
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 21, 2013

When is a MOU a legally-binding document?

YOURSAY 'And there it is - the proof we have been waiting for: That Hindraf is only seeking to be the new ‘mandore' for the Indians.'

Najib pact unimaginable and historic, says Waytha

your sayLittleGiant: There is absolutely nothing "historic" in that deal between Hindraf and BN. Yes, it is "unimaginable" not because Hindraf leader P Waythamoorthy thinks it is a marvelous achievement but only because he can utter so much nonsense to defend that stupid deal.

To say that Hindraf does not care who rules the country as long as the Indians are "taken care" and get what they want is a horrid statement, taken straight out from the gutters, by Waytha.

Isn't this what racism all about? Does he think that Indian Malaysians are so uncouth that they do not care about other races in the country? How can Hindraf be so audacious to make such irrational statements and embarrass Indian Malaysians?

Waytha can go blabber anything he wants to defend Hindraf's so-called "historic" deal with BN. It is Umno, not BN, that will decide the fate of the MOU (memorandum of understanding).

Without doubt, Hindraf has pawned the dignity of the Indian Malaysian community to Umno. It now has no choice but to literally beg Umno to honour its ‘deal'. Good luck.

Gerard Lourdesamy: The MOU is "unimaginable" because it is not legally binding on BN and it is "historic" because of the betrayal of Indians by this faction of Hindraf.

Let's examine the "great" MOU that has now saved us Indians from 56 years of misery under Umno-BN. It contains nothing new but broad promises that were previously made by BN chief Najib Razak to the Indians on previous occasions and also in the BN manifesto.

No mention about quotas, the elimination of discrimination and racism, and ending custodial deaths amongst Indians. No guarantees for Indians in terms of loans, credits, scholarships and jobs. So what is so historic about this MOU?

Does Najib have the backing of Umno and the BN to implement policy changes and enact laws to help the Indians? After GE13, if BN wins big because of the stupidity of Hindraf, the MOU will be discarded just like the Suqui memorandum in 1999.

Then the Indians can sit and weep. The Indians must be wiser and vote against BN for a better future and not for ‘crutches' from Umno.

Anonymous #58815597: I don't understand how a MOU would become a binding agreement. Waythamoorthy, ask your lawyer brother whether this piece of paper is of any worth.

You also didn't mention about the two matters regarding human rights you conveniently left out in this MOU with BN, but which you insisted in your negotiations with Pakatan Rakyat. So suddenly human rights is not important to you.

Aries46: It now dawns that Waytha did strike a deal with Umno-BN when he was waved in through the ‘green lane' at the Causeway. His nationwide tour to drum up support for Hindraf appears to have been done with the full blessings of Umno-BN.

I suppose his blueprint negotiations with Pakatan were a charade as well and he deliberately scuttled it with his outlandish demand for electoral seats.

His aborted hunger strike too appears to be a ‘sandiwara' to create an avenue for Najib to come in as the saviour because suddenly their demand for electoral seats, their point of contention with Pakatan, seem to have evaporated.

At one point, Waytha even demanded that Pakatan facilitate his people to take on all MIC candidates.

Today in the name of the Indian poor he defends and justifies 56 years of Indian suppression and marginalisation by Umno as a mistake, calls for a two-thirds majority for his masters and sleeps with the ‘mandores' in MIC. Any wonder why Indians have been deserting Hindraf in numbers?

Tiru: "He (Waythamoorthy) said it did not matter if the country was ruled by ‘Ravana or Rama', the villain and the hero."

Do you know the what Rama and Rawana portray? So you are willing to sell your soul to the devil to get immediate rewards, not knowing your soul now belongs to the devil and the devil will come to get his reward at some particular time.

In other words, I am sure you don't mind giving money to a corrupt officer as long as you get whatever you want. Please don't talk nonsense purportedly on behalf of the Indian community. Talk for yourself.

This is supposedly a free country. You can sell your soul to anybody. But please don't sell our soul too, especially mine. You cannot get me to support BN and I sure there are many more like me. Look at yourself in the mirror and see whether you like what you see.

Hotsy Totsy: Hindraf never can play the role of a ‘mandore'. ‘Mandores' are supervisors who cannot decide on any action but to wait for orders from the higher-ups. Hindraf has no superior to order them.

They joined forces with BN because Pakatan is arrogant till the last day when Hindraf leaders went to PKR headquarters. Hindraf has no choice but to get the blueprint signed.

Whose arrogance was that, that made Hindraf to join BN. There is no point crying over spilt milk. It's fait accompli as Pakatan is too overconfident of victory and disdained the approach of Hindraf. The die is cast, and we shall wait for the outcome of GE13.

Mushiro: So now Hindraf can forgive Umno for all the Indian deaths in police custody, the lack of scholarships for Indian students, the lack of government business to Indians, the lack of jobs in civil service, the ‘pendatang' issues, the stateless Indians...

Indians have been punished for 56 years by Umno and MIC, and yet Hindraf is high on Najib.

Azizi Khan: And there it is - the proof we have been waiting for: That Hindraf is only seeking to be the new ‘mandore' for the Indians and to take over from MIC.

We suspected it all along when it was pushing its agenda and now it's proven. Hindraf is willing to prostitute itself to BN, so how can it serve Indian Malaysians? - Malaysiakini

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