
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 8, 2013

Which would you buy - original or pirated copy?

YOURSAY 'Those who produce the original ideas are more likely to produce more good ideas and also implement them.'

Pakatan: BN took a leaf from our manifesto

your sayAnonymous_3f4b: In politics, everything is up for sale. Pakatan Rakyat introduced their manifesto first, but in such a hurry and in an unrefined manner that it missed out several key areas.

Why the rush? BN has capitalised on this oversight and has painstakingly produced a manifesto which rightly or wrongly adopted and improvised on much of Pakatan's ideas. It is now up to Pakatan to up the ante and counter BN.

Which manifesto is more credible and practical, that does not drain the country's resources yet lead to wealth creation, socio-economic betterment and lifts the country's standing in all fields?

These will be evaluated by the discerning electorate who will vote accordingly.

Ghkok: If BN is copying the original ideas of Pakatan, then voters should vote based on the following criteria:

1) The original is always better than the pirated copy.

2) The credibility of the people who proposed the original idea is always better than the pirates.

3) The people who produce the original idea are more likely to produce even more good ideas compared to the pirates.

4) The people who produce the original idea are more likely to implement those ideas than the pirates.

Vote wisely - it is your responsibility.

FellowMalaysian: BN's manifesto for GE13 is nothing short of the works of con artistes like the master duplicators of Renaissance art pieces.

An important document such as the party's manifesto is a charter that will reveal how well-prepared and how serious the party's leaders have delved into the important aspects of managing and running the country in the next five years.

BN's crude and hurried effort displayed a surprising dire lack of originality, all the more coming from an incumbent government which has ruled the country continuously the past 55 years.

Many of its contents are copied brazenly and shamelessly from Pakatan's well-received effort and this displayed a dearth of new ideas and new imaginations coming out of BN's well-heeded leaders.

We, the rakyat, can only conclude that the scant and disappointing effort put up by BN reeks of little will and interest to lead the country towards become a successful first-world nation but rather to plunder away its wealth.

Onyourtoes: We cannot have a market economy and eat it too. Any form of government intervention into the working of an economy can only be for the short-term to correct temporary imbalances.

The root causes to the problems faced by the Malaysian economy today are twofold; first, we have too much government intervention on matters that should be left to the private sector and second, we have too little intervention on matters when the government should be playing the lead role.

This is our moronic irony, which is much related to cronyism through privatising profit and socialising liabilities.

Bijan: BN spent more than an hour launching its manifesto and whacking Pakatan. Question: Can a caretaker government use state-owned media to campaign?

Why only give Pakatan 10 minutes of airtime for a recorded manifesto speech when BN has unlimited time? Indeed, BN is not professional - they should have launched their manifesto without walloping other parties. And they should give others a chance to rebut them on air.

BN have always said Pakatan has no experience to govern the country, but in actual fact BN has copied Pakatan's manifesto - meaning that BN, although having ruled for five decades, still has no idea on how to manage the country. What say you, Najib?

If BN wins, the GST (goods and services tax) will be implemented, petrol prices might go up further depending on the world market, tolls will increase over time in accordance with the contracts already signed, electricity and water will definitely increase over time, etc.

BN has over the decades claimed that they can't reduce car prices. So why suddenly it says it can it do it? Is it because it has learnt something from the Pakatan newbies, whom it claims do not have the experience to govern the country?

Kheng: BN claims the Pakatan manifesto will bankrupt the country. But it is now selling the same to Malaysians? How to give our votes to BN?

Oh, so BN is promising to set up more courts to eradicate corruption? With a toothless Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and selective prosecution, the courts will be nothing more than white elephants.

Clever voter: While the manifesto of both parties may be similar, there are differences in the quality of delivery, governance and transparency.

Don't forget, BN's DNA has not changed. They are still made up of the same crooked, self-serving and greedy individuals. BN forgets that trust and credibility cannot be won overnight despite its massive campaigns.

GE 13: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. BN likes Pakatan's ideas and so copied them. What's wrong if BN wins and delivers the same?

Tim'sTime: The priority should not be the MRT (Mass Railway Transit) but education and free hospitalisation, increase income tax of those who earn over RM200,000 a year and exempt those who earn less than 40,000 a year.

All corporate tax should increase by another five percent on companies which have profits exceeding RM10 million a year. This will balance up income disparity.

Hmmmmmmmm: Some commentators have said that Pakatan shouldn't complain about BN plagiarising their manifesto because they did the same with Hindraf's blueprint. There is a big difference in both cases.

In Hindraf's case, they demanded that their blueprint be adopted in total when Pakatan tried to reword parts of it. This led to DAP taking 14 items out of their blueprint as is. So how does that make it plagiarism?

In BN's case, they criticised Pakatan's manifesto and went round the whole country saying that Pakatan's manifesto will bankrupt the country. Now they are using a large part of it in their own manifesto. What do you call it then?

R1: That's why BN is all talk. It called Pakatan's manifesto populist. But its own (which was developed much later) is even more populist.

NuckinFuts: Clearly, this is a Proton Saga manifesto; take someone's car and put its badge on it. - Malaysiakini

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