
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kereta Potong Logic of Low Car Prices

We know that if a car has kereta potong or scavenged cut off parts from different vehicles and fitted together to look like a new car it ain't an original car and the safety aspect is in question.

But then it depends on the type of car that has been 'potong' cut up and joined together. Even new cars of certain marquess the most notorious the model that is being pampered and protected seem to fall apart as soon as it leaves the showroom hah!

Having owned two of the so called BolehLand's miracle pride of the nation car that is supposed to propel us to a high income and developed nation, the bad experience is enough to make one adhere to the proverb, 'once bitten or in this case twice beaten, third time wiser'.

So not being able to own an imported expensive car vs the locally produced 'cheap' marquee, the money is enough to get a hybrid albeit smaller car so that one isn't slave to the car having to pay the loan that lasts a lifespan of the car itsel.

For local marquee just about 4 to 5 years you finish paying off, time to dispose of the junk which in the process, you pay another few grand for spare part replacement which if you counted all the cost, it would have been wiser to get a foreign car!

As usual to defend the RM30 billion of car revenue, our UMNO Ministers have come out with the kereta potong logic that the price of cars in BolehLand is cheaper than the neighbouring countries!

And sounding like the local produced marquee where loose screws are not a surprise find for the cause of the noise you hear in the car even if the outside decibel was akin to an Airbus taking off, the longer repayment allowed means lower monthly installment!

We know our Ministers and their Ministry fellows are really bad in maths what more ilmu hisab which is not surprising it starts from the no 1leader whose knowledge of ilmu hisab is only the ilmu to hisab or suck away the wealth of the people and nation to the tune of half a trillion ringgit in debts. While others as shown in the recent AG's report can spend beyond their means!

Everyone of us are slave to our cars! There are those from the lower income who take a repayment period beyond 6 years to 9 years for a kancil mind you! Which means by the time the loan is settled, the car is falling apart hah. For proton, it's even falling apart before the loan is settled.

Yah yah car is cheaper but the poor citizens have to pay those overloading in insurance, waste fuel caught in the lousy gridlock traffic and tolls here and everywhere and there is not such thing as free parking right? Then the AES is going to make your cash run out faster than your car stopping low on fuel hah! 

Of course our Ministers with their taxpayer's paid free car plus being loaded rich (only they and God and those donors know how they became so rich of a minister's pay) do not feel the pain and the frustration of the man on the jalan in repaying their car loan.

The government wants to guarantee collection of revenue and they don't want to give up the goose, the people really, you and I, for laying golden eggs for them, by paying hefty taxes on cars. They don't even want to remove the AP because it will deprive instant millionaires from being made each day for a certain cronies and race!!!

It the cost is spread evenly in the supply chain of the automobile industry, it will put more money into the pockets of the people. Which means lower car price and spend higher on other components of the car, spread the money to more people. As opposed now the BN government is collecting fat sums on the tax of the car upfront!

Do we really believe what our Trade and Industry Minister is saying car prices are actually lower given the spread out factors? Sounds more a Trick and Insult Minister in thinking ordinary folks buy into that kind of kereta potong logic of low car prices hah.

Car prices in Malaysia which are higher than in neighbouring countries are actually much lower taking into account the cost of insurance, roadtax and subsidised petrol price, said Minister of International Trade and Industry.

This kereta potong logic makes us wonder where these BN Ministers get their logic from and which part of their bodily organs are connected correctly  or they are even correctly connected or connected at all to come up with such 'logical' mind boggling explanations!!! Their brains must be running on 'Keron967' fuel mixture of kerosene and ron95 that cause them to spurt out such toxic logic.

Take away the high taxes on cars and the people will be able to adjust their expenses on the other components over time right? Isn't cheaper car prices good for the people when you save and spend it on a wider range of other things. Than to set aside about 30% or more of your take home pay to service the car for average 5 to six years!

Oh and then there is the cost of houses, transport system, children's university education and inflation.

Given that it is proven that the high taxes guarantees instant upfront money to the BN government to spend spend spend, give away to buy votes to ensure their survival, don't hope for cheaper cars not even the local marquee. Should not the local car price be in tandem with the taxes charged for foreign models. Say the foreign equivalent for a same cc car is about 40 to 50% higher, shouldn't the proton should be priced reduce by a similar margin?

The fact that the BN government refuses to consider lowering the price of car means it has got not enough money to give the savings to the people. Which means they are squeezing the rakyat for money through taxes for their vain projects and claim it is for the good of the people!!!

It's no point trying to argue about our car price compared to the red dot below that Iskandar plot down south. Hey there their income is close to three times ours? There they are paid 3 times more!!!

Here we are taxed 3 times more for our cars and just about everything else!

What is the use of boasting we are high on the rank for best city or country to live or invest, when it's people are being taxed by someone with affiliation in his academia training to the ole'  Sheriff of Nottingham.

When BN spots cash cows they ain't going to sacrifice them and lose their grip of free taxpayer's money. And there are many of cash cows still around to collect easy money. The car tax is one, the other is tolls, then there is your income tax, the 'sin taxes' and soon when they win GE13, it's payback time when they will dance to the Gangnam Style Tarian when they impose the GST next year.

Please don't insult the hard working and suffering citizens with such faulty logic like that of the local car. It just makes us angry to shorten their warranty period in the corridors of power eh?

Since the BN government refuses to eliminate the AP and bring down the taxes on car and the alternative Pakatan promises to do so, should we not change gear and lane and give the latter a chance huh? - YAHMEH!!!

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