
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Musa: Sabah’s oil royalty review open for discussion

PAPAR, Aug 21 — Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman believes that the state’s five per cent petroleum royalty review issue is open for amicable discussions with the federal government.    
He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was a caring leader who was always prepared to listen to the people and their needs. 
Musa (picture), who also is state finance minister, said the good relationship between the state and federal government also benefited Sabahans through large allocations which helped to propel the state forward.   
“Therefore, I believe this issue (petroleum royalty) is open for discussion and what’s important is that we scrutinise the matter and reach the best decision for the mutual benefit of all concerned,” he said.
He was speaking to reporters after the Papar Umno Aidilfitri open house hosted by the constituency’s member of parliament, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin, Kawang assemblyman Datuk Ghulam Haidar Khan and Pantai Manis assemblyman Datuk Rahim Ismail, at the Papar Community Hall, here today.  
Last night, Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud was quoted as saying the state government would discuss the need to review the five per cent petroleum royalty paid to Sarawak, with the federal government.  
Admitting that state government and opposition leaders in the state have reached a consensus on the issue, Taib said both parties needed to meet and discuss the matter. 
Early this month, Najib announced that a special committee would be set up to study the petroleum royalty payments involving the eastern states of Peninsula Malaysia in a fair and transparent manner.   
The committee was given six months to study the issue before submitting its proposals to the federal government. — Bernama


  1. Diharap Sabah juga akan mempunyai jawatankuasa khas untuk megkaji semula kadar royalti pada masa akan datang.

    1. Well, I personally think that this is one of the good moves ever. Open for discussion is an eye opener.

    2. Usaha yang berterusan akan mendapat keputusan yang baik.

    3. Harap royalti kepada Sabah akan di pertimbangkan.

  2. Baguslah. Ini macam ada harapan saja ni untuk royalti dinaikkan. hihi

  3. Harap isu ini akan dapat perhatian sebab sudah sampai masanya utk royalti dinaikkan.

  4. tidak mustahil Najib akan naikkan royalti untuk Sabah.. jika beliau berani menubuhkan RCI, memansuhkan ISA, dan sebagainya, takkan oil royalty tidak..

    1. If it's true then I will be the first one to thank the government.

  5. kalaupun dinaikkan, saya rasa tidaklah setinggi royalti yang dijanjikan oleh pembangkang.. sebabnya kerajaan perlu ambil kira kos operasi petronas di 46 buah negara dan subsidi..

    1. Royalti yang di janji pembangkang tidak masuk akal.

  6. Let's just hope this discussion will be succeeded.

  7. Harap2 usaha kerajaan untuk meningkatkan royalti minyak akan berhasil.

  8. PBS Youth Chief Jahid Jahim said the party has been calling for the oil royalty review since 1985 and its Youth movement believes this can be the common ground to kick start the re-negotiation process. In this respect, he was confident that the Sabah leadership already has plans to discuss the oil royalty review with the PM as he is known to be one who is sensitive to the rakyat's need. He was commenting on Taib Mahmud's statement that the Sarawak State Government would be discussing the need to review the current 5% petroleum royalty paid to the State with the Federal Government.

  9. moga Sabah mendapat menfaat yang sepatutnya dari hasil minyak.

  10. There are many positive feedback which has been expressed enthusiastically related to the percentage of oil increment that Sabah rightfully deserves. Upko affirmed and supported the move made by the the State Government to discuss the possibility of increasing the oil royalty with the Federal Government together with the other oil producing states. Its Secretary General Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau, said in fact Upko had recommended to the Barisan Nasional (BN) to include an increment of 20 per cent in oil royalty for the 13th General Election manifesto.

  11. Sabah Puteri Umno chief,Musliati Moslimin expressed her hopes and supports the review of the five per cent oil royalty to Sabah saying that it was high time as the treaty was signed more than four decades ago. In her personal opinion, the government should take a look at the rate of oil royalty given to Sabah. The time has come to give it serious attention because the five per cent was decided based on an agreement more than forty years ago. Today is a new era and it must be reviewed.

  12. The United Sabah Chinese Communities Association Kota Kinabalu (USCCAKK) president John Lim Yu Sin said Sabahans would certainly enjoy the economic benefits when the oil royalty is reviewed. The implication of the revised oil royalty will have a profound impact on increase in our monthly salary, the possibility of accelerating the development and transformation of this state is unlimited. He noted that Sabah revenue budget could surely increase by RM8 billion, thus the State would have a surplus budget

  13. I think that the oil royalty review is a positive move and this is evident that the close and cordial relationship established between the Chief Minister and the federal leadership,has finally profited the state. Obviously, the more the better as this has been overdue for four decades. PBS Youth Chief, Datuk Jahid Jahim, said a review of the oil royalty and the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah had been championed by PBS since 1985 and PBS Youth movement believes this can be the common ground to kick-start the re-negotiation process.

  14. This is without a doubt that the Statel have a bigger budget to spend when we have more oil royalty money, allowing the government to implement projects to improve the people’s well being. Therefore it is up to the State Government’s wisdom to discuss the matter and how much increment we deserved. Having said this, Everyone is free to make suggestions but suggestions should be reasonable. As Malaysians, we must be fair with the federal government because we are one country. I hope that the outcome of this discussion will bear good fruits and the implementation of the increase in oil royalty will be carried out at earnest.


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