
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 5, 2013

The MCA Art of Deception

When it’s announced that I shall be standing in Raub, MCA mouthpieces made a big case out of some opposition to my candidacy. I don’t have to explain to MCA about what happened in Raub; the way they want to interpret the issue, should be grounds for them to expect an easy win then. Isn’t it good for them? I have already written- if my opponent is Dato Ho Khai Mun  , he is nice fellow. Let’s do battle in a civilized manner.If Khai Mun endorses this underhand tactic, I will be forced to reevaluate my perception of him as a gentleman.

Suddenly I am accused of being an extremist because it seems, I have demanded the government cease to fund Chinese schools. It’s impossible for me to have said that, because I have always maintained that language is an integral part of one’s culture that can never be destroyed. And when the Chinese see Chinese schools as the last bastion for safeguarding their culture, only supremacists would want to abolish it. It is impossible for me to quarrel with that.I am a democrat not a supremacist.

But let me turn the tables on them;  if only now that MCA raises this issue, this is another proof that the Chinese must REJECT MCA totally. They have not been vigilant in looking out for Chinese interest. Why support a Chinese party that is keener to play Uncle Tom to UMNO?

If I have said that when I was in UMNO, why didn’t the MCA stand up? Ti Lian ker or Ho Khai MUn would certainly pounce on me. Chua Soi Lek was brave to call an UMNO assemblyman mad when the latter proposed the adoption of Islamic law which has nothing to do with the Chinese. If I had said something that affects the Chinese directly, why didn’t the MCA protest vociferously?

The fact is, I did not even say that. Please show me the article and I will be glad to lecture the MCA people who raised the issue, a thing or two about comprehension. We learn this at Old School didn’t we? Two years ago, I think I wrote something asking where have all the Chinese children gone when enrolling in standard one? In one school in Galing Kuantan, I did not see Chinese children. So I offered my opinion.

To the Chinese, education has always been top priority otherwise how do you explain the voracious appetite of Chinese parents sending their children for all sorts of tuition? The refusal of Chinese parents in sending their children to National Schools is a searing indictment on the government on its abject failure to provide a good education system. Our schools are underequipped, staffed by inadequately trained teachers and most important of all fail consistently to provide good results. As a result, Chinese prefer to send children to Chinese schools where they produce superior results.

I said, if the government had succeeded in providing top class education in national schools, Chinese parents will be tripping over each other to send their children to the best schools. When this happens, Chinese medium schools will be less preferred. Government schools must still provide POL.

Now, can we understand the issue? Now let’s get back to the core issues.

The time to criticize the government is over. Now it is up for the people to judge without interference.  We know this. The majority is shouting ini kalilah. Beginning in Sabah, it has now spread all over Malaysia. Most of the Chinese visiting their ancestral graves the last two days, were saying ini kalilah. yes, please maintain that thought . if not you will be dihonouring the memory of your ancestors. please remember there is a leader from UMNO questioning the legality of your ancestors' citizenship. kick out the government. 

This is the time for us to leave darkness toward a real brighter future.

What kind of future? It is a future of good government. A good government made up of dedicated, committed and selfless individuals who put the interest of the people and country first. It is a government upholding the rule of law. It’s the rule of law that gives protection to the people from the rapaciousness and deception of BN leaders.

It will be a government where due empowerment is given to the institutions that safeguard democracy and to institutions that run the administration professionally.Start by rejecting representatives that behave like monkeys in parliament and the state assemblies.

It will be a government that re-establishes the civil service as a paragon for providing professional service free from corruption to the people. It will be a government where the judiciary will be independent and where aggrieved citizens seek justice and relief. It will not be a government where the judiciary serves the interests of the select few. The institutions that serve to provide citizens security from domestic and external threats must be allowed to operate independently and professionally.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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