
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ghani, your party virtually invented 'racial polarisation'

YOURSAY 'Umno is the godfather of racism and racial polarisation. It is Umno-BN that is the master of the racial divide and rule.'

Ghani rails against Pakatan's 'racial polarisation'

your sayBluemountains: Pakatan Rakyat is racist? Caretaker Johor MB Abdul Ghani Othman must remember that it is Umno that sets up educational institutions that only allows one race to be admitted.

Certain universities give pre-exam special briefings and tutorials to only one race. Only one race is allowed to do matriculation classes for varsity admission, whereas other races must do the STPM.

Who is being racist, Ghani? The people of Gelang Patah will not buy your story. As a matter of fact, you cannot find any issues with DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and Pakatan.

Just before I forget, only one race in your state of Johor gets up to 15 percent discount for purchase of houses which are indirectly cross-subsidised by the other races.

TehTarik: Umno is the godfather of racism and racial polarisation. It is Umno-BN that is the master of the racial divide and rule.

Neither Umno/MCA/MIC accept members of other races. Whereas candidates from PKR/DAP/PAS transcends all races. Umno-BN should indeed learn about multiracialism from Pakatan.

Anonnona: Ghani thinks that voters are stupid. With leaders like former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Perkasa deputy Zulkifli Noordin in Umno, how could Pakatan be the cause of racial polarisation?

SMC77: Is Umno's ‘Malay first, Malaysian second' mindset acceptable to Johoreans? Johor Umno has produced many racist ministers, such as Muhyiddin Yassin and Hishammuddin Hussein.

Appum: Ghani, does your inference to the 'Johor way' mean BN forever ruling Johor? What utter rubbish from a so-called intellectual. That is dictatorship.

Also, what "polarisation based on race" are you talking about? Pakatan, like BN, is made up of all the races. You sounded kind of confused.

Ghkok: The Umno constitution says that "a member must be Malay or bumiputera" and MCA's constitution says that "members must be of Chinese descent", whereas DAP's constitution says any Malaysian can be member.

PKR's constitution also says any Malaysian can be a member. Meanwhile, PAS has its non-Muslim wing which is open to all. So it is strange that Ghani is complaining about "others" bringing in "support based on race".

YK Yong: Ghani says Umno had fair treatment of vernacular education? For six solid years, I had to help my kids to beg for donations for school funds come every Chinese New Year.

When maths and science switched to English, we had to pay for the Chinese-language versions, when the ministry abolished maths and science in English, we again had to pay for the Chinese language versions.

Ynwa: Ghani, name one assistant district officer or district officer or director or deputy, or any top Indian or Chinese officer in the Johor civil service.

You have practised total discrimination because Johor has been a strong Umno bastion. It is one of the most racist states in terms of non-Malay employment.

Show us the employment statistics, Ghani. Talk is cheap, data convinces. You have chased away good skilled workers, forcing them to work in Singapore, due to your practice of race and religion first.

Leaders in Johor must be taught a lesson for playing politics of race and religion. Ubah, Johoreans. Ini kali lah!

Hang Tuah: What has Umno and BN done for the Chinese and Indians? Look at government departments, how many Chinese and Indians work there?

Non-Malays who had applied to join the civil service were not even called for interviews. Is this what we call 1Malaysia when the civil service is almost 100 percent dominated by Malays?

The DPM gave the excuse that non-Malays don't like to work in the government; this is a total lie. We have applied for civil service jobs but were not even called for an interview. 1Malaysia? Bullshit.

Better My: Look who is talking about racial polarisation? This, coming from the one whose party is the king of racism and racial polarisation for decades.

He said the Chinese and Indians have been given fair treatment in vernacular education? The yardstick of fair treatment to all, even to the Malay masses, is far wider than one single measurement.

Onyourtoes: The "Johor way" is the way to support a regime that is decadent and corrupt. For years, the people have been shackled by ignorance and Umno's domineering political culture that breeds incompetency, wastage and corruption.

Of course, the Johor way is good for you, Ghani, because for years you fellows were the pigeons and the rest were the statues. You are wrong. DAP and Pakatan has not resorted to racial polarisation because they know they need the support of all races in Johor to get rid of BN.

It was your party Umno that has consistently and persistently resorted to racism, thinking that relying on Malays alone would be sufficient for you to maintain power.

You forget Ghani, racism is not the only cause of Malaysia's woes. Racism was only used as an excuse.

It is mega corruption, abuse of power, incompetency, opulence and wastage that have caused disgust and despondence among so many Malaysians.

Anonymously: Hello Ghani, your party is practically the creator of racial polarisation in Malaysia.

Better My Once: The Chinese, Indian and Malay votes in Johor were once owned by Umno till they go to their graves. Lips were sealed, Umno was the biggest party with its octopus hands all over the national cookie jars.

But no more today. The best party to lead the country gets their votes, though you can still count on some ignorant or the feared ones.

Lukeking: I think Ghani doesn't understand the meaning of "polarisation". - Malaysiakini

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