
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

MCA trying to hoodwink Chinese voters?

Ignore the devil because the moment we listen to him, we will be tempted by his sly and cunning arguments.
Half a loaf is better than none – so the saying goes. Applying this saying to woo the Chinese voters, MCA is telling the Chinese in Kedah to vote Pakatan Rakyat for Parliament and vote Barisan Nasional for the state seats.
If the Chinese voters obey BN because they were duped by MCA’s insidious advice, then BN will manage to wrest control of Penang, Perak, Kedah and Selangor besides also being able to block Pakatan’s inroads in Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Pahang and Terengganu.
This means that if Pakatan manages to wrest control of Putrajaya, a majority of the states will still be under BN’s control and thus BN will be able to negate Pakatan’s power and cause difficulties to Pakatan’s administrative work by hindering at every level.
Thus, Pakatan’s benefits will not be channelled down to the rakyat and at the State Legislative Assemblies, BN will get to bulldoze through laws that may prove to be a burden to the people in those states.
This means that the rakyat will still be in difficulty. Should we show sympathy to BN then, or should we give it the opposition’s role in all the states?
We have to be deaf to the pleas of the “devil we know”. (“Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t” is the well-known saying used by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad in urging us to stick to BN.)
Ignore the devil because the moment we listen to him, we will be tempted by his sly and cunning arguments. MCA and BN must be completely ignored because if we start listening to them, we will gradually get taken in and get hoodwinked by them.
The devil is tops in the art of winning arguments in his attempt to cause the downfall of the human race; likewise, MCA and BN’s arguments will cause our downfall if we lend them our ears.
Another statement from MCA, this time from its president, Dr Chua Soi Lek, as reported in a local English daily on April 6, that “the opposition did not have the government machinery to back it up and solve local problems” is the epitome of stupidity.
Of course, the opposition does not have the government machinery to back it up simply because it is the opposition.
After the opposition has captured Putrajaya, the opposition will become the federal government and then it will have the government machinery to back it up.
Warped and twisted remarks
One must also not forget that the BN federal government has hijacked the use of the government machinery for its party’s purposes. There is no dividing line between BN the party and BN the federal government.
The same local English daily further reports the following the statement of the MCA president:
“Chua also said a good representative needed to be able to articulate problems faced by the people and look at how to solve local issues.
“While opposition candidates may be articulate, they do not have sufficient backing from the government to help the people,” he added.
Chua said due to this weakness, most opposition candidates only served for one term and were eventually dropped or replaced.
“They rarely ever stay for a second term because they are afraid to face the people after having done nothing for them,” he said.
Clearly, Chua’s arguments above are warped and twisted statements to confuse the rakyat, especially the rural Chinese voters, as all his points are illogical due to the fact that the government machinery simply refuses to help the Pakatan lawmakers in anything and everything although in fact the government machinery should remain politically neutral.
All this just goes to show how crazy this nation has become under the BN federal government which appropriates the government machinery as its own personal machinery to enhance its personal evil agenda of sabotaging Pakatan MPs and state assemblymen.
At the end of the day this also amounts to sabotaging the citizens.
Back to Chua: he is unable to command respect from many citizens as his party lacks integrity and accountability in regard to good governance in public matters.
DAP’s economics analyst Tony Pua and DAP Sekinchan assemblyman Ng Suee Lim (who champion the farmers’ causes in Sekinchan) both have solid proof and documentary evidence of MCA politicians appropriating large plots of land in Selangor for personal purposes.
So far, MCA leaders have kept silent pertaining to the accusations brought up by Pua and Ng against them. Even MCA’s Chua Tee Yong who used to highlight Talam matters has finally kept quiet now that his game has been exposed.
Besides the above shenanigans, Soi Lek has also played the race and religion card by challenging the DAP in Johor to put up a candidate for the post of menteri besar in the forthcoming 13th general election.
This ploy by the senior Chua is to fool the Chinese rural voters with the malicious intention of showing that DAP is subservient to PAS.
Increasing debt
We already have 56 years of mismanagement under BN and to top it up the national debt has increased and will continue to increase under the BN federal government.
If BN had wanted to do something about it, it would have been done long ago.
Instead, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s promise to trim the national debt is stupid Najibnomics – it can never be done at the rate he is emptying the nation’s coffers.
Therefore, let us vote wisely for our future and the future of our grandchildren before this nation becomes the sick man of Asia.
This is not impossible as corruption and cronyism have shown no signs of slowing down.
Selena Tay is a DAP member and a FMT columnist.

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