
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's not BN vs Pakatan, but Umno vs Pakatan

YOURSAY 'I don't know what makes MCA chief Chua Soi Lek think that MCA will definitely get back the seats it 'lends to Umno'.'

MCA drops Tee Keat, Ping Sieu and Yen Yen

your sayJeremy Tankh: Pandan incumbent Ong Tee Keat (OTK) is dropped not just because BN cannot have decent politicians anymore, not just because MCA boss Chua Soi Lek (CSL) doesn't want him (for fear of challenging him in MCA), not just because former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad doesn't want him (for digging too much in the Port Klang Free Zone scandal), but also because BN chief Najib Razak traded OTK for Gelang Patah.

CSL wanted to "kill off" OTK so much that he was willing to give Gelang Patah to Umno as long as Najib promised to not include OTK in the list of candidates. Najib must have Gelang Patah because Dr M wanted to "kill off" LKS by using Johor MB Abdul Ghani Othman.

And Najib loved the move too because he could put his own man as the next Johor MB.

Ferdtan: With former president Ong Tee Keat and vice-president Gan Ping Sieu dropped from the BN line-up for May 5 GE, it only means one thing: MCA president Chua Soi Lek is playing politics to advance his own personal agenda.

The reason for removing Ong Tee Keat is rather obvious; it is a vendetta ever since Chua was subordinate to Ong in MCA before he managed to ‘overthrow' his party president.

We thought it would be difficult to remove Ong as he is a winnable candidate for BN. Najib in his public countenance too seems to like Ong. So what changes PM's mind? What is the trade-off to make Najib agree to Chua's demand?

Was the agreement obtained for the gifts of three MCA seats to Umno? As to Gan, the possible reason is he may be a political threat to Chua's son as he is also based in Johor.

Tehachapi: Tee Keat, you are a principled politician and you have earned the respect and admiration of fair-minded Malaysians. I wish you well in your future endeavour. Your leadership skills and devotion to the welfare of the people of Malaysia will be put to good use wherever you are.

This does not signify the end of your political career because so long as you have support among the people, you will rise again to work among the Chinese and lead them forward. Don't be discouraged.

Instead this unfair treatment should energise you and inspire you how low MCA has sunk and how urgent it is for you to rebuild the party organisation. Both you and Gan are too valuable to retire from politics. We need you to be around and champion the people's issues.

Fight the corrupt leaders and expose them. Join forces with other fair-minded leaders to bring about fundamental change in our political culture.
ONG: I don't know what makes Soi Lek think that MCA will definitely get back the seats it 'lends to Umno'. I can think of at least two reasons why MCA won't get them back and will even be compelled to 'lend' more seats to Umno in future GEs.

Firstly, over time Umno leaders have already redefined the meaning of the word 'loan'. To them a 'loan' can also be an 'income' if they so wish. You don't repay what you receive as 'income', do you?

As illustration, we all know about the billions of government loans that have been disbursed to the 'tuans', not repaid and then conveniently 'forgiven' or written off.

Secondly, if MCA loses even more of the remaining seats it contests (compared to GE12), which is likely, and if at the same time Umno wins some or all of the seats 'on loan' from MCA, Umno can order MCA to 'lend' even more seats at the next GE.

Smart MCA members will campaign secretly to help Umno candidates lose Gelang Patah, Kuantan and Wangsa Maju so that MCA can reclaim these seats comes next GE.

Appum: In the final analysis, this election is not BN against Pakatan. It's Umno against Pakatan.

FellowMalaysian: By the way things are going, I can safely predict that GE13 will be the most disastrous election for MCA in its 55-year electoral history. Before nomination day got under way, they are already down three parliament seats and scores of state seats.

Just two days ago, the MCA president announced he will be staying out of the election. Now, three of their generals including two vice-presidents have been rendered non-participants.

Mano: "The decision for MCA to loan some of its seats to the BN component parties is part of the new strategies and the party will get the seats back, in addition of new seats from constituency delineation after the GE," said Chua.

This is pure arrogance.

Cala: Bankrupt of any new idea to serve the community, obstinate to stick to old practices of unaccountability (see Ling Liong Sik in PKFZ scandal), and helpless to check the exccesses of 'taiko' Umno, MCA have effectively come to symbolise a party that have long lived past their time.

The party knows it, but yet they are incapable to install any meaningful change since the 2008 general election. They reckon that by Chua Soi Lek talking incessantly on any real or imagined issue, somehow voters will buy his crap.

Ex MCA: I respect OTK and have all along been his supporter. However, now that he is not nominated to contest, I would suggest to him to sit out this election and wait for an opportunity to make his comeback.

When MCA is ‘wiped out' after GE13, the members will want him back and he can then do something to reform the party, better still get it out of BN and hopefully work towards a two-party system.

But if OTK stands as an independent, however much I like him and however personally painful it may be, I will urge all Chinese in Pandan to throw their support behind PKR candidate Rafizi Ramli whom I am convinced represents the future of Malaysia, one whom I hope will one day become Malaysia's PM.

New Vision: OTK, stay out and let Rafizi win. That is the best form of revenge. This way, after the GE when CSL's gang is wiped out, the MCA members will invite you and Gan Ping Sieu to take over.

As for Yen Yen, learn that when one talks too much and tries too hard to please the bosses, one loses credibility with not only the voters but your own bosses as well. - Malaysiakini

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