
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 6, 2014

Bad weather hampers search for missing Malaysian gunship, says Navy chief

Navy chief Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar says rough seas and bad weather are hampering the search for the missing gunship. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, October 6, 2014.Navy chief Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar says rough seas and bad weather are hampering the search for the missing gunship. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, October 6, 2014.
Rough weather off Sabah this morning is hampering the search efforts for missing Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) gunship CB204, said Navy chief Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.
Using his handle, @ChiefofNavy, he tweeted at 8.30am: "CB204: Keadaan Laut bergelora (State 5) serta 'low rain clouds' menyukarkan pencarian oleh kapalx n pesawat Beechcraft dlm Op SAR."
(Choppy waters (State 5) and low rain clouds were making the search and rescue operation for CB204 by ships and the Beechcraft plane difficult.)
Twitter users are now tweeting about the missing ship with #prayforCB204, expressing their disbelief as well as praying for the safety of the crew.
Maira Elizabeth Nari, the teenage daughter of MAS chief steward onboard missing flight MH370, tweeted: "Omg, no! Why is this happening? Haih. I hope they're all fine and can be found. #prayforCB204"
aien landrigan tweeted: "semoga semuanya dipermudahkan, semoga mereka dilindungiNya. amen #PrayForCB204" (May all be made easy. May they be protected by God. Amen.)
Another Twitter user, Ikhlas wrote in his tweet: "Let us all @ChiefofNavy #PrayForCB204 safe return please."
Aziz also tweeted his thanks for the prayers and encouragement to the navy posted by netizens on Twitter.
It was reported that the combat ship with a crew of seven lost contact with an escort ship when it was sailing to a navy station on the Layang-Layang atoll off Sabah.
The CB90 ship, which was assigned to operate from RMN Station Five on the atoll, lost communication with the escort vessel KD Paus at 11.15am yesterday some six hours after it left the RMN base in Kota Kinabalu.
He said the incident occurred during bad weather around Pulau Mengalum and a search operation was mounted by the navy together with the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA).
Bernama reported that the crew of seven on board CB204 was headed by Lt Azri Bakar.

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