
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A blatant lie about Nurul Izzah

Raja Nong Chik and his leaders only reacted after Nurul came into action.  If she did not make any inroads, I can guarantee you that we would have been suffering until today. 

FMT LETTER: From Rebecca Jane Thomas, via e-mail
I was reading the April 8 Malay Mail article, ‘Lembah Pantai back to BN?’ by Nadya Ngui and my blood rose. I was so furious with the following opening paragraph:
“The Barisan Nasional’s (BN) chances of recapturing the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat look promising as voters in the constituency say Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) representative Nurul Izzah Anwar was a “no show” after 2008.”
I am here to say that this is a blatant lie. I have personally witnessed the dedication, the sensitiveness towards the people’s concern, the humility and hard work of this MP in my area, Taman Bukit Angkasa especially Block 14 in Lembah Pantai.
When I approached the MIC and Umno leaders in 2010 to do something about the burst pipes in our block, I was told that since this place is now under MP Nurul Izzah, I should go to her and that they cannot do anything to help me.
I remember very clearly the MIC and Umno leaders mentioned that the government has no money to help replace the pipes which was causing a nightmare and a burden to its residents.  They just did not bother about our problems and wanted us to continue suffering.
But I kept on with my fight.  Even the PR Officer of Syabas at that point of time questioned our support for BN if they were to come in and help us.
So I took MIC’s and Umno’s advice and communicated with Nurul and she came to hear us out.  She said she will raise our issue in Parliament and this was confirmed by her former assistant. This former assistant is now serving Raja Nong Chik.
I found out the following touching characteristics in Nurul throughout 2010 and 2013:
  • Punctuality: Despite heavy rains, she never missed her appointment time with the residents.
  • Humility: She always respected the elderly with praying hands and with a bow.  She spoke very  politely and even when the odds were against her, she kept her calm spirit under control.  She will never let an elderly and sick person come to her.  She goes directly to their door step and if she has to climb the steps, which is what she exactly did in terms of giving away household provisions.
  • No campaigning: She never campaigned during her visits and asked any one of us to vote for her each time she met up with us
  • Quantity was not her concern: Even though there were a few of us, she took time of her busy schedule and came to meet up with us and hear our concerns.
When the Umno leaders saw that Nurul was making inroads, they sprung into action.  They decided to take matters into their hands including Raja Nong Chik. They felt threatened by her presence.
If I did not go to Nurul Izzah, all our pipe woes would not have been solved. I had to find my own sponsors to pay the 20% deposit for the funds under the TP1M scheme and Block 14 was the first block in Taman Bukit Angkasa which had its pipes upgraded in 2011.
Raja Nong Chik grabbed the golden opportunity to gain name and favour by providing funds for the remaining 18 blocks to upgrade their pipe systems. This was only announced last Saturday (April 7, 2013).  Why could he have not done this earlier?
Highlights of Taman Bukit Angkasa’s problems have been brought to the attention of the former Lembah Pantai MP Shahrizat Abdul Jalil since 2004. Did she actually serve the people? The evidence is so alive that she did not serve the welfare of Taman Bukit Angkasa’s residents.
Raja Nong Chik in fact screwed up in the issuing of the strata titles for the house owners. I was informed that if the long outstanding maintenance were not paid, the strata titles would not be issued to the owners.
The developer mentioned that Raja Nong Chik is giving out only the photocopies of the strata titles and not the originals. The people were upset with him and he instructed the land office to issue the original strata titles later in the day although there were large amounts of maintenance money to be collected.
These are the same owners who are key members of Umno and MIC who did not turn up for the formation of a JMC including the likes of Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, ex SPR Pengerusi, who owns a internet cafe/restaurant at Block 14 and owing a huge sum of maintenance money to the developer.
The developer, Nakkon (M) Sdn Bhd, is now supported by UOA since Nakkon (M) Sdn Bhd, has no money to run its operations. Block 14 was purposely not invited by the Umno office to attend the meeting with the Land Office and the other heads of blocks because they know that I would make a lot of noise if strata titles were issued without the settlement of the maintenance fees since Nakkon has issued lawyer’s notice to the residents of Block 14 to pay up their outstanding maintenance fees.
For those who did not comply, a fine of RM150 was levied. Nakkon has not issued any lawyer’s notice to the other blocks until today because of the Umno and MIC heads who controlled these blocks.  In my point of view, it was really dirty politics here.
When I approached Raja Nong Chik to clear away the illegal stalls in Taman Bukit Angkasa, I quote his exact words:
“Vote for BN first and if we win, we will clear these stalls after the election”
The head of these illegal stalls are also a key member of Umno and under the Hawkers Association. I have reported these cases to DBKL and they are not stepping in because of these stupid characters behind these whole operations.
Nurul continued to serve Block 14 by providing free clinics which was not well received by the Umno and MIC leaders and she did come to meet up with us each time I invited her. When I invited both Nurul and Raja Nong Chik to have a dialogue session with the residents on two different dates, Nurul accepted the invitation but Raja Nong Chik turned down the invitation because his secretary said that he was busy until end of March 2013.
When Nurul came on Feb 17, 2013, a funeral service was going on. Even though I got clearance from the immediate family members to go ahead with the programme, Nurul cancelled the talk when one of the relatives of this family member objected.  I was furious but Nurul calmed me down and told me that it was fine and that she will come another day.
She apologised to the family members and left in peace. I had more respect for her that day and I knew this is truly a lady of good character. However Raja Nong Chik immediately held a tea session the following weekend under the umbrella of MIC in the vicinity of Block 14 itself.  He felt threatened again.
In summary, Raja Nong Chik and his leaders only reacted after Nurul came into action.  If she did not make any inroads, I can guarantee you that we would have been suffering until today. My bold approach of bringing Nurul to our Block 14 opened doors for the betterment of the people in Taman Bukit Angkasa.
Thank you YB Nurul Izzah.  We owe it all to you!
Please take a look at my blog and you will get the whole picture of Nurul involvement with Block 14 residents.

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