
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 2, 2012


KOTA KINABALU : Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said Barisan Nasional (BN) Government is working hard to destroy evidences of those involved in the issuance of identity cards to foreigners called Project IC before finally set up the overdue Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants (PTI) in Sabah.

SAPP Deputy President Datuk Eric Majimbun said the ruse was evident because Federal BN Government had approved the setting up of the RCI for almost six months ago and nothing is seen.
The Member of Parliament for Sepanggar said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was the chairman of cabinet committee on PTI especially for Sabah when he was the Deputy Prime Minister few years ago.

Eric said Najib certainly has got full reports on PTI and project IC and knew the issues from A to Z, but, his slow response to the setting up of RCI raised many questions.

According to Eric, six months had passed by but there was still no appointment of panels and Term Of References.

“The only reason of the delay is the government wants to cover up those involved who are alledgedly UMNO leaders by destroying evidences first before the panel is formed.

“RCI should have been formed to start investigation before the coming 13th general election and those unqualified to be citizen and were given Mycards and register as voters in electoral roll also should be verify and clean.

“We want a clean electroral roll free from 'dubious citizens'..only genuine Malaysians should decide the future of our nation. Outsiders have no business in our election process,” he said.

Eric also said that there is a need of international observers to investigate the wrong doing of the UMNO-led BN Government. - Sabahkini


  1. Bolehkah bukti projek IC dimusnahkan??hampir semua orang pun tau wujudnya projek IC Mahathir.

    1. dikabarkan terma rujukan RCI akan diumumkan dalam masa terdekat, jadi apabila RCI ditubuhkan, projek IC akan disiasat.

  2. Bagaimana sudah agaknya perkembangan 'Memorandum Pembatalan IC Projek (Sabah) Yang Diberikan Kepada PATI Melalui Skandal X-Files'oleh Wilfred Bumburing?

  3. Scotland in Great Britain and Quebec in Canada had an open, honest & fair national referendum on cessation/separation...Sabah & Sarawak are a total tragedy, swindled and sucked dry by Petrajaya.. Not even a proper trunk road! The natives lack electricity and drinking water while Criminals bought submarines and built twin towers costing multi-billions for kick-backs. Outrageous!

    1. Are you a Malaysian/Sabahan? You might be suitable to be one of the Sabahan leaders.

  4. It’s time the Opposition launch a powerful class action lawsuit against BN and PBB, the EC for past election frauds and intention to defraud in upcoming GE13. Why are the demands of Bersih and acted on? Why are taxpayers’ money, corruption funds, national resources, infrastructure, media (tv, radio, newspapers), used to bribe, buy or sway votes? Buying defections of ‘frogs’. Big questions are unanswered. And More! Why are corrupt leaders, cronies not investigated and arrested, eg: CM Taib (31 years) & Musa, Shahrizat, Razak, Dr MM,…too many to mention.

  5. Even in far-away, neutral New Zealand we are boiling mad, your BN Gov’t is outrageously crooked and dishonest, & for how many decades now! GOSH! Horrific plunder and robbery, skinning & fleecing the whole country. eg Taib in Sarawak, holding 3 supreme portfolios of Chief Minstr, Finance Minstr & Planning & Resources Minister, plundering for 31 yrs. Your PM pretends nothing’s there…..now he revenges on Rafizi for the NFC cows, even after 3 murders: Ross Boyert (Taib’s former US aide), Manser (native & rainforest activist) & Altantuyaa (Scorpene $$ claimant), & after BN lost over RM300billion in 55 yrs. Yr PM flies a new RM200m plane & Taib rides Rolls Royce. In NZ our PM flies 2nd Class; here Taito P Field, an MP was jailed for a few years for corruption (using Thai immigrants to paint his houses). How long would yr Dr MM, Najib, Taib all the BN/UMNO/PBB cronies, MACC, Police chiefs last in a democratic country like NZ, Aus, UK, US or Canada before going to jail? 1 mth? You elected yr Gov’t to serve you, how can you tolerate them for another day!

  6. entah betul ke tidak ni, tunjukkanlah bukti dakwaan ini.

  7. Jangan buat isu juka tiada bukti kukuh, RCI mau di tubuhkan sudah, namaun masih ada lagi suara-suara yang cuba menjautuhkan kerajaan.

  8. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will reveal details of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Sabah’s illegal immigrant this Saturday, 11th August.


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