
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 20, 2012

Sabah RCI on illegals meaningless WITHOUT PUNISHMENT

Sabah RCI on illegals meaningless WITHOUT PUNISHMENT
KENINGAU - Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) Keningau said the terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants (PATI) in Sabah do not bear any meaning to the people.

Its chairman Paul Kadau in his statement yesterday said the establishment of the RCI is meaningless as it is too late to be implemented now.

“No immediate action was taken from the beginning. The government is supposed to identify who were responsible for the PTI (illegal immigrant) problems and take necessary action against these individuals.

“This issue involves corruption, cheating and the forging of documents, but in the RCI terms of reference,  it failed to come up with any punishment for those responsible for this problem,” he said.

According to Kadau, it appears the KDM leaders in Barisan Nasional (BN) are turning a blind eye to this matter as it is very obvious that the RCI will not bring any solution for Sabah.

“My question for all our leaders in Sabah is, as leaders and presidents of your own movements, what is your stand on the issue of RCI?

He said the people need to know what the leaders believe in and wanting answers because the situation is critical.
- Borneo Post


  1. Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI)mengenai masalah kehadiran pendatang asing di Sabah tidak mempunyai kuasa perundangan untuk menentukan penghakiman terhadap pesalah seperti yangdicadangkan oleh beberapa pemimpin di negeri Sabah.

    1. Investigations are needed before putting down the strokes. Even if there is one, I don't think the convict will really know he's wrong though.

    2. RCI hnya jalankan siasatan dan hasil siasatan boleh digunakan sebagai bukti untuk tindakan.

  2. Presiden Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut (UPKO) Tan Sri Bernard Dompok berkata penghakiman dilakukan oleh mahkamah dan RCI hanya boleh mengesyorkan bentuk tindakan yang harus diambil oleh kerajaan.

    1. It's vital to make thorough plan before making major decision.

  3. Dompok, yang juga Menteri Perusahaan Perldangan dan Komoditi, mengulas mengenai gesaan beberapa pemimpin tertentu bahawa terma rujukan (TOR) penubuhan RCI itu harus membabitkan penentuan penghakiman dan hukuman terhadap pesalah. Beliau berkata terma rujukan RCI itu tidak harus dipolitikkan kerana niatnya murni bagi menangani isu pendatang tanpa izin ke Sabah sama sekali. "Saya fikir TOR cukup luas dan memadai untuk membenarkan siasatan dijalankan dari semua aspek," katanya.

    1. Apa yang penting sekarang ialah gunakan peluang sedia ada untuk mendalami masalah yang ada supaya ia akan diselesaikan dengan baik. Hukuman rotan tidak semestinya yang terbaik.

  4. Inilah yang berlaku kalau terlalu banyak yang mahu campur tangan. Bukan tambah senang malah bikin susah saja.

  5. Sepatutnya kita tunggu hasil siasatan RCI dan selebihnya biar mahkamah yang kendalikan.

  6. meaningless without punishment?? RCI tu bukan mahkamah la.. kalau mahu sangat yang ada kuasa menghukum dan memutuskan orang itu bersalah atau tidak, baik hidupkan semula ISA..

    1. Rotan tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah PTI.

  7. yang meaningless di sini ialah pembangkang.. ada sahaja yang mereka tidak puas hati.. kenapa tidak cadangkan semua ini secara serentak ketika terma2 RCI masih dalam perbincangan??

  8. setakat ini, kebanyakkan rasa tidak puas hati itu disuarakan oleh pemimpin2 politik pembangkang, bukannya rakyat Sabah.. nampak sangat pembangkang sekarang ini terdesak mahu mendapatkan sokongan rakyat dikala sokongan rakyat mula beralih kepada kerajaan BN..

  9. daripada buat pertikaian itu dan ini, bukankah lebih baik biarkan saja suruhanjaya ini membuat kerja mereka dengan aman?? berkesan atau tidak, semua itu hanya boleh dinilai selepas siasatan berakhir..

  10. RCI must have "bite" to be effective or it would be akin to a tiger without teeth or a cake with frosty icing that looks good only.

  11. Barisan Nasional parties in Sabah are just as concerned as every Sabahans on the issue of illegal immigrants possessing Malaysian identity cards in dubious manner, and want the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to address the problem once and for all.

  12. Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Ongkili said, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and the other Sabah BN parties have persistently raised their concerns over the illegal immigrant issue at the BN and Cabinet meetings.

  13. “We gave our inputs on how the RCI should operate and stressed the need to address to put a stop to the problem that has been perennial to Sabah,” he told villagers at a gathering with the people at the Rungus longhouse in Kg Tinangol, near here on Monday night.

  14. Dr. Ongkili, who is PBS deputy president, added that the Barisan Nasional component parties raised and trashed out matters of interest and concern to the people at the Cabinet and Barisan Nasional meetings as the proper forum, although their deliberations might not have been made known to the public.

  15. PBS, he said, had also set up its own team, which was compiling the party’s inputs and documents of immigrants possessing the ICs in the past, for submission to the RCI.

  16. “Even though we are in the Barisan Nasional government, we have always believed that more should be done to resolve the problem. That is the reason why PBS returned to Barisan Nasional in the first place – because we trust Barisan Nasional has the interest of the people at heart and Barisan Nasional can govern and deliver to the people to improve their lives,” he said.


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