
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kalu Husam balik Kelantan, Mahathir juga patut balik Kerla...

Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata calon PAS Putrajaya Datuk Husam Musa, yang juga anggota exco dalam kerajaan sementara PAS di Kelantan, sepatutnya menyelesaikan masalah negeri berkenaan sebelum menjadi calon di pusat pentadbiran negara itu.

"Sehingga itu, duduk diam-diam di Kelantan. Itu tempat anda. Perbaiki tempat anda dan contohi presint Putrajaha. Bina pejabat yang baik dan rumah untuk orang tempatan yang bekerja dalam sektor awam,” kata Mahathir.

Selepas itu, barulah Husam boleh memohon untuk bekerja di Putrajaya dan naik pangkat sedikit demi sedikit, kata Mahathir lagi dalam satu ceramah ketika berkempen untuk penyandang kerusi tersebut Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor. 

Tengku Adnan memenangi kerusi tersebut dengan majoriti 2,734 undi dalam pilihan raya umum 2008. 

Pada masa itu, Putrajaya menjadi kawasan parlimen paling kecil dengan hanya 6,608 voters. Ia amat ketara berbanding kawasan Kapar yang merupakan kawasan parlimen terbesar dengan 144,369 pengundi. Pengundi Putrajaya kini berjumlah 15, 798 orang, meningkat kepada hampir 140 peratus yang kebanyakannya merupakan penjawat awam.


(Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad says PAS Putrajaya candidate Husam Musa should first fix problems in Kelantan, where he is a caretaker exco member, before making his bid to be the federal administrative capital's elected representative.

"Until then, sit quietly in Kelantan. That is your place. Go fix your place and imitate Putrajaya's precincts. Build good offices and homes for the locals who work in the civil service."After you (Husam, left) prove your worth, then ask for the chance to work in Putrajaya, though not as prime minister. Bit by bit, you may earn your promotion," Mahathir said in Putrajaya last night at a campaign ceramah for BN's incumbent Putrajaya MP Tengku Adnan Mansor.

Tengku Adnan won Putrajaya with a 2,734-vote majority in the 2008 general election.

At the time, Putrajaya had the distinction of being the smallest parliamentary constituency of all, with only 6,608 voters. In comparison, the largest parliamentary constituency at the time was Kapar, with 144,369 voters.)-malaysiakini

Kalu tanya 10 orang golongan muda yang berjiwa merdeka dan berfikiran terbuka di Malaysia la nih.... golongan muda yang warganegara.... golongan muda yang celik patriotismanya... golongan muda yang faham apa kepentingan politik dan siasah di Malaysia.... pastinya 9 daripada mereka akan memberikan nasihat begini...

Rakyat nasihat Mahathir Mohamed 'Balik India' .... hahahaha .... ataupun 'Balik Kerala' lar...

Betul... semua orang akan nasihat Mahathir Mohamed... sebelum lagi banyak lawak merapu yang Mahathir Mohamed buat... sebelum lagi banyak nyanyuk Mahathir Mohamed buat.... sebelum Mahathir Mohamed memalukan diri dier.... rakyat nasihatkan Mahathir Mohamed sila 'balik india' - cipantapirtenuk.blogspot

Bagi aku, biarlah gambar2 di atas tu bicara untuk tentukan sapa balik ke mana... dan bandingkan gambar2 di atas dengan gambar2 di bawah ini...



Anda pikiaq-pikiaqlah mai sendiri....

Altantuya billboard removed as 'she is not contesting'...

BN chairperson Najib Abdul Razak could have been looking at the smiling face of murdered Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu - if such billboards hadn't been removed before his arrival in Kuching to campaign for BN candidates.

NONEThe billboards, erected by DAP near the airport and several locations in Kuching, were meant to welcome Najib, said Chong Chieng Jen, Sarawak DAP secretary.

Najib went to Sarawak on Friday on his campaign drive to drum up support for BN candidates and came back yesterday.

Chong said the Election Commission and the Kuching South City Hall sent their officers to take down the billboards with Altantuya's smiling face that had been put up at Pending, Pandungan, Stutong and Chong Lin Park.

An officer from city council explained that DAP could not put up such billboards since Altantuya was not in the election.

This is despite the fact that there are faces of children appearing in other election campaign billboards that have been put up.

Not happy with the explanation, Chong said the party would hold a demonstration outside the Kuching South City Hall.
Najib visited a number of constituencies, including Saratok, Lubok Antu, Kuching and Sibu, yesterday in his drive to boost support for BN candidates in the state.

Sarawak DAP has uploaded a video clip of a billboard being removed, which has seen 4,400 shares within 24 hours.

"Why is the Election Commission so afraid of Altantuya when Najib is in Kuching? The billboard was removed without the 24 hours' notice given, as stated under its by-laws," Sarawak DAP said in a statement.

"Do you know why EC is removing this Altantuya billboard in such a hurry? Because Najib is going to pass by this road later," it said.-malaysiakini

Didn't Najib praise Umcedel before...

BN chairperson Najib Abdul Razak had praised Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) before when the group's survey had favoured him, pointed out PKR.

In a press release today, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution urged Najib to show some consistency and respect the group's findings.

“Opinion polls are barometers which, when done professionally and in accordance with best practice methodology, are relevant and reliable.

“Nevertheless, we will abide by the final election results as decided by the rakyat on May 5,” he said.

Umcedel's survey had put PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim four points ahead of Najib on the question of who was more qualified to be prime minister.

Of the 1,407 people polled, 43 percent said Anwar was qualified while 39 percent said the same for Najib. In addition, the survey found that Malays were far more inclined towards having Anwar as prime minister.

Najib had dismissed the poll results, pointing out that BN's internal survey showed that he was in the lead and poised to return to power with a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Saifuddin said that his party is heartened, humbled and pleased to hear the results, which he says shows that PKR’s campaign for change is bearing fruit, and puts an end to claims that the party does not enjoy Malay support.

“Pakatan Rakyat is making inroads into all sectors and communities, and will build on the faith people have given us by campaigning round-the-clock with all the hours and space available to us in the next seven days before election day,” he said.-malaysiakini

Jelajah Pakatan Harapan Rakyat Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim  Ke Parlimen Subang & Setiawangsa
28 April 2013 (Ahad)

1) 9.00 Mlm – Tapak Pasar Malam Paya Jaras
Sungai Buloh, Selangor (P- Subang)

2) 11.00 mlm - Jalan 26/56, Keramat Wangsa,
Kuala Lumpur (P – Setiawangsa)


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