
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Report card on Nong Chik

many-colours-one-dream75040_10152115835286758_955624824_nBy Singa Terhormat
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur is an upmarket residential area. It houses many political and corporate leaders, professionals and successful businessmen. Included amongst its residents is the FT Minister, Raja Nong Chik.
_A_As FT Minister, Raja Nong Chik is responsible for attending to the relevant needs of the people within FT and has included under him Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) to assist him in performing his duties.
Exactly how well has he performed in discharging his duties?
One would reasonably expect that with him living in TTDI and thus being present there regularly, if not daily, he would ensure that TTDI is well-managed by the authorities that answer to him, principally DBKL.
Seeing him always smiling one would think he is pleased with his performance.
I was however appalled during a recent visit to TTDI to visit an aunt, to find that TTDI is poorly managed.
There are illegal stalls operating everywhere and I understand from residents there that this has been going on for ages, with the authorities turning a ‘blind eye’ to them.
Rumour has it that some DBKL personnel are on a ‘retainer basis’ with these stall-holders and hence no action is taken against these stall-holders, despite many complaints by residents.
Illegal stalls
Some (repeat, some) of the numerous illegal stalls found in TTDI along pedestrian paths and back lanes.
'B__C__D_Why is this so, Nong Chik?
Are there those on the take?
There is a dire shortage of parking lots for motorists and to compound matters many of these illegal stalls operate from parking lots, thus reducing the number of available parking lots for motorists. They operate from the same parking lots each day without any hindrance from DBKL.
Why the dereliction of duty, Nong Chik?
Parking lots
Typical daily scenes of several TTDI parking lots.
_F__I__J_Chaotic parking
Parking has become so chaotic in TTDI that motorists park so haphazardly and in an inconsiderate manner and yet hardly any action is taken by the authorities.
Why, Nong Chik?
Double-parking throughout the day just 50 metres from DBKL’s branch office at TTDI.
Vehicles parked right around a junction causing a danger to others.
_O_Vehicles parked along the pedestrian pavement, forcing pedestrians onto the road. Incidentally, the jeep belongs to the Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri with “Hasil” painted on its side.
Back-lanes full of illegally-parked vehicles. How will Bomba gain access in the event of fire, Nong Chik?
_Q_Even a DBKL van is parked at a bus stop.
Illegal banners
Illegal banners pinned to trees seem to enjoy immunity. Clearly this is wrong, Nong Chik!
Scenes of uncollected rubbish
_T__U_Heck, even those involved in less than savoury activities get to promote themselves.
See the stencilled graffiti for massage services, Nong Chik?
Now, Nong Chik, seriously, should you not give priority to these matters, for which you are paid by the rakyat, rather than have spent the last few years campaigning at Lembah Pantai to take on Nurul Izzah?
Remember, responsibility and duty should come first before ambition.
At best I will give you a ‘D’ on your report card.
Yes, you failed.
- The People's Parliament

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