
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 10, 2012


In trying to convince the Malays especially the “Mak Ciks and Pak Ciks” in the rural and semi-rural areas that it is “haram” (forbidden) to vote for DAP because DAP does not want 'Hudud' law to be implemented, Utusan front paged the headline: “Haram sokong DAP”.
The entire article was based on an interview with an unknown Muslim scholar, who failed to explained clearly the justification for his pronouncement. The 'edict' has now become a hot topic and source of much ridicule. In Malay and Muslim circles, the issue has even become known as Utusan's 'fatwa' - which is a religious ruling that is generated by clerics officially appointed by the government.
Obviously, Utusan nowhere qualifies for such a position although it looks like the daily will try to usurp the position of the ulamak or Islamic scholars in order to help its owner, Umno, in the losing political battle against the Opposition.
Former Perlis Mufti and still among the most respected clerics in the country, Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin sarcastically tweeted that “If it is haram to vote for non-Muslim candidates, then it is more “haram” to elect them as ministers, so please think carefully before issuing the fatwa!”
Dumbo Umno
Therefore based on UMNO’s 'logic', if DAP is “haram” because it does not want to implement Hudud, then the Opposition headlines should blare out “Lagi Haram sokong UMNO” (Even more forbidden to support UMNO). This is because UMNO not only rejects Hudud but also elects non-Muslims as ministers as well. That's a double no-no if we go according to Utusan's IQ.
Former premier Mahathir Mohamad when he was in power had written to Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz that the federal government would not allow Kelantan to implement Hudud. Yet, this wily UMNO leader, whom many accuse of being a political charlatan, later had the cheek to declare that Malaysia is an Islamic State. Mahathir was then trying to show to the Malays that UMNO was more Islamic than PAS.
Needless to say, the ruse failed. But in the process, Mahathir painted BN components into a corner. Non-Muslim voters will long remember and question why the utter silence from MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the other parties from East Malaysia as to why they didn't dare to challenge Mahathir when he declared Malaysia an "Islamic" state.
Confusion in UMNO
Hudud is actually non-issue in Malaysia for several reasons but the main one is that the majority of the Malays themselves do not want Hudud to be implemented. If they had wanted it, UMNO would not have a chance to win even by cheating at the ballot boxes. The Malays would simply vote for PAS and forget about UMNO.
It is PAS who has been consistent about wanting hudud law which is controversial for prescribing punishment such as stoning to death, amputation of limbs and whipping. In the past, this insistence on hudud worked against the Islamist based party as not only non-Muslims shunned its fundamentalist image but the Malays in the urban areas too scorned it for being a 'jaguh kampung' type of party stuck on antiquated theological tenets.
The fact is the Malays too are as ignorant as the Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Dayaks and the rest of the country when it comes to Hudud and what it really means. While corrupt and scandal-tainted UMNO leaders do not want Hudud for the obvious reasons, the party's grassroots are confused as to whether they should support or reject hudud.
For example when UMNO Senator Dr Mashitah Ibrahim ridiculed the cutting of hands as punishment for stealing, she being a Muslim scholar should know that it is wrong to imply that was the penalty for petty theft. Cutting off the limbs is for much more serious theft involving much more valuable items. Sad to say, Mashitah was out to ridicule Hudud.
Thunderbolt from Johor!
Then out of the blue, UMNO assemblyman for Kemelah Ayub Rahmat proposed that Johor be the first state in Malaysia to implement Hudud. UMNO leaders including Prime Minister Najib Razak were dumb founded and they simply did not know how to react. So in typical clueless style that has come to typify Najib's administration, they sat on their butts and kept mum - pretending they didn't hear anything.
Muslims scholars in UMNO too were speechless. It was left to Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin to point out that it was Ayub’s own personal opinion and not the party's. Khairy was clear that UMNO does not want Hudud to be implemented. Yet Utusan could override him with its Haram DAP tactics that are based on the premise that UMNO supports hudud and is against those who reject hudud.
Appropriately, UMNO's Young Ulama chief Ustaz Fathul Bari backed up Khairy by urging the people to use their brains in deciding which party to vote for and not let Hudud be the deciding factor. Unfortunately, Fathul was too vague in his statemets. This is understandable as he would not want to step on the toes of the powerful right-wing party chieftains who are looking for all ways and means to stave off a Pakatan Rakyat victory at the GE-13.
The Mufti of Pahang, Najib's home state, was more concise. He said that it is sinful to vote for any party that rejects Islam. Although his words were aimed at DAP, he did not dare to name the party because he knows he is on shaky ground here.There is no doubt that UMNO also rejects Islam. Not only has it ridiculed Hudud, it even stopped its implementation in Kelantan and Terengganu.
Low IQ leaders not interested to dig below the superficial
And so, by trying to get at DAP through a most spiteful and underhanded way, Utusan has actually sparked more dissent, confusion and argument within UMNO itself. For Malaysians, they know it takes two-thirds majority in Parliament for PAS to implement hudud. Those who do not want hudud are not worried because they know not all the parties will side with PAS.
But what about UMNO? After making such a fuss and trying to be holier-than-thou, is UMNO willing to lose the support of the moderate-minded Malays who see hudud as an ancient law that should be left behind in the past. This is the group that would be more impressed if some one from amoung the Muslim community would emerge and dare to say it straight out - there are other ways to achieve the effect of hudud without using hudud. Education and other methods of punishment can also tame the criminal urges in us.
Hudud is not a panacea for all. Enforcement or the lack of it by the government of the day is one of main causes why crime is on the rise and morality appears to be on the slide.
As such, Khairy in rushing for the political limelight has as usual trivialized the issue. He just wants to give the image of being daring and outspoken to stay relevant in his party, where other members have accused him of being the least effective Youth chief ever.
He also reduces his own prestige with wild accusations that “Opposition rule will lead to anarchy” just on the basis that the Pakatan Rakyat states initially wished to adopt different Merdeka Day themes. Is individuality so feared by UMNO and its leaders? Do we see rioting and anarchy on the streets of Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelatan? Really, Khairy should stop making a fool of himself with unwise and off-tangent remarks or people will say. "no wonder, Najib didn't want to make him a Cabinet minister!"
DAP does not reject Islam
It must be pointed out that DAP has never rejected Islam in toto as it recognizes the right for everybody to practice his or her religion. DAP is only against the implementation of Hudud to protect the interests of the non-Muslims. It also maintains that Malaysia is a secular state, in line with what past UMNO presidents including Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Raxak and Tun Hussein Onn have pronounced.
It is UMNO who keeps on frightening the non-Muslims and now the Muslims as well that their hands will be chopped off if they vote DAP as it will indirectly enable PAS to implement Hudud. So strange when UMNO also insist that DAP rejects Islam and Hudud.
Such confused thinking by UMNO leaders and strategists really belie their suitability to govern Malaysia. If they are allowed to continue, the world will soon wise up to the fact that Malaysia is actually being governed by a pack of nincompoops!
Due to its political insincerity, UMNO has fallen into its own Hudud manhole, blundering from one disaster to another like the proverbial headless-chicken in its fright of losing power after 55 years of lording it over the rest of the nation.
Malaysia Chronicle

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