
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 4, 2012

Najib spooked by defections in Sabah, says Nurul Izzah

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is fearful of more defections by BN parliamentarians in Sabah and the shifting of allegiance to Pakatan Rakyat by two of the ruling coalition's MPs is what has prompted his visit to Sabah next weekend.
NONE"Is he afraid? I thought he previously said that all is well within BN," said PKR vice-president and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar. 

Najib said yesterday that his visit to Sabah was to strengthen the BN's position in the state.

His announcement comes just a week after Tuaran MP Wilfred Bumburing and Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin openly declared support for Pakatan.

However, Nurul Izzah is not convinced that Najib's visit would be of any benefit to the Sabah people.

"I don't think he has the audacity to make changes," she said.
Expand terms of RCI, Najib urged

In addition, she said, the announcement of the terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants in Sabah would not impede the momentum of Pakatan's support in the state.

"I hope all party leaders will continue with the agenda of change for Sabah. No matter what incentive Najib offers, we shall not budge from our agenda.

"We ourselves have long pledged to form the RCI and give Sabah a 20 percent royalty from oil and gas," she said.

Nurul Izzah also urged Najib to expand the RCI's terms of reference to investigate allegations of a citizenship-for-votes scheme being run for foreigners to ensure BN's victory in the coming general election.

"We don't want the RCI on illegal immigrants to focus on Sabah only but on the whole of Malaysia. We don't want citizenship to be ‘sold' without any accountability," she added.


  1. Even in far-away, neutral New Zealand we are boiling mad, your BN Gov’t is outrageously crooked and dishonest, & for how many decades now! GOSH! Horrific plunder and robbery, skinning & fleecing the whole country. eg Taib in Sarawak, holding 3 supreme portfolios of Chief Minstr, Finance Minstr & Planning & Resources Minister, plundering for 31 yrs. Your PM pretends nothing’s there…..now he revenges on Rafizi for the NFC cows, even after 3 murders: Ross Boyert (Taib’s former US aide), Manser (native & rainforest activist) & Altantuyaa (Scorpene $$ claimant), & after BN lost over RM300billion in 55 yrs. Yr PM flies a new RM200m plane & Taib rides Rolls Royce. In NZ our PM flies 2nd Class; here Taito P Field, an MP was jailed for a few years for corruption (eg using Thai immigrants to paint his houses). How long would yr Dr MM, Najib, Taib all the BN/UMNO/PBB cronies, MACC, Police chiefs last in a democratic country like NZ, Aus, UK, US or Canada before going to jail? 1 mth? You elected yr Gov’t to serve you, how can you tolerate them for another day!

  2. You don't find one sentence on the Scorpene scandal in the mainstream press, New Straits Times, The Star, Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. You don't hear a word about Scorpene on RTM 1 radio. RTM TV1, RTM TV2 or TV3. Tells you something, doesn't it? Such a BIG thing and not a whimper about it in the mainstream media mean the so-called journalists, radio and tv broadcasters are all UMNO-MCA-MIC paid goons. This is deception & blind-folding, to support multi-billion thefts. This is crime against the people, of astronomical proportion, against the people that elected them! Malaysia’s great tragedy.


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