
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mahathir, your time has come and gone

YOURSAY 'This is the time for undoing all that is wrong in this nation and we politely ask you to step aside and let us make Malaysia great again.'

Dr M: Pakatan rule will herald 'failed Islamic state'

your sayTehachapi: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you cannot be more wrong. Without Pakatan Rakyat's winning this GE13, Malaysia will be a failed state, period, Islamic or not.

The only viable option for our survival is bring about radical change after GE13. The cause of our decline is total erosion of trust and confidence in the Umno government and loss of morality and ethics.

We suffer from rampant corruption, rising crime, inflation, declining standards of health and education, police brutalities, and loss of competitiveness.

Please let us have the peace to solve the scourge of corruption, thanks to your poor moral leadership. The day of reckoning for you to account for this sorrowful state of affair will happen soon enough.

For now, we won't give you the liberty to cause more damage to a fragile nation. It is our rights to save the nation. You had your chance, but failed.

LifeGoesOn: "We are not against meritocracy, but we also consider giving chances to those who are good, but not the best, this is our way," said Mahathir.

He has applied this logic to his son - he is good but not the best. When compared to Khairy Jamaluddin and Mohd Khir Toyo, he got the least votes at the Umno Youth election.

Yet Umno must give his son the chance to become Kedah menteri besar. This is Mahathir's way. Crony ‘didahulukan'.

Comrade In Arms: Dr M, you and I know 'good' is not enough to compete in the real world. If we follow your policies we will always be second best. Other countries will take over us in all fields.

A glaring example is our education system. What is our standing? Our universities have low ranking. Our economy is already been overtaken by many Asian countries. The ringgit has fallen and it's expensive to buy foreign goods.

As with security, there is nothing to be proud of. We have two million illegal immigrants and foreign forces easily slipped into our country. Lahad Datu is a prime example.

To save our country and protect the Malays, we have to work with the very best, be they Malay, Chinese, Indians, Kadazan or whatever.

Rakyat Malaysia: Meritocracy? What a great lie. Just look at the quality of the lecturers in our public universities.

Most of them are of low-grade. I'm not running them down but can we produce quality graduates? Mahathir, are you educated in Malaysia or overseas?

Boiling Mud: What is the good of having an Islamic state infested with corrupt and cruel politicians who defy every good tenet of the Islamic teaching true Muslims are expected to adhere to? The use of religion for personal and political gains is a sin against God.

Moontime: Who appointed this dinosaur to be a soothsayer in the first place? Predicting dire things to befall Malaysians in case Pakatan takes over Putrajaya seems to be the mantra being chanted ad nauseum by this failed statesman.

Malaysians have been wondering and asking the same question: Is he trying to make a comeback in politics with all this drivel and venom spewed here and yonder?

Look Mahathir, your time has come and gone. We Malaysians have paid a heavy price due to your failed policies, grandiose schemes and idiotic ramblings over the past 20 odd years.

This is the time for undoing all that is wrong in this nation and we politely ask you to step aside and let the young ones proceed with the agenda of making Malaysia great again.

We don't need your stupid, idiotic predictions, your venomous comments that confirmed the conduct most unbecoming of a former premier, even a statesman.

You can't seem to exorcise the inferiority complex demon in you, eh? Don't worry. After GE13, it will be gone.

Sunnyd: How do you judge the identity of a country? Obviously the majority culture will remain dominant.

Dr M, Malay Muslims are the majority in this country, it is impossible they will lose their culture or their dominance. The Malays in Thailand and Singapore are minorities, so don't compare them to the Malays here.

Absalom: Here is the fear-mongering ex-PM who is all out to protect himself and his billions by ensuring that his political party continues to rule so that he still wields some power to stop anybody from going after him.

Dr M, can you explain how in the states of Selangor, Kelantan and Penang and Kedah (ruled by the opposition) the Malays have lost their language, custom and identity? The only person who seems to have lost his identity or is confused about it (on purpose) seems to be you.

I think the people of Malaysia deserve to experience a change of government at least once so that they are better equipped to choose between the two the next time around.

So for now, please stop telling lies to the people, stop frightening them and let them make the decision to chart the course for their future.

1st Class Taxpayer, 3rd Class Citizenship: If Pakatan rules, can Mahathir's son still be 15th richest man in Malaysia? - Malaysiakini

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