
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dogs are better for people than some people

Man's best friend is called that for good reason.
i want to touch a dogA programme to educate the masses about the joy of simply touching a dog is possibly one of the best things to happen around these parts in a while, but now it is made to look like some kind of illegal gathering punishable under one or another of our draconian laws. It is scrutinized from every possible angle to squeeze every drop of political mileage from it.
Yes, make no mistake, all this hullabaloo is nothing more than political games, engineered to make one party look like a supreme authority.
It seems like we’ve forgotten that dogs have one nickname that’s stood by them throughout history: man’s best friend.
A common theory is that dogs evolved specifically to become our companions. As our ancestors befriended wolves, they began breeding the ones with the best traits—friendly, loyal, trainable—and those wolves eventually became the multitude of dogs we see everywhere today.
The dog is known as the first domesticated animal in history, and remains a staple companion for hunting, herding, protection and so on.
A dog is loyal. It gives love unconditionally. And it asks for nothing more than a roof over it’s head, food to eat, and your companionship.
hachikoA story that exemplifies best the loyalty of a dog is probably the story of Hachiko, who remains immortalized as a statue at Shibuya Station, Japan, where the loyal canine waited every day for his owner, professor Hidesaburo Ueno, for nine years after the professor’s death by cerebral haemorrhage. Hachiko, an Akita Inu, is honoured as a symbol of loyalty every April 8 with a solemn ceremony at the station.
Ah, but the stories do not end there. Countless cases have been reported of dogs saving their human friends in times of need, without regard to their own safety. Take Angel, an 18-month old Golden Retriever who saved 11-year-old Austin Forman from attack by a cougar by fighting off the large feline until a policeman could arrive to put the cougar down. The boy’s mother testified that Angel, despite being wounded in the attack, “walked to Austin, sniffed him to make sure he was alright, then sat down.”
Or the unnamed dog of Jason and Heather Breiding, who saved their daughter from a kitchen fire gone wrong. As Jason tried to put out the fire, Heather escaped out of the house with their son, but neither realized that their daughter was not out of harm’s way. When Jason realized he couldn’t put out the fire, he ran outside to his wife and children, but then realized their daughter, Samara, was still inside. Thankfully, their hound picked up the girl by her diaper and brought her to the family.
Of course, some may chalk this down to mere survival instinct for a pack animal. But did you know that a dog can be trained to dial 911 should its owner suffer a seizure? Kevin Weaver’s beagle, Belle, did exactly as she was trained to do when Weaver suffered a seizure and collapsed. Weaver, a diabetic, had collapsed due to his extremely low blood sugar levels and it was thanks to Belle that paramedics could come to his aid at that critical moment. This led to Belle being awarded the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award, the very first canine to be so honoured.
Additionally, dogs like Belle can be trained to detect abnormalities in a person’s blood sugar levels with their sharp sense of smell. By licking a person’s nose, trained dogs can sense the abnormality and will paw and whine at their owner until the owner realizes something is wrong. And according to Kevin Weaver, his dog Belle hasn’t been wrong yet.
happy-dogStray dogs have also been known to save total strangers. In Nairobi, Kenya, an abandoned baby was found when eyewitnesses saw the dog carrying the baby, who was wrapped in a plastic bag, across a road and through a broken fence. The baby was found among a stray dog’s litter of puppies, with the mother dog watching over the human baby just as lovingly as if it was one of her own pups. The baby had been left out in the Leanna forest for approximately two days, without water or food, and her umbilical cord was infected. If not for the compassion of a stray dog, she would have never been found and would have died in that forest.
In Australia, a stray dog attacked Rhys Clayton, who allegedly was beating his partner and had dragged her out onto the street. The dog bit Clayton in the back, forcing him to let go of his partner.
And then there’s the story from Poland about a little girl named Julia, who became lost after she wandered into a forest near her home. A stray black dog that she had befriended alerted rescuers to her location, and had even stayed with Julia throughout the night, which kept her warm in the freezing cold.
There is very little that is certain in this world, but one thing we’re certain of is that dogs are our steadfast companions, and they have only brought us good. Their very presence helps alleviate anxiety, according to some studies, and people with dogs are less susceptible to minor illnesses. It does indeed seem as if there is no area of our life in which dogs cannot do good.
Truly, most dogs make better people than most people living on this earth. We are selfish, unkind, and petty, but our dogs accept us just as we are, and they show us unconditional affection and love despite our imperfections. Perhaps, we could learn more from our canine friends instead of deriding them as unclean. It would doubtless teach us to be better human beings than we are now.
And with that, we wish you a very happy Deepavali. And remember to be kind this festive season. Woof, woof!

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