
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 9, 2012

DON'T TRUST BN, watch how Dr M & Umno treat the Chinese like TOILET PAPER

DON'T TRUST BN, watch how Dr M & Umno treat the Chinese like TOILET PAPER
Even as former premier Mahathir Mohamad cautioned Prime Minister Najib Razak to be careful not to antagonize coalition partners and spark further defections, the less-than-tactful veteran leader came in for a tongue lashing for his own insensitivity and "crude racist remarks".
"When the Chinese supported him, he praised us and said the Malays should learn from the Chinese schools' system. When the Chinese see through him as they do, he denigrates us. Why should we vote for him and the BN ever again? He has been double-crossing the races and using the Chinese as the bogeyman to keep the Malays suspicious and wary. He is now trying the same sort of tactics in Sabah to justify his Project M. What is there left to say about such a man - that he is an incorrigible liar and hypocrite, a racist who will not stop at anything to stay in power? Sadly, all these have already been said," PKR vice president Chua Jui Meng told Malaysia Chronicle.
"The Chinese have contributed greatly to the development of Malaysia. I don't think any of us feel so insecure or the need to defend what is already very clear to everyone. It is Dr Mahathir who is sick. He needs to take his medicine and for his information, the vast majority of Chinese can speak Malay as well, if not better than him. It is the first-generation migrants and the old-timers who spoke market Malay and even then they could cope and enjoy cordial relations with the Malays until Dr Mahathir and his Malay Dilemma book came about. It was then that he started to systematically destroy racial unity for the sake of political power."
Row in Sabah but WHO is the source and the CAUSE of Project M
The 87-year-old Mahathir had posted in his blog that Sabah illegal migrants deserved citizenship more than others in the country who despite having been Malaysian for decades could still not master the Malay language. It was a veiled but unmistakable reference to the Chinese, whom he has previously scorned for not being able to speak Malay and for wanting to maintain vernacular schools and education.
"There is a row in Sabah because of the number of people who have been made citizens. Some of those people had been expatriated although many returned illegally. But most of these people qualify to be citizens. They have been staying in Malaysia (Sabah) for decades. They and their children speak Malay, the national language," wrote Mahathir in an August 7 posting.
"On the basis of length of stay and mastering of the national language, they qualify to be citizens of this country. And so the acquired citizenship. By comparison we have many citizens who cannot speak the national language who were accepted as citizens."
Pot calling the kettle black
And today, he told a Bloomberg interview that Prime Minister Najib Razak would do well not to antagonize partners in the ruling BN coalition. Mahathir and Najib belong to the same Umno party, which dominates the BN. Their coalition has ruled Malaysia for the past 5 decades.
However, since the 2008 election which saw the Pakatan Rakyat led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim bursting into national prominence, the BN's star has steadily declined. It is now facing pressures in Sabah, Sarawak, Johore and Negri Sembilan - 4 states whose support it had previously taken for granted, with Najib even daring to publicly describe these as the BN's "fixed deposits".
“The problem here is not Najib -- he is a leader of a weak government,” Mahathir said in the Bloomberg interview published on Thursday.
Any defections from the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition could “result in BN losing the next election,” warned Mahathir, who ruled the country with a fist of iron for 22 years before stepping down in 2003.
Sabahans - if this is how Umno treats the Chinese, the same will happen to you
Although Mahathir did not name any defectors or provide further details, it was clear he was referring to the latest resignations from Sabah BN leaders. Wilfrid Bumburing, the deputy chairman of BN component party Upko, and Lajim Ukim, a senior Sabah Umno member, had quit the ruling coalition last month, citing disappointment and the BN's failed promises.
Another Sabah leader - a Senator - is expected to announce his resignation and join the Sabah Reform Front founded by Wilfrid and Lajim to provide a platform for Sabah leaders to unite on to fight for change. The movement has the support of the Pakatan Rakyat, which has promised to sort out seat allocations and maximise opportunities to topple the BN at both state and federal levels.
"We can understand Mahathir's panic. He was the founder of Project M and Project M is one of the key grouses Sabahans feel towards BN. Obviously Mahathir is trying worm his way out of blame but that he can do so in a way that is so disrespectful and contemptuous of the Chinese who have worked hard and contributed tremendously to the nation really shows that he is beyond redemption," PKR vice president Tian Chua, who is also the Pakatan chief negotiator for the latest Sabah defections, told Malaysia Chronicle.
"The Chinese have no rhyme or reason to respect him in turn. He has done nothing for them except make their lives difficult. This is a good lesson for all Sabahans, especially the indigenous people, as well as for all the others races living in this country. If Mahathir can treat the Chinese like toilet paper and throw after using them, what would he and his Umno successors not dare to do with the other races who have less economic clout."
Project M or Project Mykad or Project Mahathir is the codename for an extensive and prolonged government operation launched in Sabah in the 80s, whereby illegal workers and migrants were offered citizenship in exchange for voting the BN.
Sabahans have long protested the move as it not only thwarted their political wishes but also brought on widespread social and economic misery. Overcrowding, rising crime, shortage of housing and facilities, fighting for jobs and educational opportunities amid an economic pie shrunk by political corruption have kept Sabah one of the poorest of Malaysia's 13 states despite it owning massive oil and timber wealth.
"In the eyes of the law, this is treason. Mahathir betrayed Sabahans. And he has betrayed his own Vision 2020 where he talked about a Bangsa Malaysia. Yet what does he do behind our backs? He brings in the lowly skilled foreign migrants and is now freely blaming the Chinese, the Indians, the Kadazan-Dusun-Murut, the Dayaks, the Orang Ulu and the rest for not supporting him," said Jui Meng.
Najib is due to visit Sabah this Saturday to unveil the terms of reference of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Project M scam, in a bid to appease the people of the state and to stem further defections and resignations. However, his move is seen to be 'a little too little, a little too late'.
"The test is, can Najib launch a real inquiry that is independent, neutral and focused without exposing Dr M? Would Najib dare to arrest Dr M? Najib shouldn't waste time with doubletalk, he should put it to test and let Sabahans see for themselves how sincere he and BN are," Tian had said, when the RCI news was announced last week.
Malaysia Chronicle


  1. Mulalah dengan mengaitkan perkauman disini. Itu Dr Mahathir. Tapi Datuk Najib lain. Apa guna 1 Malaysia diperjuangkan semasa Najib mentadbir. Ini bagi memastikan semua kaum bersatu dan berkerjasama.

    1. jgnlah nak mainkan isu perkauman, kita harus sokong konsep 1Malaysia.

  2. Teruskan mempercayai BN untuk memastikan mereka meneruskan apa yang telah dirancang sebelum ini.

  3. I believe the people in Sabah know that unlike the opposition, BN makes and keeps their promises

  4. Field should stay an open area
    A group of villagers in Kuala Ampang are hoping that the state government would not grant a permanent land title to the Ulu Klang Recreation Club (UKRC) in Jalan Kabus.
    UKRC is appealing to Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim to amend the status of the club’s land but an opposing group wants the authorities to maintain the status quo of the field.
    Gombak MCA division chairman Datuk Yip Kum Fook who was very bad name in Buddhist and who was representing the villagers, said if a title is issued for the land and clubhouse, it would then become an exclusive club and would only be opened to members.
    In principal, Yip said the clubhouse served as a community hall for Kuala Ampang villagers and giving exclusive rights to UKRC would deprive the local community of a meeting place.
    He said according to the Shah Alam High Court’s decision dated Dec 20, 2011, the field is to remain as an open area and there should not be an appeal. But UKRC’s recent appeal is going against the decision and therefore should not be entertained by the state government.
    “The decision is binding and therefore UKRC should not claim exclusive rights.
    “The villagers do not mind if the field and clubhouse is maintained by the UKRC committee but granting a title will give rise to other problems in the future.
    “There is a clause that states that the title can be transferred to other parties with the consent of the state authorities.
    “Therefore in order to avoid legal battles in the future, it is imperative that the field is not issued a title and is open to the public,’’ added Yip Kum Fook(Gombak MCA Chairman).

  5. Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said the Barisan Nasional (BN) government would continue to make it a priority to fulfill its promises to the people and attend to their problems.

    He said the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, was a clear example of this as he continuously meets the grassroots during walkabouts.

    “The leaders of the country are confident in meeting the people face-to-face because they can fulfill the promises made to the rakyat. In this way, the people can air their problems directly so that the leaders can solve them immediately,” he said this when launching the Libaran Umno branch cluster meeting here yesterday.

    Musa said it was different from the opposition leaders who often made empty promises because they could not honour them. He said they were more interested in getting the power to rule and not in defending the interests of the people as shown by what has happened in states controlled by the opposition.

    Meanwhile, Musa who is also the Sabah Umno chief, reminded party members in the state not to be excessively concerned by the choice of candidates in the upcoming general election.

    He said they should focus all their efforts in updating the BN party machinery in order to ensure the people returned the mandate to the ruling government.

    Furthermore, he said if they were caught up with the issue of candidates, they would not be able to focus on serving the people.

    “The choice of candidates in BN is determined by the leadership so let us all wait. What is important is for us to work harder to make sure the party remains strong and our party machinery is regularly updated.

    “I believe the BN candidates who will be chosen are winnable candidates. So don’t think of personal interests but think of the party and serving the people,” he said.

    He reminded members to always stay united especially at the grassroots level and to avoid trivial issues that can destroy the party’s strength.

    “If there are problems, we should solve them amicably bearing in mind that we must not destroy party unity by exaggerating small issues.

    Musa also stressed that Umno will be BN’s backbone and to work hard to assure the ruling government stayed in power in Sabah.

    He said Umno and the component parties of BN will prove that BN is the best choice for the people through its continuous development programmes.

    Musa expressed his confidence that Sabah will continue to grow especially in the rural areas due to the commitment of the government led by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

    He said the BN government ensured development for all irrespective of their faith and political ideologies.

    “That is the BN concept of serving the people. The elected representatives of BN will always work hard to serve the people because they know they have been voted by the people and so it is their responsibility to serve them,” he added.


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