
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 26, 2013

The People of Malaysia must throw off the yoke of Corruption and Deception!

You can clearly see the comedy behind it all. UMNO makes a big fuss of it being serious in wanting to haul Che Johan Che Pa before its disciplinary board headed by the ageing Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen. It declares pompously before this, that it will take tough action against Che Johan who backed out of his candidacy in Pasir Mas. As a result, Ibrahim Ali, the self-proclaimed fighter of the Malays, obtained a backdoor passage to get in as candidate.

UMNO people have got this strange fetish about getting in from the backdoor. For years, it has pedalled smut through the TV and media, turning innocent members of the public into accomplices to its Big Lie. Its main attention-grabbing storyline?  The science and art of anal sex.

Why should any intelligent and right thinking Malay abandons his own ability to allow Ibrahim Ali to become spokesman to champion his interests? Why should the Malay lawyer, the engineer, the professional who are all articulate, self-assertive and cerebrally more able, appoint Ibrahim as their representative? They dishonour themselves.

It was all part of a show, insulting the intelligence of ordinary members. It was all planned in an elaborate set up. UMNO could not field Ibrahim Ali directly fearing that it would offend the sensibilities of its BN partners and more so offending the feeling of its members. Ibrahim Ali has always been a subcontractor to UMNO for its sewage facilities from which all the filth and dirt emanates from.

The morale of the story: UMNO through the media industry it owns and manipulate and the industry’s practitioners which its cows and intimidates can do anything it pleases and will. It can turn black into white. The UMNO owned media suddenly comes out with the farfetched story that Che Johan Che Pa withdrew because it was all part of a strategic plan, to save Pasir Mas.

Save Pasir Mas from what? A Malay is going to win the seat. He comes from PAS. The Malay from PAS isn’t less Malay than the Malay in UMNO, so there is indeed, nothing to save Pasir Mas from. Pasir Mas needed to be saved from the evil political machinations and skulduggery of UMNO’s sewage standard politics.

In truth, Che Johan was likely to have been paid off either by UMNO or Ibrahim and he knows UMNO can’t win there. Che Johan was saving himself from humiliating defeat.

It follows from there, the all the image that UMNO has, all the image about its leaders are all media created. And that means they are all good imaginative stories bur they all a big lie.

So it’s a big lie that Najib is the leader of the only party that can manage this country. It’s a big lie that Naib is the leader of the party that is capable of protecting Malay interest. It’s also a big lie that Najib is leader of the party that can protect everything that is dear to the Malays. Equally true, all the things said about the opposition parties are also lies and deceit.

All Najib and BN have at the end of the day, to compensate for the big lie that it subjects the people to, is money to buy off the dignity of the people. The hard-pressed people in Raub, the title-less landowners, the TOL operators, the youths who are suddenly given land, these are all outright bribery. The sheer openness by which UMNO and BN shamelessly bribe the voters can only stem from UMNO and BN’s second nature- which is that UMNO and BN are congenitally corrupt.

This is a corrupt regime that we are replacing in favour of a good and better government. This is a government that rules by discretion not by the rule of law.

If land titles can be miraculously given now, why can’t they be given years ago? Answer. Then, there was no political will nor was there any direct political benefit. Now, there is political benefit and there is political will on the part of BN leaders.

Suddenly Ho Khai MUn and Shaharudin Moin and Aziz Kiram are giving out things which they are cannot because they don’t have the capacity. In what capacity can these people give out anything at all? They aren’t part of a legal government? They are all candidates like my comrades and I, who cannot promise anything which we do not have legal ownership of.

The people of Raub should throw off the yoke of the Big Lie and deceit which UMNO and BN operates on.  

Posted by sakmongkol AK47 

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