
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Another Umno man wants Chinese schools abolished for sake of national unity

Umno claims that Chinese schools are promoting disunity in the country. - The Malaysian Insider pic, October 7, 2014.Umno claims that Chinese schools are promoting disunity in the country. - The Malaysian Insider pic, October 7, 2014.AlHabshee today reiterated the call by his party members in urging the government to abolish vernacular schools and to set up a single-stream school system which, he said, could help in fostering national unity in the country.
He said Malaysia was probably the only country in the world that still practiced a multi-stream education system, which is a breeding ground for racial discord.
"Maybe it's time that the Malaysian government abolish vernacular schools which is seen as the platform in creating the thickening racist sentiments among the people," he said in a blog posting today.
"Single-stream schools, however, could be an element in uniting the people of multiple races in the country.
"I hope the leaders in component parties can see that the setting up of such an education system is the way to create a single identity for the people of Malaysia without looking at race," said Syed Ali.
He was referring to MCA Religious Harmony Bureau chairman Datuk Ti Lian Ker who wanted an Umno leader to be investigated for sedition over his call to abolish Chinese schools.
Umno Petaling Jaya Utara division deputy head Mohamad Azli Mohamed Saad had earlier said that the party's general assembly next month should debate whether Chinese vernacular schools should be abolished.
This, he said, was because Chinese schools were being used by the opposition to breed racial and anti-government sentiments.
Ti had slammed Azli for his comments, saying that the latter's call contravened the Federal Constitution and Barisan Nasional’s spirit of inclusiveness.
Syed Ali said he regretted Ti's reaction to Azli's statements, saying that he should have picked a better channel to slam Azli.
"This is to avoid what he said to be misconstrued by others who had their own political agenda."
He said today, that should Umno discuss the matter in its general assembly, it did not mean that the party intends to be a "hero" but that it prioritised the issue of unity among the people.
"It has been Umno's struggle since it was set up in 1946 to do whatever it takes to ensure that the people of all races in the country lived in peace and were defended appropriately," he added.
"When I defend single-stream schools, it does not mean that Umno wants to betray or be cruel to any race in the country. On the contrary, Umno feels that only a single-stream education system can bring about national unity.
"This is because schools play a role that is wider in educating and making students appreciate national unity."
He said that single-stream schools was also not to kill the mother-tongue of other races, but they could also learn those languages in national schools.
He singled out neighbouring Singapore, a Chinese-majority country which uses a single-stream education system, saying that it has managed to foster national unity among the people of different races there.
"And in that country, they do not have any Chinese-medium schools," he added.
Meanwhile, former MCA president Tan Sri Dr Chua Soi Lek said it was naive for anyone to believe that a single-stream education system would create unity in Malaysia.
"Blaming Chinese education for disunity sounds like a desperate politician unable to understand the underlying cause of disunity in a multi-racial country.
"There are many examples in the world that in a mono-ethnic country with same religion and mother tongue but they are the most disunited people," he said, adding there were "deeper issues" involved in disunity.
He said that the issue of abolishing vernacular schools is an old one that is often used by politicians from both sides of the political divide to "make them look great and good".
"Unfortunately, Umno politicians seem to take the bait, hook, line and sinker.
"Mother tongue education will not be an issue and the opposition will have no opportunity to exploit it if the government gives adequate, equal and fair treatment to the Chinese education without neglecting Bahasa Melayu.
"So, hopefully some Umno divisional leaders will wake up, this issue will not bring any benefit, both to the party and in the general election. It is the intolerance and refusal to accept the different stream of education that causes us more ethnic tension," he added.

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