
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

OMG Dr M: Are you sure you can be so easily cheated?

OMG Dr M: Are you sure you can be so easily cheated?
THE 13th General Election will determine the fate of Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. (Likewise the same applies to you too does it not?)
And the chances are he will see the end of his obsession to become the prime minister of Malaysia (What obsession? Were you too not obsessed if not more? How else do we interpret your actions and words these days?)
He had cheated me and Umno into believing that he was supportive of Umno's struggle and wished to join it. (Anyone who disagrees with your agenda is deemed to have cheated you?)
And he was welcomed. It was a clever move for only Umno could make his obsession to become PM a reality. (So in other words, without UMNO there is no other expressway to becoming a premier? If that is not tyranny, what else could it be?)
GE13 his last chance to be PM
Pas, whose struggle seemed to be more in line with Anwar's pretensions as a Muslim zealot, would not be able to meet his expectation to be PM. Pas never won federal elections. (Winning is not the test of one’s piety and fidelity to faith, is it not?)
His strategy nearly succeeded but his base desires came in the way. He failed. Expelled from Umno, he immediately decided to make use of the opposition parties, Pas and the DAP, to achieve his objective. (No one makes use of the ‘opposition’ platform; the platform gives recognition to an individual, got it Tun?)
He founded his so-called Justice Party and persuaded Pas and DAP to form a kind of opposition coalition. The group lost in 1999 and in 2004. But in 2008, the opposition captured five states, one Federal Territory and denied Barisan Nasional the two-thirds majority at federal level. (Do you know what is progressive success? Anyway, thank you for recognizing that the opposition is progressing).
Excited by this partial success, he openly declared that BN members of parliament would defect to his side on Sept 16, 2008, and he would become PM. But the defections did not take place. His ambition was once again frustrated. (It is not an ambition. The tides of corrupt measures set against the opposition would be a better truth).
Now he has to place his hopes in the 13th GE. The strain is showing on him. Belief in him by DAP and Pas has waned. There is now talk of other candidates for the high office from Pas. (Your ugly venomous regard for a man who garners so much of support pitting against you is so difficult to accept? Can you not see that a leader is a leader because there are overwhelming supporters behind him or her?)
Scandals & Trouble
Scandals followed him everywhere. He was once again charged with sodomy. The court acquitted him on technical grounds. Muslims, including Pas backers were outraged by his defence of Israel. (Sad to say, you really sound so hollow with your replayed record).
The US makes it clear that Anwar is their candidate for PM. (We are all so tired of your ‘USA enemy’ creation. That is also an insult to our Constitutional Monarch – hence you should be charged for treason really).
This does not sit well with Muslims in Malaysia (Thank God you are not a well recognized or permanent Advisor and Guru to the OIC)..\
While he seems to be looking for victory in the 13th GE, he is clearly preparing for defeat. If he loses he will claim that the BN cheated at the polls, that the Government manipulated. (suppose you lost, what would your claim be? That the rakyat are stupid? That the country is finished? That opposition cheated at the polls?)
Already he has laid the groundwork for his expected accusations of election fraud. His strategy invariably include demonstrations. That is his trademark. (What is your trademark Tun? Have you been listening to the voices on the ground levels? Or have all these been screened and filtered for your relish?)
In 1974, when I became education minister, he got university students to demonstrate over the alleged death from starvation of a Malay boy in Baling, Kedah. (How about your national anger-demonstration – boycotts, against the US, the Australian PM? You forget so easily?)
This was nonsense. In Malaysia, no one dies of starvation, least of all in a Malay village. The villagers simply would not let this happen. They would send food to anyone who is starving. It turned out later that the boy had died of natural causes. There was food aplenty in his house. (No one dies of starvation? Hello, how about mal-nutrition? Do you know why the rakyat run to pasar malams to buy fish from Styrofoam boxes instead of a fresh market? Have you seen the withered kangkong and wilted sawi that housewives make do with these days instead of the ever-so-fresh salads you pack from five-star supermarkets? Or how about your bakery, Tun? Do the kampong kids get to eat your premium grade flour cookies or are they settling for the Ah Kow buns?)
After Anwar joined the government, there were no more demonstrations in Malaysia. Then he was sacked and immediately demonstrations started again. (It seems so difficult for you to comprehend that it is not DSAI but the rakyat who are and have been waiting so long under your oppressive tyranny for a figure to ride their battle cry through. Well we cannot expect much from your blurred vision when it comes to any of your ‘enemies’, can we?)
His people plagued Kuala Lumpur with demos every Saturday. People stayed away from the city, not wanting to be caught up in the demonstrations. Traders lost business. (Pity really you have difficulty even in believing what your daughter wrote of the rallies. Do not play naïve Tun. You should know that there were brisk businesses everywhere – from nasi lemak bungkus to ice cream to colored water drinks. Did you not know that demonstartors where hounded out of fully packed restaurants at lunch time? What loss of business are you talking about – oh, it must be the UMNO die-hards and your cronies who dared not open shop on that day!)
When he was being tried for sodomy, his followers demonstrated in front of the court house, apparently to intimidate the judges. (Stop insulting the judiciary. Are you saying that your judges get initimidated so easily? Perhaps there must be some truth here – after all were you not the one who sacked the Chief Judge and all the others got intimidated until Pak Lah came and made amends?)
It is not surprising that the Bersih demonstration was launched to condemn the government for cheating during elections. (Correction please! We did not condemn the government. We condemned the political party that formed the government.)
Had the government cheated, the opposition would not have won any seat. (Firstly, the government is made up of the civil servants. Civil servants do not cheat. The politicians who control the civil service cheat for ulterior motives. Secondly, on the same premise, do you not think that the opposition could have won more seats if not for the suscpicious and non-transparent and unverified ballot boxes and vote counting? Perhaps you should pay attention to what ex-Generals are saying these days.)
But in every election in Malaysia, opposition members won many seats and even captured many states. But the opposition still claim that the elections were manipulated by the government. (It is not what they won. You know it is all about making them look they won some while you kept the bulk, is it not? The point you are messing up again and again is that: why is it always almost near impossible for an opposition to win commensurate with the rising tides of support shown before an election and all through the years at warongs and work places ?)
Foreign observers immediately took up the cry and so did a good number of Malaysians. (Your fear of the foreign observers explains it all does it not? You sound very afraid and pathetically afraid, why?)
The Bersih demonstration was followed with a request for government to allow foreign observers to oversee the coming election. (If you had instituted a transparent, accountable and fair practice system that is principle-centred as per universal standards, no one would have an issue).
The government had never prevented the foreign press from covering elections. So, actually, there was and there will be foreign observers in the 13th GE. But the demand for foreign observers create the impression that the government is going to cheat. (Impressions do not count here; facts matter. So if you are not cheating why are you so afraid of even their very shadows lah, Tun? What is so difficult to say, “come one, come all; come and see for yourselves all; we have nothing to hide”?)
Now papers are being circulated on how to disrupt the 13th GE by alleging that the government is preventing voters from voting. The story of this action by government would be circulated via Twitter and uploaded on YouTube. (Aiya, you forget all the thuggish actions of your supporters bullying the rakyat when they come in droves to hear out Anwar Ibrahim).
Foreigners and some locals will assume that the defeat of the opposition is because of election fraud. Then there would be orchestrated demands that the election be declared null and void. There would be a call for new elections.(You know you are really good at insulting the thinking abilities of all those who are not in line with your thoughts and actions. Very sad!).
When the government refuses, then demonstrations would be held country wide. The demand would go on and on. If the government is strong, it will not give in. But the demonstrations would destabilise the country, putting it in a bad light, obstructing its progress and deterring investments by foreigners. (You seem to have a panacea for world disorder. But how come none of the nations want to subscribe? Can you not see how flawed your thoughts and predictions are? Maybe not, for you may be the very one behind all these chaos-creation. After all you are already showing it through your anointed Ibrahim Ali are you not?)
This is the way of Anwar. (If that is the way of Anwar, do not forget your addiction to that song “My Way”). If he cannot get what he wants, he will prevent others from getting it. (Thank you for echoing what is buried inside your soul too).
Malaysians who love their country and have lived a good life here must do their best to stop the disruption of the elections. (What good life Sir? Struggling with their pay packets to service their housing loan, car loan, medical bills, monthly expenditure, education loan – you call this “good life”? The fact that your anointed Najib is giving the rakyat RM1.39 a day to make ends meet is “good life”? You must be kidding).
We must make sure we put in place a strong government. If we have grouses, take them up after the 13th General Election. (No you are bloody wrong here, sorry to say. We will not take up our grouses “after” the elections. We shall take our grouses to the ballot box.)

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