
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 3, 2012

Water war: Do not fall for the BN trick

YOURSAY 'How can Muhyiddin be so heartless in not trying to resolve the issue amicably, without having us to suffer the consequences?'

Muhyiddin rejects talks on Selangor water issue 

your sayGoh Yu Loong: Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim, do you seriously expect the DPM to come to the negotiation table to solve the water problem faced by Selangor residents?

The speed and manner in which a cabinet committee was formed - excluding representatives from the Selangor state government - and the haste to immediately call for tender speaks volume of the ill-intention of the ruling government.

To them, every crisis becomes an opportunity to reward its cronies with billion-ringgit projects.

Gunner: The federal government has always wanted to punish the people of Selangor for supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

We all remember when Sabah was ruled by an opposition party at one time, the local power provider, which is a subsidiary company of TNB (Tenaga Nasional), disconnected power supply to all street lights in almost major towns.

As soon as BN government ruled the state (after some 'frogs' from PBS jumped into the BN pool), all of a sudden, power supply was reconnected.

Gen2: BN and its cronies are willing to turn off the water supply in Selangor just to achieve their political aims.

Selangor people are no longer stupid. They will stand with Pakatan and Allah has blessed this stand by bringing rain to Selangor in the last two days.

Ronnie Liu 235d: A supporter told me that the only solution he could see would be a change of leadership in Putrajaya.

As the present government is holding a golden share with a deciding veto power under the contract agreement, I have to agree with his view.

Anonymous #19098644: It is time to publish a special edition ofSelangor Kini to provide full details, pictures and explanations to the people of Selangor so that they will understand who is responsible for this mess, what remedial actions the state is undertaking and what the solution to this issue will be.

It is also time to start a mass movement to take the people's concerns to water concessionaire Syabas and Umno to stop using the people as a game of Russian roulette or face the consequences at the forthcoming elections.

Thum Joo Keong: It comes as no surprise that the DPM would reject the request for a meeting/discussion. The whole thing is a manufactured problem.

There is no water crisis. It's a manufactured by BN so that it can take the state by means of blackmail. If Selangor voters fall for this BN trick, they are truly stupid and blind.

Kolopilah: Muhyiddin flatly refused when MB Khalid wants to find a solution. PM Najib Razak said Malaysian first, he said Malay first. Pakatan said free education, he said all loans must be repaid.

Pakatan said free toll and reduction of petrol, he and Najib said the country will be bankrupt. Now he wants to poke his filthy nose in the Selangor water fiasco which he knew next to nothing.

So what can you expect from people like Muhyiddin? He simply refuses to use his brain.

Ferdtan: By rejecting the peace talk on the water issue of Selangor with MB Khalid, DPM Muhyiddin shows he does not hold the interest of Selangoreans at heart.

How can he be so heartless in not trying to resolve the issue amicably, without having us to suffer the consequences? Now we know the true colours of our BN leaders - they are not interested in the rakyat's welfare.

When it comes to their cronies' interest like George Kent and business tycoon Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's takeover of the Penang port, they are so readily supportive.

Our warning to all BN candidates in Selangor, don't think we cannot do anything. We have the power in our hand - our votes in the coming GE13.

Is it possible that the deputy Umno president is not helping BN wholehearteningly to win support for the coalition for his own personal gain - that is to ensure BN cannot retake Selangor?

It would mean that Najib would deem to have failed in the GE13 with the loss. So who will benefit from the failure?

This was exactly the tactics in pre-2008 GE of Dr Mahathir Mohamad and many bloggers like Rocky and Nuraina A Samad. Their purpose were to oust the then-PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

The bloggers were writing blogs against BN then and the moment Abdullah left the political scene, they switched to BN. Now we know who they worked for. Likewise, we know who Raja Petra Kamarudin works for.

Not Confused: The DPM will not discuss the matter because he is totally clueless about the issue. He cannot hold a candle to anyone in Pakatan. He is only good at being a two-faced hypocrite and the sooner he is gone, the better for the entire country.

Caesar's Wife: Muhyiddin's rejection of Selangor MB's offer to talk reveals the BN government's true intentions to push through unnecessary high-cost capital expenditure at the expense of the rakyat.

And Khalid has also demonstrated he too can be a savvy politician, despite what some may have said about his lack of political skills.

Anonymous #32993250: Without a dialog between the state and federal governments, the water issue will be never settled.

It is the responsibility of DPM to solve this problem for the benefit of rakyat. Playing politics with water is very irresponsible. The AG (attorney-general) has no basis to butt in when the state and federal can work to provide water.

Odin: Muhyiddin's refusal clearly indicates that he and his fellow-fascists do not want the issue to be resolved either by Pakatan or with Pakatan's involvement.

The citizens' interest is of no concern to them - something which we have seen all too clearly.

All they are interested in is to put their own people to run the water business and milk the populace, and to pocket hundreds of millions from the Langat 2 treatment plant.

Senior Citizen: People, please remember water is an essential commodity for life to exist. If anyone who is responsible for depriving the people of this essential commodity to sustain life, then he can be charged for crimes against humanity.

Can we now appeal to the United Nations to act immediately to prevent a catastrophe in Selangor?

Vgeorgemy: As DPM, Muhyiddin, you have no right to reject the Selangor MB Khalid's invitation to meet and resolve the state's water issue.

This means BN is against the welfare of the Selangor and waging war against its citizens. Selangorians must defend their rights in managing their own water resources. We shall not ‘cow tow' to his arrogance. - Malaysiakini

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