
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Waytha now the most hated Indian in M'sia, Uthaya stale: Can Jayathas' Hindraf 3.0 reunite the Indians?

Waytha now the most hated Indian in M'sia, Uthaya stale: Can Jayathas' Hindraf 3.0 reunite the Indians?
Just like BERSIH 1, 2 and 3, we also have HINDRAF 1, 2 and 3 but we cannot compare apple to apple on these two. For BERSIH, the cause was ‘the Rakyat’ all the way. It was truly for the rakyat (people), with the rakyat and always the rakyat at the core of its struggle. But for the HINDRAF, sad to say, its cause has been blemished by corrupted and self-centered individuals who knocked HINDRAF down to their low levels.
Today, as I was watching  a video recorded on April 23, 2013 showing Uthayakumar asking the people not to vote for BN at any cost, well, according to him that was the original struggle of HINDRAF against a biased and racist BN government.
Uthaya told of how he started the movement from his Law Office, and according to him, Waythamoorthy was not involved in any of  HINDRAF’s struggle. Waytha was just chairman of the Vivekananda Society, where members of the group would go on weekends to sing  bajans and mantras . That was all Waytha did because HINDRAF was just a 2-dollar company at that time.
Second fiddle and now the most-hated Indian in M'sia
Waytha was appointed HINDRAF chairman and played second fiddle role to his brother, Uthaya. And after Uthaya was jailed on November 25, 2007, Waytha  hijacked HINDRAF from him and began communicating for the founder members who were by then mostly already behind bars. Waytha put on a false act to convince everyone that he was the HINDRAF leader.
From then on till the day Waytha stepped back onto Malaysian soil, he made people believe that he was the true and original leader of HINDRAF. He lied, fasted and told the people that he was fighting for the Blueprint to make poor Indians life better. According to Uthayakumar, the Blueprint was his idea which was also hijacked by his sibling. Accused of being a paid mercenary, Waytha convinced  his followers that signing the MOU with BN is the best option for the Indians.
Here he also fooled Najib and BN because the only followers he had were a couple of old lieutenants like Ganesan and the people from his old Vivekanada Society who sing bajans on weekends. No wonder’ to make the crowd he chose the Vivekananda Hall, where all his society people would be there. But even so BN and Najib agreed to sign the agreement with HINDRAF 2, not the original HINDRAF 1 which Uthayakumar is in charge of. So Uthayakumar is the one with the larger following of real HINDRAF 1 supporters, and this can be seen wherever Uthaya goes and talks.
Today because Waytha has very few followers, we can see the impact on Facebook and the New Media where he is constantly bashed. Not a day goes when he is not cursed upon. He is just like how Samy Velu was in 2008, the most hated Indian in Malaysia, so much so he was forced into retirement by UMNO. Did Najib and BN make a haste mistake on Waythamoorthy? Or did they do their sums and make the plunge anyway? It's just like the forgotten Thenindran from Makkal Shakti all over again. Looks like Waythamoorthy will go the way of Thenindran soon, he will be written off by BN and the Indians.
Hindraf 3: Can it reinvigorate the Indians
As of for HINDRAF 1, the struggle continues. Uthayakumar  with his HRP Party is vying a seat in Parliament at Kota Raja (P111) in Klang. I sincerely hope HINDRAF 1 will continue to fight for marginalized Indians even if Uthayakumar loses in his bid for Parliament. Although not reviled like his brother, Uthaya is stale and there is suspicion the two may be playing good guy-bad guy with both BN and PR just so Uthaya can win the Port Klang seat.
HINDRAF 3 is already in force, formed about 2 weeks ago by S Jayathas who is the original founder of HINDRAF 1 and currently  with PKR. He has grouped some of the early members of HINDRAF 1 to form the 3rd group. His grouse is with Waytha whom he believes had hijacked HINDRAF 1 for his personal gain. How Jayathas will fare with HINDRAF 3 is yet to be seen.
So now we have 3 HINDRAFs with 3-founder leaders. Are the Indians - the tens of thousands that supported HINDRAF in its heyday - still with HINDRAF?  I for one will never forget the original HINDRAF. Our original cause was to make this racist government fall. We will have the answer on May 5. Then we will know whether HINDRAF is alive and kicking. And kicking ass too!
Malaysia Chronicle

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