
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kenduri-gate: Hisham, too, has got it all wrong

YOURSAY 'The home minister should not feel obliged to console Ali Rustam unless he himself condones the abuse of state funds by the Malacca CM.'

Hisham to console Ali Rustam over mega kenduri

your sayChangeagent: Blatantly using state funds for an elaborate private wedding event is a clear-cut breach of authority and corruption anytime of the year, not just during the election season as wrongly claimed by Hishammuddin Hussein.

The home minister should not feel obliged to console Mohd Ali Rustam unless he himself condones the alleged abuse of state funds by the Malacca CM.

Telestai!: Hisham, what is there to console? A wrong is a wrong. Obviously Ali Rustam cannot explain how he could have hosted the wedding reception without accepting questionable assistance from "sponsors" and also making use of state agencies.

Please don't take us for fools. I cannot imagine a caterer wanting to fork out RM1.3 million to "showcase" his catering services. To recover his cost, he needs to make additional sales of at least RM26 million (assuming this company has an annual advertising budget of 5%).

Do you think this kind of caterer exist in Malaysia?

Ferdtan: There is an old saying: "What one fool can do, another can." In real life, Ali Rustam has a fool for a teacher in the name of Umno vice-president to advise him not to worry.

Corruption is a serious matter not to take it casually - it is a criminal offence if found guilty. Actually it is unethical and unprofessional for a minister who is in charge of Home Ministry to come out with such a statement to lighten the seriousness of the accusation of wrongdoing.

Is this a hidden message or a dire warning to any Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers that this case is off-limit to any official investigation into the scandal?

With this public statement from the ultimate ‘political boss' of MACC, would the Malacca MACC still dare to continue with the investigation as announced earlier?

iremember: Is Hisham beyond redemption? It's okay if he sympathise with Ali Rustam. But what really shocked me is that he did not see anything wrong or unethical over the alleged use of state government funds for a private wedding.

Hisham is thus telling us that it will be 'business as usual' after the general election.

Rubystar_4037: Dear home minister, Ali Rustam just had a mega kenduri, flaunting his wealth, and having hundreds of thousands of people giving the newly-weds their felicitations.

You should be consoling the widow of Teoh Beng Hock, Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed as well as those who died while in custody of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), of which you are in charge.

Anything that spews from your mouth reeks of hypocrisy and insincerity.

Gerard Lourdesamy: It's great the home minister wants to console the Malacca chief minister over an alleged act of corruption.

We might as well abolish the Anti-Corruption Act 1997 and make it a free for all. A clear case of ‘Janji Ditepati' and more aptly ‘Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan'.

What a joke, and Umno wants another 55 years?

LittleGiant: Such a childish and idiotic response from the country's home minister. Is that all he understands about people's perception of corruption and corrupt leaders?

Does he think that Malaysians are so stupid that they will "forget everything" and not make an issue of anything after the elections are over? Corruption is corruption whether it occurs during the election season or after the elections.

It is BN leaders who are 'experts' in giving a variety of explanations for the word 'corruption', depending on whether the person involved is one of their buddies or an opposition politician.

Onyourtoes: You see, birds of the same feather flock together. You do not know what is right and what is wrong; all you know is to blindly support a person so long as that he or she is your colleague or belong to same party as you.

It doesn't matter a wrongdoing has been committed. It doesn't matter whether public funds and resources have been wrongly used.

If you have worldview like this, how do you take charge of Home Ministry, which involved so many agencies that take care of enforcement and justice system?

You talk about the coming election and how the opposition has capitalised on this opportunity to harass the CM. No, you are wrong; you should first ask the CM, why despite the impending election, he is behaving like a third world tribal leader.

Stories: I don't expect much from the home minister. Almost everything he says contradicts reality.

For example, his statements on the communist/Christian threat, how crime is at an all-time low, and toss in too on how he felt the hurt of those cow-head protesters (of course, it wasn't seditious) and many more.

Ez24get: This is the craziest thing I have heard. A high-level minister has come out to console another high-level head of state government over an act of alleged corruption.

It seems that for BN there is nothing wrong with graft.

ipohcrite: Hishammuddin reckons he is also a fall guy like Ali Rustam, and therefore commiserates with him and offers him solace.

Now, the rakyat know how twisted the minds of these BN types are - justifying their corrupt ways with claims of victimisation. - Malaysiakini

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