
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Anwar di Johor...

Inilah pemandangan ceramah PR di Kg Abdullah, Segamat Johor malam tadi, serta ceramah2 PR di sana sini...

di Segamat

Photo: DSAI is speaking in Parit Botak, headed to Segamat where 20,000 people have joined our ceramah. He will take the stage in just over one hour. Will you be watching him as the Pakatan wave sweeps across Johor?  Join the livestream at  www.anwaribrahim.com -DTF #demirakyat 
 di Parit Botak,Johor

 di Bandar Baru UDA, Johor Bahru.

Nurul Izzah di Pantai Ria

 Nizar di markas BN di Changkat Jering

ceramah kelompok Husam di Putrajaya

ceramah kelompok Husam di Putrajaya

ceramah PKR di Kampung Pandan


Nampak gayanya rakyat Parlimen P100 Pandan, Selangor sudah bersedia dan tekad bulat mau memberikan undi mereka kepada calon PR Sdr Rafizi Ramli.

Ini berdasarkan kepada jumlah kehadiran ceramah PR di Pandan Perdana malam tadi.

Sambutan diberikan rakyat tempatan cukup mengkagumkan sekali... belum pernah dalam sejarah PRU seramai ini penduduk Pandan keluar untuk mendengar ceramah yang dianjurkan oleh PR.. Ceramah anjuran UMNO/BN jangan cakaplah...Kehadiran sekitar ratusan orang saja.

Yang pasti kehadiran sebegini ramai kemungkinan besar akan diterjemahkan dalam bentuk undi..Dulu mungkin rakyat datang sekadar ingin tahu... Tetapi kini mereka hadir untuk tunjukkan sokongan padu.

Mesti Najib menyesal tak sudah kerana ikut selera Chua Soi Lek dengan tidak mencalonkan Ong Tee Keat untuk mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Pandan!!!
ceramah PKR di Kampung Pandan

ceramah PR di Sibu,Sarawak

Photo: Ceramah MCA menerima sokongan "Padu" walaupun ada makanan free.
ceramah Donald Lim,MCA dengan makan free

A Bus to Nowhere...

Fresh from copying Pakatan Rakyat's content, the Prime Minister is now attempting to copy Anwar Ibrahim's style and delivery. Najib is now opting for the Campaign Bus to meet the voters, in a move that mirrors exactly what DSAI has been doing for several months back.However, the similarities stop there.

Whilst DSAI's bus was greeted by genuine voters and the victim of  acts of criminal intimidation by UMNO members up and down the country, Najib's campaign bus has been largely ignored  by the local population. Instead of voters, the audience features the local UMNO hoi-poi waving the now rather silly looking "I  PM" placards.

This scene certainly deserves some elaboration.

This rather comical situation drives home one of the defining characteristics of the BN Government which is it is a Government of all style and no substance. Perhaps this is standard Government modus operandi because usually the case is that the substantive part of the thinking is done by one party who submits a paper to the Government only for the "photocopy" crew to copy the document, bump up the proposed project cost and change the letter head. The new solution is then endorsed and the original promoter of the idea gets nothing whilst enrich themselves off his brains and intellect.

This game has been played over and over again for the best part of the last decade. It used to be the case that in the past you could count that if the paper landed on Dr Mahathir's desk, perhaps then the idea would  be fully appreciated but with a succession of weak minded leaders, this is now no longer the case. In fact, I would argue that in practically all Government discussions there exists no one who actually knows what is happening and the discussions are farcical because no one knows exactly what the problem is, let alone the solution. The discussions then turn to a game of follow the leader, who is usually conned wholesale by a young wet behind the ears consultant. Problems continue to linger on until of course it finally hits the roof.

That moment is now.

There is no longer any place left to turn. There is no more projects left to announce. There is no more acronyms left to speak off. There is no more mind conditioning that can be done. There is no more money left to give. There is no more delaying tactics to be employed.

That moment is now.

Now, Najib realises his campaign is in tatters. Now Najib realises 55 years of BN rule is drawing quickly to a close. Now Najib realises Pemandu was not worth a penny. Now Najib realises his expensive APCO consultants have been slow to think of any meaningful approach to win the minds of the people. Now Najib realises that his own team, which he spent hundreds of millions of the rakyat's funds, is just crap and now Najib is trying to copy Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim in every way shape and form.

Of course, we all know it will not amount to anything but then again, we want to encourage Najib to continue to try and copy DSAI because DSAI is such a charismatic leader. Perhaps Najib could learn to mimic DSAI's signature Arabic twang, wear DSAI's spectacles, grow DSAI's beard and generally just to try to rid himself of the staid uninspiring Najib in favour of the more dynamic and versatile Anwar.

Needless to say, this is just foolishness.

The point about DSAI's popularity isn't difficult to figure out. Its obvious isn't.

DSAI is such a prominent politician because UMNO delegates, UMNO leaders, TV3, Utusan Melayu, UMNO bloggers and the entire Pakatan Rakyat machinery keep on talking about him day and night. So when UMNO keeps on blasting him on the media, that makes people forget about Najib and tune into Anwar. Now our Government oppress many people that people begin to "meluat" with the media and identify themselves with the struggle of DSAI. DSAI then rides into town in his bus, complete with the red paint and broken windows and the crowd goes crazy.

What is there not to understand? UMNO has practically  ensured that DSAI gets the most amount of coverage in all media channels, all the time. He has been the headlines in prime time news and in the UMNO General Assembly.

The bus has nothing to do with this. DSAI could very well ride into town on a bullock cart and the crowd will still go crazy because they meet the guy who is able to withstand the full force of the Government's oppressive measures. He is now practically a hero!

That is the silliness of Najib and his advisers. They have built Anwar up so much that he looms large over them like a giant ready to smash their little world into pieces.

In contrast, what about Najib. Who actually talks about him? We asked one of our ex readers to give us a reason why we should support Najib and he just came out blank. Nobody knows what Najib stands for. We know DSAI stands for The Resistance Against UMNO but what does Najib stand for. Does he stand for 1Malaysia or does he stand for 1Perkasa? Does he stand for no corruption or does he stand for You Help, I Help You? Does he stand for excellence or he does he stand for flattery?

These are the questions Najib's expensively assembled team should have attempted to answer in a clear and unambiguous manner.  Making Najib be everything to everyone is a sure fire way to make him look gormless  at best, or perhaps more likely as an untrustworthy hypocrite. I have yet to find such an approach in any political operators standard playbook but perhaps Pemandu may yet synthesise a new acronym to fit this approach.- Sir Wenger Khairy@Pirates of Putrajaya





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