
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 1, 2012

Desperately want to stay in power, UMNO / BN sell MyKad for RM1000 each?

From the Daily Express newspaper report dated 29 September 2012 on, a foreigner named Hassannuddin Bin Manna told the court that he had bought a fake MyKad with price RM1000. 

The Court also decided Hassannuddin fined and jailed for possession of false documents, thus confirming identity card obtained Hassannuddin is false. 

But after review identity card numbers belonging to Hassannuddin (741029125463), SAMM found a forged identity card number exists in the database and also the EC legal voters. 

The question is, how a foreigner who has been found guilty by the court for possession of fake identity cards are eligible to vote? Identified Penganalan card is not valid, but valid to vote in the poll list of voters the EC? How does this happen?'s identification card was found in the NRD records with status 'taken'. This means that false identity card was approved in JPN. Officials who approved it? Counter clerk who release false identification card to take? Is this another strong collaboration between the Election Commission (EC), the National Registration Department (NRD) and also involve assistance from the Immigration Department?Is this the result of the 6P program is trying to be implemented in a hurry by the Immigration Department? issue giving the MyKad to foreigners is a very serious issue when there are people who still are not given their own identification cards for extreme bureaucracy. Believe yourself sooner or later had to homeless citizens in this blessed land.

The situation became more serious when foreigners were given the right to vote by the EC. What democracy is allowed to sell to foreigners in order to save BN from power loss? Look at how the position of foreigners around the corners of the country even without possessing valid documents, they are able to trade at the market in the morning, afternoon day and night markets, stalls, workshops some even have their own construction company. Imagine if foreigners given identity cards arbitrarily by the government to defend the regime whereas it is actually a scheme to sell the country. * Press Statement by Edy Reduan Noor, Director of Propaganda, Solidarity Youth Malaysia (SAMM) * please read the full Press Release at ( Edyesdotcom ) 


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