
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 19, 2013

Waytha, who are the ‘mandores’ now?

FREE YOURSAY ‘Waytha, we Indians may be poor but not stupid. Najib is smart to put Zulkifli Noordin-like candidates to sabotage whatever promises made to you.’
LittleGiant: It is a black day for the Indian Malaysian community. But for P Waythamoorthy, the Hindraf chairperson, yesterday must be the happiest day in his life. 

However, what is signed by Najib Razak, the caretaker PM and BN chairperson, is only an MOU (memorandum of understanding).

If this is what Waythamoorthy was "negotiating" with BN and thinks that he has achieved "something great" for the Indian community, then he is without doubt a real moron. 

And he has the nerve to urge the Indians to return BN its two-thirds majority in Parliament. Anyway, Waythamoorthy and his Hindraf are welcomed to join the dirty world of politics, especially BN politics.
Milosevic: Waytha, since you think the BN can do so much for you, I can see why you want the party to win. But what is the import of wanting two-thirds majority in Parliament? 

Other than echoing the wishes of your new master, what constitutional changes would you like to see in the country that would benefit the Indians? What assurances have you received from Najib? 

Is BN going to give Indians special privileges under the constitution? Is Najib going to recognise Hinduism as the official religion, perhaps with the backing of Perkasa vice-president Zulkifli Noordin?

I hope you have extracted a good price from BN, if not for the Indians, then at least for yourself and your hanger-ons.

Odysseus: Waytha, where are the seats you demanded from Pakatan Rakyat? You got nothing tangible to show to the Indians other than words from Najib. 

Since you don't learn from history, I am sad to say you have not only sold your soul to the devil but the livelihood of all Indians in this country. 

The Indians will not forgive you for what you have done. I sincerely hope they will see what you are up to and vote the party which can make a difference in their life.
Quigonbond: Facts: 

1. Hindraf 18 points contained demands that borders on sedition. 

2. Pakatan won't touch the 18 points with a 10-foot pole for good reason. 

3. DAP declared and committed to a scheme of Indian community improvement covering at least 14 of the 18 points. 

4. Hindraf rejects DAP move and decries plagarism (I'm still wondering why this is a bad thing). 

5. Hindraf signs MOU with BN, declares BN has the Indian community's best interest. 

6. But MOU is not worth the paper it's written on if BN retains power but does worse than 2008 - it means Najib has to step down and his promises are not PM-in-waiting Muhyiddin Yassin's promises. 

Hindraf supporters should look at these facts with eyes wide open. 

To me, it is impossible for anyone to argue that the BN deal is better than the Pakatan deal as there is simply no deal with BN, while Pakatan's manifesto will address poverty issues (amongst others) of all races including the Indian community. 

I'm afraid Hindraf has sold out the Indian community.
Retnam: When Hindraf adviser N Ganesan boasted earlier that Najib is signing the blueprint, one thought that Hindraf really pulled off something great. Now the blueprint has morphed into a MOU. What an anti-climax.

Notice something? There was no enthusiasm in Waytha when he gave the speech urging Indians to give a two-thirds majority to BN. 

Those who remember the fiery passionate speeches this same Waytha gave in 2007 will notice what a pale shadow he has become. He himself does not believe in this MOU.

Ferdtan: Next, Waythamoorthy will campaign for Indian/Hindu basher, Zulkifli Noordin, the BN candidate for Shah Alam. If not, Waytha, how can BN get two-thirds majority in Parliament? 
Kingfisher: It appears that this is the season for millions of Indian Malaysians to be persuaded by common desperation to hang down their head in shame considering the action undertaken by Hindraf ‘on their behalf’. 

And victory to the caretaker PM, who merely two days after nominating Zulkifli Noordin, has succeeded in gaining the approval and loyalty of Hindraf. 

But someone was heard whispering in Brickfields that the silent majority of Indians are a more formidable lot, capable of chasing with the hunter and running with the hare.

Vgeorgemy: Waythamoorthy, we Indians may be poor but not stupid. Fifty years of MIC’s participation in BN didn’t bring much benefit to the Indians compared to the development achieved by the country. 

What is the reason for sudden acceptance of separate blueprints and separate departments in the PM’s Office by BN? We still believe Pakatan’s policies assist the Indian community much more than Indian-centric policies proposed by you.

Najib is smart to put Zulkifli Noordin-like candidates to sabotage whatever promises made to you.

Kee Thuan Chye: Malaysiakini must highlight the fact that in inking the deal, Najib must fulfil the undertaking to let Hindraf administer its proposed Ministry of Minority Affairs. 

This is integral to the Hindraf blueprint. Is Najib aware of this point? It's never been done before - to let an NGO to be in charge of an entire ministry!
Bender: Our Indian brothers and sisters should learn how to differentiate between people who genuinely want to help and those who want to take advantage of the community. 

For 55 years, Indians have been systematically sidelined by BN and now, just because Najib made a mouthful of sweet talk, and because some Indian leaders are frustrated with Pakatan for not granting them their wish, the whole of Indian people will again fall into the same trap. 

What evidence is there that says BN is the only one which can take care of the welfare of Indians? If there is any as I haven't seen one.

Seriously, my Indian brothers and sisters, please wake up and stop letting other people make decisions for you.

SusahKes: For all the hunger strike drama, this is what it comes to.

I don’t know who's the bigger fool - Waytha for thinking that this will help seal the deal for Indians whom he purportedly represents, or Najib for thinking that another ‘I help you, you help me’ deal would get him two-thirds majority. 

Wathya could no longer claim the moral ground in Indian socio-economic issues. Practically all right-thinking people see him as selling out. What a sad conclusion to a person who couldn't see through the journey.

TehTarik: The truth has finally come out. Wathya must have struck a deal withe BN before he returned from London. That is why he was so readily handed a passport. 

The so-called hunger strike at a temple was a farce. People like him, with no conscience or principle, are even willing to be untruthful in the eyes of God.
Changeagent: Waythi, good luck with doing deals with the same evil regime that imposed a four-year ban on Hindraf until Jan 26 this year.

The hands that inhumanely threw tear gas and sprayed chemical-laced water at you in Jalan Ampang on that fateful day in November 2007 now wants to shake your hands. Better the devil you know, right?

Headhunter: Look at the number of response from Malaysiakini commenters - nearly 500! And all negative. This says a lot on Waytha's decision to tag along with the BN.
Just_A_Rakyat: Now you know why the Indians are left behind, they are been betrayed by their own kind. Not one once, not twice but every time. - Malaysiakini

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