
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 28, 2013

'Janji tak ditepati' may cost Ongkili his seat

SABAH On a scorcher of a day, about 1500 people in Kampung Tinangol, Matrunggong some 130km from Kota Kinabalu are almost stampeding towards PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

When Anwar steps on stage, one woman excitedly approachesMalaysiakini and in a combination of a local dialect and hand signals, she tells the reporter that she managed to shake Anwar's hand.

wilfred bumburing lazim ukin 100612Asked if she will wash her hand later today, she laughs out loud and waves a fan with a picture of APS president Wilfred Bumburing (left). On the fan it reads: 'Tukar!'

A few days ago, Johannes, who votes in the area under the Kota Maruduparliamentary constituency, said that BN's candidate and incumbent Maximus Ongkili was at the same field.

"But there were probably 50 people," he said.

50 people for a federal minister? "Times are changing," he said.

One person who attended the Ongkili event confirmed that the turnout was barely a handful compared to today, and many including himself had to attend because they represented local associations funded by the government.

"People here are not happy. He has been here for two terms and every time he comes here he promises to initiate a land survey so we can measure our native land, but still nothing. Now he promises again," said the man who requested anonymity as he is a civil servant.
Not-so-easily arranged

The man that locals are also not very keen on, is the incumbent state assemblyperson Sarapin Magana, who is defending his seat.

"We had liked Jornah (Mozihim, who won for BN in 2004) and she never lost. She was just replaced like that," he said of Jornah, who left PBS recently after a clash with Ongkili and was spotted at the PKR rally.

"The BN likes to say that our community is easily arranged (mudah diurus) but they should arrange to fulfill their promises."

His wife, however, is more cautious and said that most who went to the PKR rally - very big by Matunggong standards - are fence sitters who want to see Anwar in person.

NONEOngkili garnered 56 percent of votes in 2008, against PKR's Anthony Mandiau, who took 37 percent of votes, and two others.

This time, he is facing a formidable challenge by APS deputy president Majiol Mahap (right), who was Upko vice president, while Mandiau is contesting the state seat of Tandek.

Matunggong, accessible from Kota Kinabalu via the winding single-lane Kota Belud bypass is a rural area, home to the Rungus community.

Much of the roads in the villages are unsealed, and some complain of no or erratic electricity or water supply. Most live in unpainted wooden houses.

Rubber prices

Many of them are smallholders, Johannes, who is a PBS member said, and they are getting a raw deal from the state rubber agency.

"The difference can sometimes be a couple of ringgit per kilo," he said, fishing out a Pakatan Rakyat pamphlet on unfair rubber prices in Sabah.

He has taken several so he can pass it on to his friends who are facing the same issue.

At the rally, elderly sarong-clad women were seen passing around photocopied posters of PKR's Kudat candidate Rahimah Majid.

PKR's push against Ongkili is most likely to be contained in the Kota Marudu constituency, but at least one person will vote for Rahimah.

Amina Amit, 59, from Kampung Bangau has been a supporter of the BN for decades, and is a PBS member but this time she is trying her luck with Pakatan Rakyat.

She said she came to the rally undecided but her mind is set now. In fact, she said, she will also try to influence her family members

"In my village, aid is not distributed fairly and only benefit those close to BN representatives' hearts.

"So this time, I will vote for the opposition, with hopes that we will no longer be oppressed," she said.

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