
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, April 20, 2013

EXPOSING the RoS strategy to 'kill off' DAP

EXPOSING the RoS strategy to 'kill off' DAP
I am happy that the Democratic Action Party (DAP) has decided to use both PAS and PKR tickets to contest in the coming General Election.
People like me who have been watching the unfolding of events can clearly see how devillish this Barisan Nasional Government is. They are prepared to play dirty in order to stay in power. At the time of writing, I am told that Wong Piang Yow, Founder of Tindak Malaysia, was being investigated by Bukit Aman under Section 124C of the Penal Code. Of all persons, PY Wong, a champion of the democratic process, is being investigated for ‘attempt to commit activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy.’
These days, what does not make sense to the ordinary people, is being done in the open. We have seen too much to the extent that we have to say, “Enough is enough!” What else has UMNO BN not done that deserves the people’s brickbats?
Double Faced
While flamboyant Najib Tun Razak is trying to show the good sides of UMNO and Barisan Nasional, his men are creating situations to derail the Pakatan Rakyat from marching towards Putrajaya. To date, government machinery has been used to fight civilians, and the Registrar of Societies is just one. A number of plots must have been designed by Najib’s war machinery, but they are badly executed that even ordinary people like me could see through these plots immediately.
Let me share with you what I see, and you will realise what can happen in the event that DAP had gone ahead to contest using their own party logo – the progressive red Rocket.
Assuming that DAP had won all the seats that it contested for, and now Anwar Ibrahim is able to form a new government; at that juncture, the ROS can at any moment declare DAP to be an illegal organisation. The moment DAP is deregistered, its Members of Parliament would find themselves in a big quandrum.
And, Anwar would not have the numbers to immediately form the new Government; Najib would immediately seize the opportunity to form the new Federal Government. Such a situation would also happen at the State level.
It had happened before in Perak, and UMNO BN is hoping to play the same game, despite knowing that the rakyat is angry with the way how they play the political game.
Trump Cards Exposed
To qualify my statement, let’s look at the cards that were laid out on the table. Two days before Nomination Date, the ROS sprang a surprise to say that it does not recognise the current central executive committee. However, for some obvious reasons, what appears to be three colluding parties came forward to say that ‘DAP is not illegal’ and it can still contest using the Rocket.
I doubt the sincerity of Zahid Hamidi, Defence Minister, when he appealed to ROS to allow the DAP to contest using the Rocket logo. I also doubt the sincerity of both the Election Commission and the ROS to claim that DAP is not illegal – and that it can contest using the Rocket logo.
There is no commitment on the part of ROS to withdraw its letter. They are insisting that investigation is still being carried out. I am sure when the time comes, the so-called technical glitch will be used to deregister DAP.
Rakyat, Arise, JOM 100!
Now that DAP has steered itself out of the deep waters, the battle is on! Anwar Ibrahim has sounded the clarion call, “Ini Kalilah!” It’s time for Pakatan Rakyat to capture Putrajaya. It’s time for all Malaysians of all walks of life to heed the call of Bersih co-chair, Ambiga Sreenevasan, “JOM 100”.
In this crucial moment of the nation’s history, it no longer matters what logo is used. Pakatan Rakyat has to be united, and the people have to rise and be counted. Our Malaysian Spring will have to be one done in the most beautiful way – we all come out to VOTE.
Political intimidation, smear campaign, thuggery, character assassination, sex video clips and all the gutter politics that UMNO plays should stop immediately. The Rakyat has enough of such nonsense, especially intensified in the last two years. We want UBAH, not transformasi!
We want to have a TOTAL CHANGE of Government, not one that is sick and corrupt to the core because it is no longer capable of transforming itself. If UMNO continues to play such games, it will not only become a four-letter word to many urban households today, but also to the rest of the population for many years to come.
If anything, UMNO should concede to DEFEAT gracefully when the time comes, and build itself again gradually on whatever little hope there is still to be returned back to power again in the next General Election. My take is that UMNO needs at least two defeats before it learns to behave itself. By then, we would give some consideration to Barisan Nasional, but until then, it is nothing but TUKAR!

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