of power in the region – instead Singaporean policy makers rushed into the marriage like a white laced virgin and simply assumed – if I give my best to a man, she would give me his best – all would end well and it would end happily ever after. But in this case, the man is a good for nothing case. Koyak (loser) case lah. So is it so unusual that this poor woman who has given her all now stands naked before this bully as she prepares herself to take it up the ass again.

Now that the elections in Malaysia are looming. The party political hegemony in Malaysia are scrambling for every molecule of advantage to win votes. The Bersih 3.0 rally is really a very big and unexpected them – as all their intelligence told them only 25,000 people will turn out. Instead 250,000 suddenly sported yellow T shirts – so that has to be very scary. After all Najib had it all sewn up. So he believed. He has really been like father Christmas for the last 4 years giving out goodies such as the Felda scheme in the countryside along with repealing the ISA and even staging youth concerts to win over a generation of voters – but I think, in the strategy to win over the voting classes, BN has also alienated the most important class of supporters – the intellectuals. These people are not interested in the trinkets of pork belly politics. They are genuinely enraged by corrosive effects of money politics known as habuan and the cosy insiderism that politicians share with businesses that has created a new oligarchy of businessmen who regularly enrich themselves at the expense of the general public – they are not happy with how the country is runned. They remain suspicious about everything from the purchase of French submarines to the questionable forced acquisition of land in Kuala Lumpur’s Chinatown and Bukit Bintang to make way for Najib’s new cho cho train project to remake KL. In short they want to change the system. So the Bersih platform is much more than just a crie de couer for fairer elections. It is really an amalgamation of all these aspirations and hopes that is best summed in the cinematic prose – a better tomorrow – for many of the middle classes Bersih is not even Pakatan or Anwar Ibrahim any longer, it has morphed to become something larger than life. Most of the middle class do not see Bersih as just a way to hit back at the establishment – it is has become something that they can identify and resonates profoundly like a touchstone.

So Bersih is not just going to disappear – it really here to stay and it will get bigger with each successive year.

Now the planners in the ruling party hegemony in Malaysia are not stupid. They know that Bersih is here to stay. They only too well, it pays out naught to fight fire with fire. That is a lose lose game. With everyone armed with a camera phone and YouTube – they cant possibly hope to stamp it out with Gestapo tactics. They know that as time goes by, it can only exert a gravity to suck in more and more people – they don’t know how to diffuse this time bomb. So now they are going on a strategic paradigm shift by trying to discredit the Bersih movement as some covert black ops that is sponsored by a foreign government – this is not a new strategy, not at all, it is the same strategy that PAP uses whenever you see one of them, floating the philosophical ballon – will Singapore be able to survive beyond the 21st century?

I can understand why the BN strategist have decided to pin the blame on Singapore. After all, if Bersih can be undermined by associating it with regional geo politics and possibly a hidden agenda like the Freemasons or an alien invasion to dominate earth. Then most Malaysians will begin to question the raison of the Bersih movement – they may even be turned off by the whole idea of taking to the streets. Besides we all know how effective it is when the woes of a country are blamed on malevolent forces – people will cease to think, they don’t need to think. As nationalism is not based on fact or even reason, rather it is closer to mythology and mumbo jumbo since it is permissible under the name of nationalism or patriotism to embellish and gloss over the truth. When the BN strategist pins the blame on Singapore, that is really the only thing they want to affix in the minds of most thinking Malaysians.

And this should lead most Singaporeans to ask: was this foreseeable? That I leave to you. I think things would be very different, if Singapore had just allowed Malaysians working in Singapore to stage a Bersih protest. I think that it was cavalier and ill conceived for Singapore to play right into the hands of the BN spin doctors by doing something as incomprehensible as sending a couple of ladies who worked as tea aunties to the recent Bersih rally. I really for the life of me cannot understand how they could have made the stupid mistake of sending a sheep to do a fox’s job – this beggars the imagination.

I am begin to believe that those who find themselves in a relationship where they are regularl used and abused – deserve to be in that sort of relationship. It takes two to Tango. Really it does.”

- Dotseng

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