
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Zulkifli Noordin: Kissing and the Bearer of Dirt

I have previously written about Zulkifli Noordin, the people’s choice in 2008 for Member of Parliament for the constituency of Kulim Bandar Baru.  Like his Master Ibrahim Ali in the Malay Superiority Movement Perkasa, Zul is a party-hopper.

In May 2008 he won on a PKR (opposition, “justice” party) ticket; prior to joining PKR, he had been a member of PAS (opposition, “Islamic” party).   In February 2010 he was sacked by PKR and became an independent because he couldn’t tow the party line on the Allah issue and he constantly criticized the Chief Minister of Penang, Lim Guan Eng.

In May 2013 he’s running for the office of Member of Parliament in Shah Alam under the banner of Barisan Nasional (BN), the alliance of race-based parties which worship Umno.

Zul likes to present himself as a spokesman for Islam.  He does this by wearing a Haji hat and spewing untruths and half-truths about those who differ from him and about those who are not Muslims.  You can read my expose of Zul’s ignorant rants about the Bible here.

Zul has been an M.P. for 5 years, brandishing his own version of Islam – which does often seem like the official Umno-Government of Malaysia version of Islam.

Zul is a lawyer who has no respect for the law: he opposes the judgment of the High Court in the Allah case, just like Umno-BN does.  The Constitution of Malaysia is, to him, no more than a hammer to smash into pulp those who disagree with his personal opinions.

Zul is in the news again: this time for being kissed by an alleged Hindu.  Zul is in bed with Hindraf, a group which claims to be the voice of Hindus in Malaysia.  The person who arranged the liaison is the leader of Umno, the chief idol of the regime which rules Malaysia.

The story of the Zul kiss is particularly relevant because of the emergence of a video clip in which Zul mocks the idols which are so central to Hindus.  You can read about it here.

Our honourable Prime Minister – who has just returned from yet another pilgrimage to Mecca – appealed to the Zul-kiss as evidence that Indians have now warmed up to Zul.  (The “1Malaysia” PM is still unable to distinguish between Indians and Hindus.)

Our PM says Zul’s his man and should be ours too.  According to Malaysiakini, the PM said Zul has vowed to take care of the welfare of Indians in the constituency into which he has been brought by Umno to stand against the incumbent, Khalid Samad (PAS).

In a column titled Reject Zulkifli Noordin in The Malaysian Insider, Uthaya Sankar SB, a Media Professional and Political Analyst, wrote that Zul is a racist, fanatic, ethnocentric, and ultra busy-body who busies himself with disrupting other religions and races (in Malay: rasis, fanatik, etnosentrik dan ultra kiasu serta menghina agama/kaum lain.)

After urging the people of Shah Alam to vote against Zul, Uthaya went on to say:

“I also urge Malaysians of all races to “punish” the MIC (the Malaysian Indian Congress, a member of Najib’s alliance) which has failed to effectively represent Indians despite constantly beating its chest and claiming to fight for Indians.  Every vote for an MIC candidate is the same as a vote encouraging politicians who attack Indians and Hindus.  If you don’t punish such offenders, they will continue to do as they please without any concern about the sensitivity of the people.”

I agree with Uthaya, and I go further.  I ask: why is Zul the Prime Minister’s choice for the constituency of Shah Alam?

Even Umno members must be wondering why, since Zul has not even signed up as a member of Umno.

I suspect the what Zul brings to Selangor (the place where Teoh Beng Hock’s blood was shed) is dirt.  Dirt he gathered during his days in PAS and PKR.

Najib and Umno-BN know how much dirt there is about them.  Here’s my quick list:

  1. Anwar’s false prosecutions
  2. Attacks on citizens who participate in BERSIH
  3. Deaths in custody
  4. Ex-Selangor Chief Minister Toyo’s mansion
  5. Failure to respect the decisions of the courts
  6. Heist of the Perak State Assembly
  7. Judicial manipulation
  8. Mahathir’s citizenships for foreigners
  9. Muhyiddin’s real 1Malay versus Najib’s fictitious 1Malaysia
  10. Port Klang misappropriation of funds
  11. Port Klang State Assemblyman Zakaria Mt Deros’ mansion,
  12. Rape of aboriginal and native rights
  13. Shahrizat’s cows
  14. Taib Mahmud’s rape of Sarawak
  15. Water crisis created by Langat 2 investors

Najib and Umno-BN know there are many disgruntled Umno-BN members who are ready to reveal more dirt.  Just look at the number of Umno people who are running as independents!

Najib and Umno-BN need Zul’s bag of dirt in order to win back Selangor.  They also need his ill-informed rants about Christians and the use of the name of God.

Will the people of Shah Alam vote for Zul?  What’s his platform anyway?  What has he done in Kulim Bandar Baru?.  What “performance” has he demonstrated in Najib’s “People first, performance now” Malaysia?  What will he “expose” about the incumbent, Khalid Samad?  Will Zul win because of his hat and his incendiary rants about race and non-Muslims?

On 05 May 2013, we will have numbers which show what kind of people live in Shah Alam, in the nation Umno-BN has shaped in 56 years of rule.  Who will be the new "people's choice"?

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