
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 27, 2013

KARPAL, DON"T BE ARROGANT and think only of DAP's seats

KARPAL, DON"T BE ARROGANT and think only of DAP's seats
By whatever accounts you measure PAS, PAS is not a political party that grew up accidently nor did it become what it is today because of religious madness. It earned its staus quo out of respect and track record. Period.
It takes an objective eye to measure and recognize PAS as a genuine and caring political party of leaders who are soaked in humility, moderation and compassion. You cannot dismiss a political party by not taking into account its leadership-by-example as emulated by its well respected Spiritual Leader, Tok Guru and the growing number of office bearers and followers who are professionals too.
As such, Karpal should stop alarming the rakyat by double barreling the hudud and Islamic aspects that are also politicized by BN all these years.
Anyone who has had experience meeting and interacting with the PAS leadership line-up will vouch the amazing humility, balanced thinking and compassion that they exude. Anyone who has had the opportunity or taken the trouble to venture into Kelantan and its many outlying villages will attest that here is a State that has deep respect for followers of other faiths and the traditions of all races.
In any case, what is wrong if PAS promotes Islam? What is wrong if Hudud is imposed on the followers of Islam? Would not Karpal want the teachings of the holy Guru of his faith be promoted, nurtured and cherished by the very community of Sikhs in this country?
Likewise would not the leaders of the Christian faiths also want their faithful to adhere to the teachings of their respective Holy Books?
So if PAS is going to ensure that Muslims are guided along to keep their faith what is wrong with that? Is it not what responsible leadership is all about?
Act your age - be wise!
As a leader of the DAP and a veteran to boot, Karpal should allow wisdom to prevail especially at this crucial moment when the rakyat are prayerfully hopeful for an alternative to the BN mantras that they have come to regard with grave concern.
Please Sir do not fall into the highly distasteful antics as practiced by some veteran and retired politician who always slams PAS in bad light by unfounded and grossly unfair alarm creation at crucial times in the nation's political history.
There is nothing wrong if PAS implements the principles and teachings of the Islamic faith for the muslim faithful. PAS has proven on record, time and time again, about how its leadership is able and successful in respecting the teachers and followers of other religions. Go to Kelantan and see for yourself how the rights and traditions and practices of other faiths and races are not chiseled away. See for yourself how respectful the citizens there are towards each other.
Thanks to PAS for Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and even non-believers are able to lead their lives unhindered for as long as they too are able to show the same degree of respect and acceptance of their muslim brothers and sisters.
And it is no secret that at least in PAS territories you do not get Temple demolishing and non-approval or lengthy delays to Church building plans as in some States that are politically owned and controled by a certain political party. Right or wrong?
The least therefore that Karpal could do for voters is to get his priorities right. Not just his personal sentiments but more importantly the sentiments of the voting rakyat.

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