
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Water woes is worst in Najib's homestate...

Even as the BN Federal government tried to flex it muscles on water-related issues in PR-led states of Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan, the state of  Pahang has been hit by serious water shortage during the Hari Raya festive season.

According to a report published by Sinar Harian, Jengka 7 residents in Pahang were bugged by water supply interruption during the recent holiday season.

“There is so much water yet it does not reach the consumer. This points to clear failure at the management level,” said a resident.

BN has in recent times accused PR-led states of water mismanagement, and is currently locked in an intense battle with Selangor who had refused to succumb to UMNO-linked water concessionaire SYABAS's pressure to raise tariff.

A Jengka resident has meanwhile written to Harakahdaily to inform that water woes were not only limited to Jengka 7 and 12 as reported by Sinar, but also Jengka 10, 11 and 16.

“This has been happening since the 70’s,” said Khairi Muzakir, who said the BN government had been ignoring the problem.

Harakahdaily had earlier reported that areas around Temerloh including residential areas faced frequent water interruptions.

“Is this the so-called ‘Promises Fulfilled’? asked blogger Cucu Mat Kilau.

"Where’s the PM? Kelantan and Selangor were accused of incompetent in managing water, but in Pahang it is worse. It has been 40 years. Pity those affected,” he added, referring to prime minister Najib Razak who hails from Pahang.

He further stressed that water services had deteriorated following the privatisation of the Pahang Water Department.- harakahdaily

Bekalan Air di Negeri Najib Lagi Teruk dari Selangor dan Kelantan...

Media UMNO tak habis-habis sebelum ni cuba burukkan Selangor dan Kelantan dengan isu air.

Al-maklumlah 2 negeri ni negeri yang diperintah oleh Pakatan Rakyat, bukan oleh kerajaan BN, kalau diperintah kerajaan BN isu air ni akan naik kejap dan diam terus seolah-olah tak wujud pun isu air.

Dengar kata najib dah luluskan gula-gula politik untuk pikat orang kelantan, lepas cuba burukkan tak jadi, umno tukar taktik konon perihatin, perihatin sebelum pilihanraya.

Lepas tu kata "janji dicapati" dan mintak rakyat balas budi.

Pahang pulak ape cite... cuba cite cikit, dengar teruk benar masalah air kat sana. Di bawah ini ada banyak keratan akhbar hangpa tengok dan fikir sendiri banyak daerah di Pahang sedang menghadapi masalah Air.

Setahu kita tiada musim kemarau berlaku disana ini sudah tentu tiada cukup Loji pembersihan Air dan Sistem retelukasi paip yang mundur tidak berkesan dengan pembangunan dan keperluan semasa.- kedahkini@pkrl.blogspot

Petikan khas hari ini...

 Tun Musa: “kalau saya lawan, maka saya pasti akan dituduh seorang homoseksual malahan mengadakan hubungan seks dengan binatang dan lain-lain. Kamu tidak kenal dia (Dr. M) sepertimana saya. Pada masa itu juga saya tidak ada kekuatan kewangan. Duit semua dipegang oleh Daim.”


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